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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday March 15th at 1600hrs to Monday March 18th at 0800hrs for your info:

162 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:

0 robbery with weapon (MacArthurs - knife and gun mentioned, no item seen) 
0 assault causing bodily harm 
0 aggravated assault 
10 assault investigations 
0 sexual assault investigation 
0 luring minors over internet 
0 assault on police officer 
2 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
1 sudden death investigations 
6 missing persons (5 located) 
2 criminal harassment investigations 
2 break & enters (1 residence)(1 school) 
3 possible impaired drivers 
8 collisions; 2 with injury, 4 property damage reportable, 2 non reportable 
2 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
6 false/abandoned 911 call 
2 persons related to mental health 
1 vehicle reported stolen (truck, unfounded) and 1 dump trailer 
6 theft from vehicle 
6 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
2 theft under (shoplifting) 
1 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
7 mischief investigations - damage to property 
0 public mischief investigation 
14 false alarms 
3 assistance general public 
8 intoxicated persons detention act 
8 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
7 disturbing the peace 
5 municipal by-laws 
15 persons detained in cells

OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:

Admin calls - 1281
911 calls - 597
Fire -452
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1796

Policing has changed - so must the RCMP
WAYNE LANG Commentary 
In light of a recent review of our core services in the province, the New Brunswick RCMP is making changes to its policing model to make it more effective and sustainable. I want to share some information about that new model with the citizens and communities we serve. Going forward, the New Brunswick RCMP will operate under three policing districts, plus the Codiac Regional RCMP. The boundaries of the new districts are aligned with the Province of New Brunswick's new regional service commissions (RSCs), which will provide collaboration on policing services in their respective areas. 

Moncton man spit in Mountie's face
Offender told officer he had HIV 
A young Moncton man was sent to jail for a year yesterday, for spitting in a Mountie's face last fall. "Spitting on a police officer is one of the most vile acts an offender can commit," said Moncton provincial court Judge Troy Sweet. Kevin Dobson, 19, was in court for sentencing after earlier pleading guilty to resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, mischief relating to a damaged police car and possession of marijuana.

Cyclist hurt in crash 
A cyclist was injured yesterday morning in a collision with a vehicle. Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault says the crash occurred around 7:10 a.m. at the intersection of King Street and Main Street. The cyclist was attempting to cross the street as the lights were changing. A vehicle started to proceed through the intersection and struck the bike. No charges are anticipated.

Drug dealer's appeal denied, sentence stands
Man sentenced to 30 months for selling cocaine 
A Moncton cocaine dealer has failed in his attempt to have his prison sentence reduced. Christopher Allen Lennon, 22, was sentenced to 2 1?2 years in prison on June 29 by Moncton provincial court Judge Troy Sweet. Lennon had earlier pleaded guilty to trafficking cocaine and breach of probation. 

RCMP's top gun to retire 
Mounties in the province are searching for a new top gun. Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang, the RCMP's commanding officer in New Brunswick, announced his retirement Wednesday after 34 years of wearing the uniform...

RCMP volunteers a big help
Volunteers perform wide range of duties to help police 
You can go ahead and ask Codiac RCMP Cpl. Mike Gaudet to put a price tag on the value of volunteers. But he won't have an answer for you."To put a cost to those hours ... it's enormous," he said during a presentation to the Codiac Regional Policing Authority yesterday morning at Dieppe City Hall. "They do it all for a handshake and nothing more." 

Moncton : la police recherche un adolescent en fugue - LOCATED - 
La GRC de Moncton demande l'aide du public afin de retrouver un jeune âgé de 15 ans en fugue. Ryan MacDougall, qui réside à Hillsborough avec un membre de sa famille, aurait été vu pour la dernière fois le 4 mars sur le chemin Mountain à Moncton

Vandal picks up mess 
The police have a great deal of discretion when it comes to dealing with the public and Mounties exercised that discretion last Friday. Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault says police received a complaint around 2 a.m. that someone was walking up Main Street, knocking over garbage cans for several blocks. "His decision-making was influenced by alcohol," said Theriault. Instead of hauling him away in handcuffs, they asked him to clean up his mess, which he did. 

42 mois de prison pour une fraudeuse 
Une ancienne conseillère en placements de Moncton a été condamnée à 42 mois de prison en lien avec six chefs d'accusation pour fraude, lundi, en Cour provinciale à Moncton. Catherine Darlene Ford, 48 ans, avait plaidé coupable aux accusations le 30 novembre 2012. Alors qu'elle travaillait comme conseillère en placements à la firme Scotia Capital de Moncton, elle a retiré 1,3 million $ dans le compte de six de ses clients du Nouveau-Brunswick et de l'Ile-du-Prince-Édouard.

Drunk driver rammed into taxi
Court hears woman was almost four times over legal blood-alcohol limit 
A Moncton woman was sentenced yesterday for drunkenly ramming a taxi when the cabbie tried to stop her from driving. Melissa Stencill appeared in Moncton provincial court and was sentenced by Judge Irwin Lampert. She was almost four times the legal blood-alcohol limit, but the judge didn't send her to jail because she's taken steps to address her alcoholism and she's also a single mother. 

RCMP detachments closing : Police say service and response times will not be affected 
As the RCMP begins naming the detachments scheduled to close in New Brunswick, they continue to insist there will be no drop-off in service. Earlier this week, Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang, the commander of RCMP J Division, said detachments in Port Elgin, Hillsborough and Gagetown will be decommissioned. In all three cases, police were no longer using the offices, so the doors are being permanently closed on buildings that already sat idle…Cpl. Chantal Farrah says there is no set number of detachments and satellite offices that will be closed…The corporal was asked to explain the process in determining that the Port Elgin and Hillsborough offices were no longer needed. "There are a variety of factors that are being considered when it comes to the future of our offices, including operational necessity, proximity to another detachment, as well as age and cost," she says. "The Port Elgin office was not being used and officers already have been reporting to work in Sackville. The building itself is 54 years old, and well past its life cycle. It required about $90,000 in repairs in the short term, but more realistically replacement." She says after consultation between the RCMP, the community and the province, there was agreement between all three parties to decommission that office. "The Hillsborough office was not being used, and is only 24 kilometres from Riverview," says Farrah. "It's 42 years old and required about $50,000 in repairs, or replacement not too far down the road." In both cases, the RCMP plans the same coverage of those communities, just without the unused buildings. "Both those communities will still have local police coverage and there will still be police officers assigned to those areas," she says. "The level of service and response times will not be affected." Public Works and Government Services Canada manages the process of decommissioning and selling buildings and that department has been notified those offices are no longer required by the RCMP…Hillsborough Mayor Patrick Armstrong says the announced closure doesn't really affect the community. "That detachment hasn't been used here in years," he says. Armstrong says he only cares that police and present and visible in the village and that has been the case lately. While Hillsborough complained in the past about a lack of police presence, the mayor says that's improved. "We have seen them in the community, there's been a vast improvement," he says. 

Réduction du nombre de bureau 
A la suite d'un examen de ses services de base offerts au Nouveau-Brunswick, la Division J de la GRC a décidé d'apporter des changements à son modèle de services de police afin d'en améliorer l'efficacité et la durabilité. Je tiens donc à fournir des renseignements aux citoyens des localités que nous servons au sujet de notre nouveau modèle de services de police…De nos jours, la façon d'offrir des services de police est différente, comparativement à il y a 15 ou 20 ans…Notre nouveau modèle est fondé sur ce qui a permis d'améliorer la sécurité de nos collectivités. Nous allons redistribuer nos ressources et réduire nos coûts administratifs afin de garantir la meilleure utilisation possible de notre budget et de maximiser notre efficacité opérationnelle. Nous continuerons d'offrir des services sur le même territoire, et les collectivités continueront de bénéficier du même niveau de services…La GRC s'engage à ce que les citoyens et les collectivités où elle offre des services en aient pour leur argent en matière de services de police. Nous espérons y arriver en réalisant des économies du côté de l'administration (et non en supprimant des services) et en continuant d'investir dans des stratégies qui contribuent à la sécurité de la collectivité et qui ont fait leur preuve en matière de réduction de la criminalité.

Changes coming to New Brunswick RCMP 
The way police services are delivered across New Brunswick are about to change. The RCMP, which polices most of the province, is about to get leaner, closing three detachments. However, the force says leaner doesn’t mean less effective. “Most people won’t notice the difference,” says acting commissioner Wayne Lang of the NB RCMP. The detachment in Gagetown is one of three set to close. The village of about 700 people will now see its police service come from Oromocto, which is about 40 kilometres away. The detachments in Hillsborough and Port Elgin will also close…“Somebody calls from Gagetown or Cambridge Narrows for a police officer, there might very well be one in their community at that time," says Lang…The Mounties say there will be no impact on response times or levels of service and that the modern police car is much like a rolling detachment. Their overhaul is, in part, an effort to control costs and they say, more detachments may need to be closed.

Retiring RCMP commissioner has plans for future 
Wayne Lang may be leaving the Mounties, but he won't be buying a rocking chair anytime soon. The assistant commissioner announced Wednesday he's retiring from his post as province's top RCMP officer after more than 30 years of wearing the uniform. But he's not revealing at this time where he's headed, only where he's not going. "I am not going to Fredericton PD," Lang said in an interview. "I bet you I have been asked that once a day for the last six months.".. ."I am hoping to take the summer off," Lang said. "I have other opportunities I am pursuing that I can't discuss further at this time."…Lang said he's confident efforts to modernize RCMP services in the province will continue to move smoothly in his absence. "I am satisfied that we're well down the road in making these changes and the project is in good hands to see its way through to the end." 

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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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