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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday May 10th at 1600hrs to Monday May 13th at 0800hrs for your info:


188 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 robbery with weapon 
• 1 assault with weapon/causing bodily harm (fists) 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 6 assault investigations 
• 1 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 0 assault on police officer 
• 1 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 0 sudden death investigations 
• 2 missing persons 
• 2 criminal harassment investigations 
• 4 break & enter (3 residence, 1 other - baby barn) 
• 4 possible impaired drivers 
• 5 collisions; 3 with injury, 2 non reportable 
• 0 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 12 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 4 persons related to mental health 
• 3 vehicles reported stolen (2 cars, 1 bicycle) 
• 4 theft from vehicle 
• 2 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 3 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 4 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 12 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 27 false alarms 
• 4 assistance general public 
• 8 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 24 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 5 disturbing the peace 
• 7 municipal by-laws 
• 16 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1329
911 calls - 637
Fire - 58
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1634

Fraudes par carte de crédit: deux Torontois accusés au N.-B.
Deux individus originaires de Toronto qui font face à des accusations de fraude devraient être de retour devant le tribunal, lundi, à Moncton. Selon la GRC, les deux hommes ont été arrêtés dans la région de Moncton la semaine dernière en lien avec de présumées fraudes par carte de crédit. Arrêtés jeudi, Li Yi, 31 ans, and Puyuan Guan, 21 ans, auraient tenté d'acheter des cartes cadeaux à différents endroits de Moncton. Après avoir intercepté le véhicule des deux hommes, les agents de la GRC a saisi des cartes de crédit de contrefaçon, des cartes-cadeaux prépayées et divers appareils électroniques.

Police week activities planned: Events taking place in communities all over the province
National Police Week is being celebrated across the country this week, from May 12 to May 19. This week is considered a time to acknowledge all the work police officers do in our communities. To mark this occasion, RCMP officers will be promoting the concept of police and community working together to enhance public safety and security in New Brunswick. As part of the week's events, RCMP officers will be visiting students at schools and organizing check stops across the province. The public will even see some RCMP officers wearing the traditional RCMP Stetson along with their boots and breeches to highlight this event. All New Brunswickers are encouraged to come meet local officers from their community by participating in some of the activities planned...............

Trucker appears in provincial court
MONCTON - A Quebec trucker charged with kidnapping and sexually assaulting a Moncton woman made his first appearance in Moncton provincial court Friday morning. Maurice Cloutier, 54, of Sainte-Martine, a community south of Montreal, appeared before Judge Troy Sweet to face charges in connection with an aggravated sexual assault and forcible confinement investigation. Duty counsel Michel DesNeiges requested more time to speak with Cloutier, and the judge ordered the accused held in custody until a bail hearing Monday. The investigation began on April 25 when witnesses called 911 after seeing a young woman screaming and running. The transport truck left before police could intercept it. Cloutier was arrested Wednesday by investigators. 

Bail hearing delayed in sexual assault case
The bail hearing for a Quebec man who is charged with kidnapping and sexually assaulting a Moncton woman has been rescheduled. Fifty-four-year-old Maurice Cloutier of Sainte-Martine in the Montérégie region of Quebec appeared for a bail hearing yesterday afternoon and will appear in front of Judge Pierre W. Arseneault this morning at 9:30 a.m. Cloutier first appeared in front of Judge Troy Sweet in Moncton on May 10 to face charges in connection with an aggravated sexual assault and forcible confinement investigation. Codiac RCMP began the investigation April 25 after witnesses called 911 after seeing a young woman running naked in a parking lot near the intersection of Church Street and Mountain Road. The woman was leaving a transport truck and screaming for help when witnesses found her and called the police. On May 8, RCMP with the assistance of la Régie inter-municipal de police de Roussillon in Quebec, located the truck and Cloutier in Saint-Mathieu and arrested him without incident. Crown Prosecutor Maurice Blanchard is also requesting a publication ban on any information related to the identity of the victim.

Saint John is not Moncton
Regarding the idea of dissolving the Saint John Police Commission and bringing in RCMP to police our city, I would like to point out a few things to the editor, and the Nortons, all of whom seem not to have a grasp of policing and the challenges the Saint John Police Force ("Regional policing? Study the options," May 11). Firstly, we are not Moncton, and the idea of the RCMP performing the same duties and delivering the same services as the Saint John Police at a better value is completely inaccurate. Saint John is by far a more difficult city to police because of our demographics and industry. Saint John is a relatively poor city with the highest poverty and unemployment rates of the three largest cities. With high poverty and high unemployment comes a myriad of social issues. We have a large industrial base and a busy cruise ship port. The thought that the Saint John Police serves a population of 70,000 is a myth. The daytime population of Saint John rises to over 125,000 with people from the greater Saint John area flooding into the city to work, attend school, shop and go to restaurants. The Saint John Police Force serves and protects these people as well. Suggesting that Saint Johners would be better served by replacing the Saint John Police Force with the RCMP without analyzing the impacts is irresponsible. I believe inferring the RCMP would be a better value is inaccurate. SEAN WALLACE Saint John

Regional Policing; Study the options
Saint John Mayor Mel Norton recently suggested that Greater Saint John should adopt a regional police force. The Saint John Police Commission's response has been lukewarm; it has directed the city's police chief to seek regional efficiencies, and is sending a letter to the regional services commission endorsing the principle of co-operation in principle. We're not convinced that Saint John's police managers understand what Mayor Mel Norton and Coun. Greg Norton mean by "regional efficiency." For one thing, the police chief and some commissioners seem to think the force is already delivering it. If that were the case, the Saint John Police Force would not be the most costly or the largest in New Brunswick; it would not have a labour contract with a no-layoff clause specifying a force size of 155 police; and it would not have been able to go its own way on the creation of costly infrastructure, such as the police headquarters at Peel Plaza. Greater Saint John would not be policed by two municipal forces and an RCMP detachment, each with separate vehicle fleets, computer support and civilian staff, as well as separate labour contracts and different labour costs. Implementing true regionalization would require greater rationalization of police infrastructure and greater harmonization of policing policy. We believe it also would deliver greater benefits, from more effective crime fighting to lower service costs. That's the vision of efficient and effective policing being promoted by the Nortons - a regional police force that will deliver the safety and security that citizens are entitled to, while leaving more money in municipal coffers to address other quality-of-life issues. The city of Saint John or the regional services commission should engage an independent third party - PwC, say, or KPMG - to investigate what the costs and benefits of a regional police force would be, including a regional RCMP contract. Paying lip service to the goal of regional efficiency isn't going to deliver results. Let's get some realistic options on the table, so the debate can begin in earnest.

Grand Moncton
La GRC affirme avoir saisi une importante quantité de marijuana et a arrêté deux hommes et une femme lors d'un contrôle routier effectué à Irishtown, près de Moncton, plus tôt cette semaine. Mercredi, des membres du Groupe de la sécurité routière du Sud-Est de la GRC ont intercepté un véhicule sur la route 115, à Irishtown. Une fouille du véhicule a permis à la police de saisir de l'argent et une quantité de marijuana suffisante pour produire plus de 15 000 cigarettes de marijuana. Deux hommes de Dieppe, les deux âgés de 24 ans, et une femme âgée de 21 ans de Riverview ont été arrêtés. Ils ont été libérés sur promesse de comparaître en Cour provinciale à Moncton le 2 août. La GRC poursuit son enquête. Acadie Nouvelle, 

Taking a stand against graffiti
Codiac Regional RCMP is taking a stand crack down on graffiti as a form of vandalism and we agree that action is needed. The painting of slogans, names and bizarre characters on both public and private property should not be tolerated as a harmless prank. We would take action against vandals who would smash windows, doors or other valuables, so it seems prudent that we would also punish those responsible for defacing property with spray cans and markers. As reported in our May 9 edition, Const. Chris Fader, Codiac Regional RCMP's resident expert on graffiti, explained that the phenomenon is widespread and has the effect of lowering social behaviours and increasing crimes in the area where it occurs. Many other jurisdictions have taken action with strictly-enforced bylaws. In many cases, the bylaws state that the person responsible for spray-painting graffiti be ordered to clean it up. And if they don't do it, the property owner can have it done at the expense of those responsible. In previous cases, Codiac police have charged vandals with causing damage of over $5,000 and seized more than 330 cans of paint. Moncton is growing quickly as a metropolitan area and that growth could bring with it some bigger-city problems. We would suggest that space be made available for aspiring artists who prefer to paint on walls, but then comes the dilemma of who decides what is "offensive" or "acceptable" forms of public art. The owners of public and private property should not have to endure the embarrassment and expenses caused by so-called artists who see the world as their canvas to deface at their convenience. We support the RCMP's mission - with help from a watchful public - to track these moonlight scribblers, escort them back to the scene of the crime and supervise them as they scrub away their work.

Grand Moncton: une saisie de drogue mène à trois arrestations
La GRC affirme avoir saisi une importante quantité de marijuana et a arrêté deux hommes et une femme lors d'un contrôle routier effectué à Irishtown, près de Moncton, plus tôt cette semaine. Mercredi, des membres du Groupe de la sécurité routière du Sud-Est de la GRC ont intercepté un véhicule sur la route 115, à Irishtown. Une fouille du véhicule a permis à la police de saisir de l'argent et une quantité de marijuana suffisante pour produire plus de 15 000 cigarettes de marijuana. Deux hommes de Dieppe, les deux âgés de 24 ans, et une femme âgée de 21 ans de Riverview ont été arrêtés. Ils ont été libérés sur promesse de comparaître en Cour provinciale à Moncton le 2 août. La GRC poursuit son enquête.

Ontarians charged with fraud
MONCTON - Two Toronto men appeared in Moncton provincial court Friday to face charges related to credit frauds. Li Yi, 31, and Puyuan Guan, 21, were arrested on Thursday. Their vehicle was intercepted by Codiac Regional RCMP, who were alerted by store security after two men tried to buy gift cards at various locations in the Moncton area. At the time of their arrests, police seized counterfeit credit cards, prepaid gift cards and a variety of electronic equipment. Both men are charged with fraud and will remain in custody until their bail hearing Monday. Police are investigating whether there may have been other incidents in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. 

Moncton panhandlers becoming more aggressive
A Moncton city councillor says panhandlers in the city are getting more aggressive and she's hoping people will give money, instead, to organizations that treat people with mental illness or addiction problems.The warmer weather means that more people are spending time on downtown patios and walking by shops on Main Street. And Coun. Dawn Arnold said there now reports of panhandlers becoming more aggressive in asking for money......The Codiac RCMP are also encouraging people to donate to local organizations and charities that offer help to people who are struggling on the streets. Cpl. Mike Gaudet said the police will intervene if panhandlers get aggressive. "If this does become of a dangerous nature or they are insisting for the money and so on then do not hesitate to give us a call for the RCMP to step in," Gaudet said.

Neighbourhood Watch to meet
Riverview Neighbourhood Watch will host a meeting at town hall, 30 Honour House Ct., on Thursday, May 16, at 7 p.m. The public meeting is being held to inform residents how the program works, what it does and how they can get involved. Codiac Regional RCMP Superintendent Marlene Snowman will attend the meeting. The program's launch last year isn't a sign of rampant criminal activity in Riverview. It was launched by residents and members of Riverview council to simply encourage people to keep an eye out for suspicious activity in their neighbourhoods and to stay informed of what is going on around them. Members of the program are asked to keep their neighbours aware of any suspicious activity in their neighbourhood. If there are serious concerns, the RCMP should be informed.

MADD Canada demande à la population de dénoncer l'alcool au volant
L'organisme Les mères contre l'alcool au volant (MADD) a lancé hier à Saint-Jean sa campagne nationale de sécurité routière. C'est au nouveau quartier général du service de police de Saint-Jean, situé à la plaza Peel, que la présidente nationale de MADD Canada, Denise Dubyk, a donné le coup d'envoi à la Campagne 911, qui vise essentiellement à faire en sorte que le public joue un rôle encore plus important en matière de sécurité routière en dénonçant davantage les conducteurs qui prennent le volant avec les facultés affaiblies...... Également présent à ce lancement, le sergent d'état-major et chef de district à la division J de la GRC, Steve Gourdeau, a tenu à souligner l'apport plus qu'important de MADD Canada dans la lutte contre la conduite avec les facultés affaiblies. «MADD Canada est un organisme extraordinaire qui a contribué à l'éducation de la population canadienne. Je peux dire que le nombre de cas qui se retrouvent devant les tribunaux est grandement le fruit de cette sensibilisation et de plus en plus souvent le résultat d'un appel fait par un résidant qui se retrouve sur la route et qui compose le 911 pour signaler une situation douteuse». 


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​Website maintained by the Riverview Neighbourhood Watch Committee



Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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