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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the long weekend from the period of Friday June 28th at 1600hrs to Tuesday July 2nd at 0800hrs for your info:

329 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 attempted murder 
• 0 robbery with weapon 
• 1 assault with weapon/causing bodily harm (bear mace sprayed at a car) 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 8 assault investigations 
• 3 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 1 assault on police officer 
• 8 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 0 sudden death investigations 
• 7 missing persons (1 still under investigation) 
• 1 criminal harassment investigations (unfounded)
• 3 break & enter (1 residence, 2 unfounded) 
• 4 impaired, 5 possible impaired and 1 unfounded 
• 7 collisions; 0 with injury, 4 reportable, and 2 non reportable
• 1 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 34 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 2 persons related to mental health 
• 1 vehicles reported stolen 
• 4 theft from vehicle 
• 7 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 1 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 3 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 0 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 9 mischief investigations - damage to property (2 unfounded) 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 10 false alarms 
• 10 assistance general public 
• 5 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 34 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 11 disturbing the peace ( 3 unfounded) 
• 22 municipal by-laws 
• 28 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1542
911 calls - 621
Fire - 54
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1560

Police arrest robbery suspect
A 36-year-old Dieppe man will be charged in relation to an attempted robbery early yesterday morning. Shortly before 1 a.m., Codiac RCMP members were dispatched to West Lane in Moncton following a report of a fight. Two individuals were located at the scene. Police established that one of the men involved had attempted to rob a taxi driver after getting a ride in the cab. He then fled, but the driver was able to catch up to him and restrain him. A third, unidentified individual assisted the driver and left the scene before police arrived. Both the driver and the suspect were taken to hospital for injuries sustained during the attempted robbery and the ensuing struggle. They were later released from the hospital. The suspect was kept in police custody and will appear in court to face charges of robbery and assault causing bodily harm. 

There are many ways to remain safe in the sun
If there's anything better than spending hours outside on a hot and sunny summer day, it has to be not getting a painful sunburn as a result of this fabulous - but potential harmful - seasonal activity. As many Metro Monctonians are looking forward to getting out of their offices and enjoying the sun during the upcoming Canada Day long weekend, local experts share tips on how to stay healthy and safe during the summer months............When out enjoying the sun on a day-, week- or summer-long trip, there are many ways to keep homes and loved ones safe and secure. The first thing, Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Thériault says, is to always lock the front door, even if it's just to clean up the backyard. For longer trips, it's advisable to let someone know the house will be empty so it's not easy prey for theft. "When you leave your house for any period of time, you should advise a trusted neighbour that you'll be away and that if they see anything out of the ordinary around the house to act on it, to contact the police if it's something that doesn't seem to be normal," he said. It's also important to ask someone to mow the lawn (to keep the grounds looking as though they're being cared for), check the pool and pick up anything that's being delivered, and of course to tell neighbours someone will be around to do that, he added. Thériault also advises homeowners to install timers inside the house, in different rooms, with lights going on and off at different hours each day of the week, if possible, to make it look as though it's being lived in. Homes aren't the only possessions people should be keeping locked. When it's muggy and humid, people are inclined to leave their vehicle windows down. Thériault advises people not to do this, but if they do, to make sure there's nothing valuable in the vehicle or they'd expose themselves to becoming a victim of theft. When out at a park or water park, children should never play unattended, Thériault adds. "Don't expect them to stay near to you. If they see a puppy, they may run to it, and it takes only a second for them to be out of your sight," he said.

RCMP step up traffic checks: Police target speeding, drunk driving, other violatio...
Enforcing the rules of the road and making sure people are driving safely is a priority of the RCMP all year-round. But when the summer arrives, police pay even more attention to how motorists are behaving in this region. "Enforcement has to be stepped up because of the increased volume of traffic and possibility of fatalities," says Codiac RCMP Insp. Dave Vautour, the officer in charge of operations. "We will be increasing our traffic enforcement this summer, for sure." The summer months mean busier roads, with people socializing, travelling and taking time off work to do other things. While summer officially began a few days ago, this weekend is the first long weekend of the summer and police in this province always prioritize road safety during long weekends. In the past, the Canada Day weekend has proven deadly in New Brunswick. According to J Division RCMP, in both 2009 and 2010, one person was killed in a crash during the Canada Day weekend while two people were killed over the same weekend in 2011. Since 2009, the four "summer" long weekends including the Victoria Day, Canada Day, New Brunswick Day and Labour Day weekends have resulted in 20 deaths on New Brunswick roadways in RCMP jurisdiction...............

Judge sentences bank robber Man robbed Dieppe bank in September 2010
A Montreal man was sentenced to 5½ years in prison on Monday for robbing a Dieppe bank three years ago. Richard Racicot, 44, appeared before Moncton Court of Queen's Bench Justice Zoel Dionne Monday afternoon for sentencing after earlier pleading guilty to two charges. On April 24, he admitted to robbing the National Bank on Champlain Street in Dieppe on Sept. 14, 2010, while armed with a revolver and masking his face during the commission of an offence. Crown prosecutor Marc Savoie withdrew a charge of possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose and a breach of a firearms prohibition. The matter was adjourned to Monday for sentencing, with Savoie requesting seven years in prison while defence lawyer Michel DesNeiges asked for a lighter sentence.......... The robbery occurred around 12:20 p.m. on the day in question. A man carrying what appeared to be a handgun entered the bank, grabbed an undisclosed amount of money and left on foot heading towards the farmers market on Gauvin Street. There were clients in the bank at the time of the incident, but no one was injured. 

Cocaine dealer is sentenced to prison
MONCTON - A man who sold cocaine to an undercover police officer was sent to prison on Monday. Dean Dempsey, 28, appeared before Moncton provincial court Judge Pierre Dubé for sentencing after earlier pleading guilty to four counts of trafficking cocaine and a charge of possession of illegal drugs for the purpose of trafficking. The judge followed a joint recommendation by federal prosecutor David Landry and defence lawyer Lisanne Maurice and gave Dempsey 26 months in prison. Another man arrested at the same time is due to stand trial in the coming months.

Sentencing delayed in sex assault case
MONCTON - Sentencing has been delayed in a sexual assault case involving a trucker from Quebec. Maurice Cloutier, 54, of Ste-Martine, Que., a community south of Montreal, appeared in Moncton provincial court for sentencing on Monday, but his matter was adjourned until Friday morning. Cloutier appeared in court May 14 and pleaded guilty to sexual assault, prompting the Crown to withdraw a charge of forcible confinement. The investigation began when RCMP responded to a 911 call from witnesses who saw a naked woman running in a parking lot near Mountain Road and Church Street. An RCMP news release at the time also stated that she was seen fleeing a transport truck, which was later tracked down, along with the suspect, by RCMP and police in Quebec. 

June 28, 2013 4:33 pm 
95% of Canadians admit to distracted driving
By Laura Brown Global News Moncton NB . ? 
— It includes texting, talking on the phone, eating, searching for a new song and talking to a friend in the passengers seat. Distracted driving is the everyday norm for most drivers — 95 percent to be exact, according to a recent survey by Allstate Canada. “We’ve actually seen a decrease in distracted driving through cellphones and texting however it’s still at an unacceptable level,” said David Vautour, officer in charge of operations at Codiac RCMP. The survey says everything we already know: a distracted driver is a problem. And Pierre Boudreau knows what happens as a result. Many know him as a Moncton city councillor, but he’s also the father of a victim of distracted driving. “Somebody who was texting just plowed into her. They say they were going 80kms an hour,” he said. It happened five years ago. Boudreau’s daughter was nineteen at the time. He said she’s always been strong – but that strength was tested after the accident. Story continues below
“She went from being a competitive athlete, synchronized swimmer, snowboarder, horse back rider. She was a violinist. All of those things she has not been able to resume since the accident.” “The only time I’ve ever seen her cry, truly cry, was about a year after the accident when she realized that it might not get better and then she broke down,” he said. She’ll be in chronic pain for the rest of her life, but Boudreau says the fact she survived is a miracle. The survey shows that this behaviour is common among drivers, the most common distraction being eating and drinking and 77 per cent; looking at passengers when speaking to them at 51 per cent; playing the radio excessively loud at 45 per cent; texting at 35 per cent and adjusting the radio or a music player at 33 per cent. Habits that can make your driving noticeably dangerous. “What happened to me the other day is that I was following a car and I thought that the person was grossly intoxicated,” said Vautour. ”I happened to stop the vehicle and it was a matter of distracted driving through texting. The driving was absolutely atrocious.” July has the highest percentage of fatal collisions in many Canadian jurisdictions. Allstate says it’s because the roads are clear, weather’s often nice and sunny – tempting conditions for multi-tasking behind the wheel. 

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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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