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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday May 3rd at 1600hrs to Monday May 6th at 0800hrs for your info:

201 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 robbery with weapon 
• 2 assault with weapon/causing bodily harm (weapon - BBQ tools, fists) 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 6 assault investigations 
• 1 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 0 assault on police officer 
• 5 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 0 sudden death investigations 
• 3 missing persons (all located) 
• 1 criminal harassment investigations 
• 1 break & enter (residence) 
• 2 possible impaired drivers 
• 9 collisions; 4 property damage reportable, 5 non reportable 
• 1 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 8 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 3 persons related to mental health 
• 0 vehicle reported stolen 
• 1 theft from vehicle 
• 3 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 2 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 2 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 11 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 8 false alarms 
• 8 assistance general public 
• 8 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 13 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 8 disturbing the peace 
• 15 municipal by-laws 
• 1 fire prevention 
• 19 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1091
911 calls - 520
Fire - 62
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1358

Woman faces charge
A Moncton woman will be charged with armed robbery after an incident at a local business Tuesday afternoon. Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault says police received a panic alarm from the Second Edition clothing boutique at 215 Park St. in Moncton around 3:30 p.m. Officers responded and found the suspect outside the store. The woman had threatened staff with a syringe but no one was hurt and she was given no cash. She was held for a court appearance yesterday afternoon. Jasmine Cavanaugh, 37, waived her right to a bail hearing and will return to court on May 15 for plea.

Gun in jail prompts serious questions: We say: Discovery of a weapon in Moncton jail cells calls for review of security measures
The recent discovery of a pistol-style BB gun in a holding cell at the downtown Moncton courthouse is shocking enough, but the chain of apparent complacency that allowed what could have been a concealed lethal weapon to be carried into a high-security area poses serious questions. As reported in the Times &Transcript yesterday, the BB pistol was stuffed down the pants of a man who was arrested by Codiac RCMP. Somehow, the man made it through the initial arrest and transfer to the courthouse and possibly through an actual appearance in a courtroom without the weapon being detected - until it was finally found by a janitor cleaning the holding cell. Many BB pistols look like real handguns, feel like real handguns and weigh as much as real handguns. Most are powered by a small compressed air canister and fire small metal BBs. They are not considered firearms under Canadian law unless they are used in the commission of a criminal act. However, the fact that highly trained professional police officers and security personnel at the courthouse managed to miss something that should have been detected in a routine pat-down is the real cause for alarm. If this had been a real gun in the hands of someone intent on actually using it in a courtroom or inside the jail, the results could have been horrific. Our story on the discovery quoted Judge Pierre Arseneault as saying this incident was a good wake-up call for everyone. That's putting it mildly. Justice Minister Marie-Claude Blais has already launched an investigation into this breach of security and officers have been reminded to conduct proper searches of prisoners. That's the least that could be done in such a case. Members of the public who enter our courtrooms are routinely asked to empty their pockets and submit to a screening with metal detectors. Likewise, travellers who pass through our airports must submit to rigorous screening. Such is the world we live in. The public would expect that accused criminals going through the system would be subjected to the highest security precautions possible.

Réduction de vitesse près des écoles
DIEPPE (N.-B.) — La Ville de Dieppe désire aviser les résidents que des dispositifs de réduction de vitesse sont en train d’être installés près de certaines écoles situées dans la municipalité. Cette mesure vise à rendre les zones autour des écoles plus sécuritaires pour nos enfants. À partir du 1er mai, la limite de vitesse des véhicules dans les zones scolaires sera réduite à 30 km/h, pendant les heures où les enfants sont présents à l’école. Cette modification est basée sur le guide produit par l’Association des transports du Canada (ATC) et sur la Loi des véhicules à moteur. La limite de vitesse sera réduite aux endroits suivants: • école Sainte-Thérèse: rues Ste-Thérèse, Gould et Notre-Dame; • école Lou MacNarin: chemin Gauvin; • école Anna-Malenfant: rue Centrale; • école Amirault: chemin Melanson. La GRC de Codiac indique qu'elle veillera à faire respecter ces nouvelles limites de vitesse et encourage les conducteurs à toujours demeurer vigilant dans toutes les zones scolaires.

House numbers must be visible: emergency officials
The Department of Public Safety is reminding New Brunswickers of the importance of clearly displaying their civic address number on their homes. The department issued a postcard-style reminder with the message "To help you, we have to find you!" last week, with guidelines on how to best display your home address. Diane Pelletier, director for 911 services with the department, said the postcard was simply meant as a reminder and wasn't a response to any particular situation. "I don't think I've ever had anybody come and say, 'We couldn't find them because they don't have numbers posted,'?" she said. But Pelletier said there are times when emergency responders might not be able to respond to a call as quickly as they would like, and emergency officials in Moncton confirm that is the case. Const. Damien Theriault of Codiac Regional RCMP said anything that slows the response time of emergency officials is a bad thing. "We are called for emergencies, and sometimes a matter of seconds can make a big difference," he said. "Having the numbers clearly displayed makes sure that we do not drive by a residence when somebody is in dire need of our help."

Pet owners urged to restrain dogs in vehicles
The co-owner of a local pet food and supply store believes it should be against the law for dog owners not to take precautions to have their dogs restrained when travelling in a vehicle. John Caissie of J's Pet Feed &Needs on Collishaw Drive said he sees too many dog owners who let their animals roam freely in the back seat - or even in the front seat or on their lap - while they drive. He said it's not only a distraction, but can be unsafe for both the dog and the owner. "An RCMP officer told me a couple years ago there was a dog in the back seat of a car, and the lady was involved in an accident and the dog flew over the seat, broke her neck and killed her," Caissie said. "I really, really believe in restraining your dog in the back seat." Sgt. Claude Tremblay, operations manager for the traffic section for New Brunswick RCMP, said there is no law that states dogs must be secured anywhere in a car. While RCMP officers will alert the motoring public to the potential dangers, he said legally there is no recourse against this practice. "We see that quite often with dogs in the front or sometimes you see people's dogs on the lap with people driving," he said. "If it causes a collision or anything like this, we're able to investigate that maybe the pet had something to do with the crash, which would be hard to prove at the end of the day. But to stop someone saying you aren't allowed to have your dog in front, we don't have a law for that yet." Deborah Nobes, a spokeswoman with the Department of Public Safety, confirmed that the Motor Vehicle Act, for which the department is responsible, is "silent" on the subject of animals in vehicles. "The driver distraction provisions are specific to hand-operated electronic devices and video screens," she wrote in an email. Const. Damien Theriault of the Codiac RCMP concurred that although there's no law against it, more public knowledge on the potential dangers needs to be understood. "From a personal point of view when I was on patrol I never charged anyone for that, but I always pulled them over when I had the occasion and spoke to them to make them realize how dangerous it was, going to the point of asking them if they love their pet or not. Because if they were ever involved in a collision with their pets on their laps they would have a very close encounter face-to-face with their pets because of the air bag deploying at a very high rate of speed," he said. "A lot of people did not even realize that. There's education to be made for sure."

Eight charges laid against driver following crash resulting in Moncton teacher's death
MONCTON - Codiac RCMP have now laid eight charges against a man accused of driving drunk and killing another motorist. Boyd Reginald Atkinson, 41, of Lakeville, appeared in Moncton provincial court Monday for a bail hearing. That hearing did not take place at the defence's request and Judge Camille Vautour rescheduled it for Friday. Atkinson made his first court appearance last Friday afternoon and was charged with operating a 2000 Pontiac Grand Am while impaired, causing the death of Kathy Horsman on April 17 in Moncton. Horsman, 36, of Berry Mills, was a mother of two and worked as a teacher. Atkinson had been in hospital since the crash, which is why he didn't appear in court sooner. He was still using crutches and wearing a neck brace in the prisoners dock Monday and struggled to stand when Vautour entered the room. The Crown objected to Atkinson's release on Friday, which is why the case was set for bail hearing. When the accused appeared in court, the police laid seven more charges. Along with the first charge, Atkinson is now charged with operating a motor vehicle in a manner dangerous to the public on Berry Mills Road, causing the death of Horsman, impaired driving causing bodily harm to Marc Landry and dangerous driving causing bodily harm to Marc Landry. He's also charged with refusing to provide a blood sample to Const. David St. Laurent for analysis to determine the concentration of alcohol in his blood in relation to a crash that killed another person and refusing to provide a blood sample for analysis in relation to a crash that caused bodily harm to another person.

Teacher loses life in motorcycle accident: Tragedy Former principal remembered for her availability to students.....
MONCTON - The Moncton area school district was dealt another devastating blow with the news that a former principal and current Riverview High School teacher died following a motorcycle crash near Hillsborough. At around 6 p.m. on Sunday, Southeast District RCMP responded to a call that a motorcycle had left the road. Belinda Myers, 49, of Shenstone was pronounced dead at the hospital as a result of her injuries. She was the driver and lone occupant of the motorcycle, which was the only vehicle involved in the incident........... Cpl. Dan Poirier of the Southeast District RCMP noted that a collision reconstructionist has determined that speed and alcohol were not factors in the crash. "We believe she lost control, but she went off the road into the wooded area," Poirier said, noting the investigation is ongoing. "We're looking at mechanical failure or medical issues.".

Small dog stolen from Metro SPCA
A small Pomeranian mix dog was stolen from the Greater Moncton SPCA on Sunday afternoon. Nanette Pearl, director of animal welfare, said the theft took place between 12:30 and 2 p.m. on Sunday. The dog is black and tan in colour, is four years old and answers to the name Dylan. "He would willingly go with anybody," Pearl said, noting the dog is cute and friendly. Codiac Regional RCMP is investigating the theft, and the SPCA was checking video footage from Sunday to try to determine who stole the dog.

Mounties put out deck fire: Cigarette that wasn't completely put out suspected as cause
Two Codiac RCMP officers traded their police hats for firefighting hats early yesterday morning. Just after 1 a.m. there was a report of a small fire on the outside deck of Keglers Bar on Mountain Road. Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault says two officers were first on the scene and spotted the small fire. "They used a fire extinguisher from their vehicles to put it out and no one was injured," says Theriault. Moncton Fire Department Platoon Chief Brian Gaudet says the fire likely originated with a cigarette that wasn't completely put out.

Man faces dozens of fraud charges
A Montreal man now faces dozens of charges relating to alleged frauds committed at Metro Moncton stores in late March. Bruno Camara, 21, is charged with 54 offences relating to fraudulently using or possessing credit cards and possessing stolen property. He appeared in Moncton provincial court on Friday and returns Wednesday for a bail hearing. Codiac RCMP arrested Camara and Mena Bekhit, 29, on March 26 after reports of frauds at local stores. Bekhit faces only a few charges and was released on cash bail after his arrest.

Letter in the Times Transcript. This letter is in response to a court proceeding reported in the paper a few weeks ago.

Poor treatment of senior
Wow! An 80-year-old man thrown to the ground, hit on the head three times! At least the people of Moncton can rest now knowing the RCMP will protect the public from the older senior citizens. What was the officer thinking? How did he explain the injuries to the paramedics when they had to take the man to the hospital? Shame on the officer! I wonder who should have gotten the year's suspended sentence - maybe the officer instead of the elderly man. The law is the law. Our tax dollars are being put to good use. Good job officer; someday you will be a senor citizen, and hopefully you will not have to go through what you put this man through. Roger Howe, Moncton 

Sheriffs break up courthouse fracas
MONCTON - Anyone who was in the courthouse in Moncton on Friday morning knew something was wrong around 9:30 a.m., just as most judges were taking their seat on the bench. Everything went from peaceful to chaotic in an instant as sheriff's officers burst out of courtrooms and raced up the stairs to a courtroom on the far end of the third floor. Officers came from courtrooms, the front lobby, the cell area and all over the building, taking steps two-by-two as they descended on a brawl that started outside a courtroom and involved about five people. While some of the responding officers hauled away one of the men in handcuffs and took him to the cell area, the sheriffs dealt with the rest of the combatants, ordering them to stop yelling and to calm themselves. Codiac RCMP came and arrested the first man who was detained and planned to talk to all those who witnessed the incident. Charges are pending against several people involved in the fight. The courthouse has security cameras all over the building, which is believed to assist with the investigation.


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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



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Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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