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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday June 7th at 1600hrs to Monday June 10th at 0800hrs for your info:

207 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 attempted murder 
• 1 robbery with weapon (physical) 
• 0 assault with weapon/causing bodily harm 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 7 assault investigations 
• 1 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 0 assault on police officer 
• 6 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 1 sudden death investigations 
• 2 missing persons 
• 2 criminal harassment investigations 
• 3 break & enter (2 residence, 1 other) 
• 4 possible impaired drivers 
• 3 collisions; 0 with injury, 3 reportable, 0 non reportable 
• 0 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 10 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 7 persons related to mental health 
• 3 vehicles reported stolen (1 car, 1 sports veh, 1 motorcycle) 
• 2 theft from vehicle 
• 2 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 4 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 0 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 6 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 7 false alarms 
• 10 assistance general public 
• 8 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 29 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 7 disturbing the peace 
• 10 municipal by-laws 
• 21 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1493
911 calls - 556
Fire - 50
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1659

Man sentenced to 12 months for child pornography: Jeffery Adam Amos jailed for off...
A Moncton man received a jail sentence of one year minus time served and three years probation in connection to offences he committed at his wife's daycare. Jeffery Adam Amos hung his head as the facts of his case were read in provincial court on Monday. Amos, 32, received the sentence yesterday afternoon after he pleaded guilty in April to five counts of voyeurism and one count of possessing child pornography. Crown and defence lawyers presented the court with the joint recommendation........... (Extensive coverage)

Crime up, costs down, policing authority told: Codiac Regional Policing authority hosts annual general meeting
Crime is generally up in Metro Moncton but the Codiac Regional RCMP are keeping tight reins on the costs of solving those crimes, according to statistics released at the Codiac Regional Policing Authority's annual general meeting yesterday. Crimes against people, property crimes and some other categories saw more incidents in 2012 compared to previous years. Thefts valued at or less than $5,000 showed a marked increase with 3,092 reports, up from 2,276 in 2011 and 2,202 in 2010. Property damage cases rose last year to 1,621, up from 1,277 the previous year and from 1,065 in 201, to cite two examples. But the news wasn't all bad. Down are car crashes and impaired driving, and there were no murders in 2011 nor in 2012, compared to three in 2010. Authority chairman Nick LeBlanc termed it a very busy year. He and officer in charge, Supt. Marlene Snowman, said the force, which covers Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview, would continue to focus on the priorities that were set by the public they serve - traffic, youth and frequent offenders. "They did just a fantastic job," LeBlanc said. Snowman noted that Metro Moncton still enjoys one of the lowest crime rates in the country and its police force has one of the highest crime-solving rates. "In 2013 we will continue to reduce and solve crimes and focus on the priorities that were set in 2012," Snowman said. Both officials noted that the one aspect of policing they continually hear from the public about is bad drivers. Last year Codiac RCMP members issued 4,260 tickets for provincial offences, sometimes through their "innovative traffic operations" wherein officers posing as everyone from traffic flaggers to street people to Santa Claus catch drivers illegally using cellphones and radio the information to uniformed officers laying in wait down the road, something that caught national attention last year. "More power to them," LeBlanc, a retired police officer, said. "I hope they keep on doing them." LeBlanc was elected to another term as chair. Meanwhile, the audited financial statement shows the force was under budget in 2012 by just under $500,000, though thanks to new accounting procedures adopted nationwide for government non-profit bodies, the official bottom line reads a deficit of $100,000 on a budget of almost $25 million. The main accounting change involves amortizing capital assets over time.

Tow trucks on call for RCMP: Tow truck operators sometimes haunted by things they see....
Doug Short never knows what's going to happen when he goes to work in the morning. "That's why it's such an enjoyable job," says the owner of Moncton's Five Star Towing. "Every day is different, it's never the same thing."...... In the tri-community area, Codiac RCMP has a rotating list of tow companies they call to assist at collisions. The region is divided into zones and certain tow companies are used depending on where the crash took place. Sgt. André Pepin, who manages the Operational Communications Centre in Dieppe, says if a car needs to be towed after a collision, the responding officer will ask the driver if there is a specific tow company they should call. Police will then radio dispatch who calls for the tow truck. The only way they won't go with the car owner's choice is if it's not a local company. "When I was working in Bouctouche I responded to a collision and the driver wanted a tow truck from Edmundston," says Pepin. "I told him I wasn't going to leave his car in the middle of the road until a guy shows up from Edmundston." If the motorist doesn't have a preference, the officer calls dispatch and they select a tow company from a roster of names they use in rotation, depending on where the crash occurred in Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview. Pepin says companies can apply to be part of the rotation and they update the list every so often. He says they must be based in Metro Moncton, have a secure compound where they bring the vehicles and drivers must pass criminal checks, in part because sometimes the vehicles are being towed to the secure bay inside Codiac RCMP headquarters. "If it's us calling for a tow truck, we want to make sure it's a responsible company so nothing wrong happens with the vehicle," says the sergeant. When the RCMP calls for a tow truck after a collision, most of the time the motorist or that person's insurance company pays for the tow, which can be $250 for a standard collision. Pepin says the only time the RCMP would pay for a tow is if they were seizing a vehicle as part of an investigation.

Robbery suspect sought
RCMP have released a surveillance camera photo of the suspect of a robbery at a Moncton convenience store. At around 7 a.m. yesterday, a man armed with a knife entered the Needs convenience store at 214 Mountain Rd. in Moncton. He approached the female employee and demanded money. The suspect fled with an undisclosed amount of cash. Codiac RCMP General Duty members and Police Dog Services were dispatched to the scene, but so far no arrest has been made. No one was injured during the incident. The suspect is a Caucasian man measuring approximately five-foot-four with an average build. He had brown hair and a beard. He was wearing light-coloured pants and a red hooded jacket. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Codiac RCMP at 857-2400 or Crime Stoppers at or 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

N.B. won't drop front license plate
A movement to get rid of front licence plates on New Brunswick-registered vehicles is gaining some public support, but the province says the age-old practice of compelling car owners in this province to put two plates on their vehicles isn't going away soon. The main reason? "Law enforcement tells us that we need them," says Deborah Nobes, spokeswoman for the Department of Public Safety. "It helps them to find people and vehicles of interest." Without that front licence plate, police looking for a specific vehicle would have to ride up behind it in order to find it, and having two licence plates on each vehicle means officers can find the car they're looking for whether that car is coming or going. And while it is not well known and not at all publicized, some RCMP cars in New Brunswick have built in cameras that automatically scan the plates of oncoming cars and alert the officer driving the police car of any problems which might compel that officer to pull over that car - an unpaid fine for example, or an arrest warrant for its registered owner........

Teen found
A 16-year-old boy who was lost in the woods at the southern edge of western Riverview on Wednesday night eventually found his way out of the woods to Coverdale Road and safety. Codiac Regional RCMP, the RCMP's police dog service and Riverview Fire Rescue all responded after the youth used a cellphone to call for help about 8:30 p.m. Emergency responders spread throughout a large area for their search and used the sirens on their vehicles to help the lost hiker orient himself.

Gaz de schiste: les manifestants reviennent à la charge
Une nouvelle manifestation contre le gaz de schiste, faite de prières, de chants et d'une marche au son du tambour, a entraîné une forte mobilisation des forces de l'ordre, vendredi après-midi. La scène est surréaliste. Elle ne se déroule pas dans la capitale d'une nation en effervescence, mais quelque part dans un coin de verdure du Nouveau-Brunswick, à la frontière des comtés de Kent et de Westmorland. Au lendemain d'un communiqué diffusé par le chef de la Première Nation d'Elsipogtog, Aaron Sock, appelant à des manifestations pacifiques, quelque 80 personnes, issues en grande majorité des communautés autochtones, ont réussi l'exploit de mobiliser un détachement impressionnant de policiers. Une fois encore, la route 126 a été fermée à la circulation pendant plus de trois heures, à titre préventif. Dans les environs de Saint-Paul, ce sont près de trente véhicules que la GRC a déployés sur le théâtre des opérations. La place semblait littéralement assiégée. Il est à rappeler que la GRC veut éviter les débordements et s'assurer que les démonstrations populaires se déroulent de façon sécuritaire. Louise Melanson, Acadienne venue de Fredericton, a trouvé le nombre de policiers présents complètement disproportionné. «On est de grandes personnes, on est capables d'assurer notre protection depuis longtemps, on n'a pas besoin de la GRC, a-t-elle dit à l'Acadie Nouvelle. C'est une forme d'intimidation. Ils veulent nous faire peur, nous faire croire qu'on a le droit de ne rien dire. On dirait que la GRC travaille pour SWN.» .......

Campagne contre les plaques sur le devant des véhicules
Un nouveau groupe réclamant la disparition des plaques d'immatriculation à l'avant des véhicules a vu le jour. FixNB fait circuler depuis quelques jours une vidéo qui a été visionnée plus de 67 000 fois. Selon les auteurs de la vidéo, le Nouveau-Brunswick pourrait économiser plusieurs centaines de milliers de dollars en éliminant l'obligation pour les automobilistes d'afficher une plaque d'immatriculation à l'avant de leur véhicule. «Il est temps que le Nouveau-Brunswick se dirige vers l'utilisation d'une seule plaque, indique-t-on dans la vidéo. Si vous achetez un véhicule neuf ou usagé qui vient d'une autre province, il est souvent difficile, voire impossible, d'installer une plaque sur le devant.» La vidéo explique ensuite que six provinces canadiennes, dont la Nouvelle-Écosse, la Saskatchewan et l'Alberta, ont économisé des centaines de milliers de dollars en abandonnant l'obligation d'afficher une plaque à l'avant du véhicule. Selon FixNB, la GRC est le principal opposant à l'abandon de cette pratique. Le groupe souligne toutefois que la police fédérale parvient à remplir son mandat même dans les juridictions qui n'affichent qu'une plaque à l'arrière du véhicule. Les véhicules saisonniers ont déjà la possibilité de n'afficher une plaque qu'à l'arrière au Nouveau-Brunswick. Appelée à commenter la vidéo, la GRC a renvoyé les questions au ministère de la Sécurité publique. «Nous discutons souvent avec les divers corps policiers de la sécurité publique à propos de nombreux sujets, dont les plaques d'immatriculation», confirme Deborah Nobes, une porte-parole du ministère. L'Acadie Nouvelle, 12
Bus driver on trial for fatal crash: Witnesses describe seeing woman hit by bus
Melanie Bourgeois and Aurore LeBlanc decided they were going to make the most of their lunch break on Jan. 20, 2012. The two Correctional Service Canada employees put on their toques and winter coats and left their Factory Lane office and headed out into the cold for a brisk walk along the Petitcodiac River. By 1 p.m., they were at the intersection of King Street and Main Street, waiting to cross so they could walk back to Factory Lane. Bourgeois, testifying on the witness stand in Moncton provincial court yesterday, said she pressed the button and the two women waited for the pedestrian cross signal, which took about a minute. When the "white crosswalk man" appeared, they looked side to side, saw that all the Main Street traffic was stopped for the red light and walked onto the crosswalk........She testified it didn't appear the driver saw them at all. "I tried (to make eye contact) but he was not looking towards me," she said, adding he appeared to have his head turned to the right.......The Crown called three other witnesses yesterday, including one person who was on the bus and two motorists who were in their cars at the intersection when the collision occurred. While there was conflicting testimony on whether or not the bus had a flashing arrow or a green light, Codiac RCMP Const. Jay Doiron, who's trained as a collision analyst, said there's no arrow at that intersection for traffic on King Street. Doiron told the court a vehicle on King Street would get a green light, no arrow. He also said the pedestrian walk signal requires the push of a button to activate it. It doesn't gave the walk signal automatically. Doiron told the court that when a driver has a green light, the pedestrian walk signal can also be flashing. "That's where the driver of the vehicle has to be cognizant of his surroundings," said the constable. Doiron told the court there was insufficient evidence to determine the exact point of impact and the speed at which the bus was travelling............The Crown has closed its case and the trial will resume on Thursday. (Extensive coverage Moncton media)

Police warn of thefts from vehicles
Police are warning people to lock their car doors and not leave valuables in their vehicles, after a series of thefts. Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault says police have responded to 15 reports of thefts from vehicles since June 1. In some cases, the vehicles were unlocked and thieves could take what they wanted, in other cases the vehicles were locked, but thieves could see valuables and broke in. There were reports of five thefts from vehicles in the Gould Street area of Dieppe Monday night and Tuesday morning. Police are warning people not to make it easy for criminals. Lock doors and leave nothing in your car that someone might want to take.


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​Website maintained by the Riverview Neighbourhood Watch Committee



Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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