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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday May 24th at 1600hrs to Monday May 27th at 0800hrs for your info:

195 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 attempted murder 
• 3 robbery with weapon (knife in each) 
• 0 assault with weapon/causing bodily harm 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 8 assault investigations 
• 0 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 0 assault on police officer 
• 1 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 0 sudden death investigations 
• 9 missing persons (7 located) 
• 1 criminal harassment investigations 
• 1 break & enter (1 residence) 
• 5 possible impaired drivers 
• 4 collisions; 0 with injury, 3 reportable, 1 non reportable 
• 0 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 14 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 9 persons related to mental health 
• 2 vehicles reported stolen ( 1 truck, 1 bicycle) 
• 2 theft from vehicle 
• 3 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 7 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 1 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 7 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 13 false alarms 
• 6 assistance general public 
• 9 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 13 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 4 disturbing the peace 
• 8 municipal by-laws 
• 13 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1265
911 calls - 584
Fire - 59
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1906
RCMP investigate string of armed robberies
Codiac RCMP say they’re concerned after a string of armed robberies in Moncton over the weekend. The robberies took place at three different locations around the city over the course of about 36 hours on Saturday and Sunday. In all three cases a lone male entered a convenience store threatening the clerk and demanding money before fleeing on foot with an unknown amount of cash…Police say they’re investigating to determine if the incidents are related.
La police régionale BNPP cherche à protéger un plus grand territoire
Le dossier d'agrandissement de son territoire est toujours à l'ordre du jour de la Police régionale BNPP. Cette force policière dessert 8500 habitants de Beresford, de Nigadoo, de Petit-Rocher et de Pointe-Verte, comme l'indique son acronyme. Elle aimerait couvrir un plus grand territoire en incluant toutes les localités non incorporées voisines qui sont à l'heure actuelle protégées par la GRC…Elle espère avoir une rencontre avec Fredericton cette année et entamer une nouvelle étude à ce sujet. «Il y a un besoin. Des gens des DSL nous ont approchés pour être desservis par la BNPP. Parce qu'ils habitent assez loin, ils ne voient pas souvent la police et sont inquiets. Nous aimerions donc avoir le grand territoire. Ça nous prendrait probablement quelques policiers de plus. Nous avions déjà fait une étude là-dessus, mais nous aimerions la refaire. Nous attendons que le gouvernement nous donne le OK», a expliqué Gilberte Boudreau, la présidente du comité mixte de la BNPP. «Il faut que le gouvernement soit d'accord avec nous, parce que c'est lui qui paye pour la police (fédérale). Il attendait de signer le contrat avec la GRC avant de nous rencontrer. Maintenant qu'il sait ce que la GRC va lui facturer, il pourrait savoir ce que ça va coûter avec la BNPP. Il y a beaucoup d'éléments à voir, mais définitivement, c'est un dossier que nous suivons de près. Nous allons sous peu faire une autre demande pour rencontrer le gouvernement», a indiqué Mme Boudreau. 

Cars crash on Dieppe detour
Two people were taken to hospital yesterday morning after a car crash in Dieppe. The incident occurred at the corner of Thomas Street and Gauvin Road a few minutes after 6:30 a.m. The Dieppe Fire Department, Codiac RCMP and Ambulance New Brunswick were all on scene to assist and investigate. The route is currently being used as a detour around Acadie Avenue, which is closed to allow the city to work in that area. As a result, a new three-way stop is in place where the crash occurred. 

Drivers still using their cells
The two-year anniversary of the distracted driving law is approaching, and police say drivers are still distracted by their electronic devices…RCMP New Brunswick spokeswoman Chantal Farrah said she believes drivers are slowly improving, but said relying on statistics won't tell the whole story. The numbers won't show those who aren't caught by law enforcement. "It just doesn't paint a realistic picture of what people are doing," she said… Farrah said RCMP tend to see more infractions for cellphone use in urban areas, and fewer in rural areas. She said she guessed that those who were used to driving longer distances were more prepared and used hands-free technology such as a Bluetooth. "People need to adapt to new changes and new laws," Farrah said. She compared the distracted driving legislation to seatbelt legislation, which became mandatory in New Brunswick in 1983. Farrah said there are still people who choose not to wear them, but she is optimistic that the majority of drivers will steadily change their behaviour with enforcement and education. 

Fraudster sent to jail
A Quebec man was sentenced to two years in jail on Friday for defrauding a number of Moncton stores in March. Bruno Camara, 21, appeared before Moncton provincial court Judge Jolene Richard Friday afternoon for sentencing after earlier pleading guilty to 30 charges. He had been facing more than 50 charges relating to fraudulent use of credit card information, possession of stolen property and obstruction of justice, but the Crown withdrew the others after the guilty pleas…Richard gave Camara two years in jail, less a day, with credit for 60 days spent in custody since his arrest…Codiac RCMP Cpl. Pat Tardif was one of the investigators in the Camara case and he says it's no coincidence these fraudsters are coming to New Brunswick. During interviews after their arrest, many criminals admit to local police they consider New Brunswick retailers an easy mark. "They actually target smaller places like New Brunswick because it's easier to get away with it," he says. They spend a couple of days defrauding stores, then leave town again before they are caught. Tardif says there was one local incident where Camara attempted to use six different credit cards at the same store before one of them worked. He says if that happened in a place the size of Toronto, staff probably would have been alarmed after the first failed attempt. "It seems like it's becoming a big issue in Moncton and people working in retail need to be aware of this and take steps to protect themselves," says Tardif.

Student drug use down in N.B.
A new provincial study has indicated the number of students using drugs, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes hasn't risen since the last survey five years ago and numbers are down from 10 years ago…Codiac RCMP spokesman Const. Damien Thériault said young people are accessing substances in a variety of ways. Under the Liquor Control Act police can ticket and charge an adult who purchases alcohol for a minor, as well as charge the minor who possesses and consumes this alcohol. Some youth are using false identification to purchase liquor and cigarettes, or getting it at home from their parents, Thériault pointed out. To access illegal drugs, students are purchasing from illicit drug dealers, just as adults do. Whenever possible, police are enforcing the law to try and keep drugs out of the hands of young people. 

Also in l’Acadie Nouvelle
Roussel awarded order of merit in Ottawa
A well-known member of the RCMP in New Brunswick has received the Order of Merit of the Police Forces. Insp. Lise Roussel was one of 61 Canadian policing employees honoured during an investiture ceremony held Friday at Rideau Hall in Ottawa…"Inspector Roussel truly embodies what it means to be of service," J Division Commanding Officer Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang said in a news release. "She consistently demonstrates the highest level of competence in policing and inspires others to achieve the same." Roussel joined the RCMP in 1978 and, over the course of her career, has served in Manitoba, New Brunswick, and northern aboriginal communities. "Insp. Roussel has led many successful, high-profile investigations and has been a role model when it comes to developing and supporting women as leaders in policing," further stated the news release. "She was the first female corporal in New Brunswick, the first community policing officer, and the first female member to be promoted to the rank of sergeant as an Operations NCO." 

Le courage d'agents de la GRC souligné
La GRC du Nouveau-Brunswick a reconnu, lors d'une cérémonie, 50 employés pour leurs excellents services à la collectivité ou pour leur bravoure. L'activité a eu lieu au Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne de Fredericton, jeudi. Il s'agissait d'un moment d'une grande importance pour le commissaire adjoint Wayne Lang. En effet, ce dernier prendra sa retraite de la GRC dans les prochains mois…Une citation du Chef du commandement pour service exceptionnel a également été décernée à ceux et celles qui ont travaillé infatigablement sur l'enquête de la disparition de Hillary Bonnell, d'Esgenôopetitj (Burnt Church). «Pour vos efforts et votre dévouement durant l'enquête sur Hillary Bonnell. Votre dévouement incarne véritablement les valeurs de la GRC. Merci pour votre excellent travail lors de ces moments difficiles», cite le Chef du commandement…Le commissaire adjoint Wayne Lang, était très émotif. «On fait un travail exceptionnel ici, à la division J. En première ligne et dans les bureaux, nos employés sont reconnus à l'échelle nationale pour offrir un service réactif et professionnel. Je vous remercie d'aller au-delà de ce qu'on attend de vous et de contribuer à la sécurité du public.» 
City View column by Times & Transcript reporter Craig Babstock.
Mounties honour the determined man in a Stetson hat
Two things immediately come to mind when someone mentions the name Larry Mills. The first is that he has endured suffering beyond the scope of most people's imaginations…The second thing that will forever be associated with Larry Mills? The hat…Two weeks ago, Mills was informed he was receiving a Commanding Officer's certificate of appreciation for the support he gave the Mounties during the long investigation. He was stunned by the gesture…"When I walked off stage, they gave me a standing ovation," he says, getting a little emotional at the memory. "I felt so honoured. I was thinking of my ex-wife and my son, and said to myself, this is for you guys."..He said he has the ultimate respect for all the investigators who worked on this case and for police officers in general…"The best thing that has come out of this whole ordeal is I've made some absolutely wonderful friends in the RCMP," says Mills. "Nobody knows what these people go through to solve these cases. If they did, they'd have a lot more respect for them." 

Killer dies in prison: Double murderer dies day before Mounties honoured for solving case
Raymond Joseph White, the man who strangled Mary Lou Barnes and Larry Mills Jr. in November 1995..died in a British Columbia prison, where he was serving a life sentence for two counts of murder…Correctional Service Canada confirmed the 66-year-old inmate's death in a news release sent to the Times &Transcript. On Wednesday, White died of natural causes following a lengthy illness in the Pacific Institution hospital in Abbotsford. 

Street Crime - Prostitution Operation
Last week the Street Crime Unit conducted an operation that resulted in 5 arrests; 3 males and 2 femalesranging in age between 26-54 years old, from the Havelock, Notre Dame, Moncton and Riverview area of NB. All are appearing on charges in the future.


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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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