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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday June 21st at 1600hrs to Monday June 24th at 0800hrs for your info:

201 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 attempted murder 
• 0 robbery with weapon 
• 1 assault with weapon/causing bodily harm (investigation revealed unfounded) 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 4 assault investigations 
• 1 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 1 assault on police officer 
• 3 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 0 sudden death investigations 
• 4 missing persons (1 still under investigation) 
• 1 criminal harassment investigations 
• 2 break & enter (1 residence, 1 business) 
• 4 possible impaired drivers 
• 1 collisions; 0 with injury, 1 reportable, 0 non reportable 
• 0 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 5 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 6 persons related to mental health 
• 3 vehicles reported stolen (2 recovered) 
• 2 theft from vehicle 
• 4 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 2 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 2 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 6 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 11 false alarms 
• 9 assistance general public 
• 9 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 18 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 6 disturbing the peace 
• 13 municipal by-laws 
• 28 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1668
911 calls - 595
Fire - 49
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1438

39 clients came to front door lobby and used telephone to OCC evenings/weekend

Teens face charges in videotaped incident
Three teenagers involved in a videotaped incident earlier this month in Moncton have been served documents to appear in court in August to face charges of assault. On June 6, at around 12:45 p.m., RCMP were dispatched to a fight at the Ultramar gas station at Mountain Road and Killam Drive. Those involved in the fight told police it was consensual. However, a video of the incident later surfaced, prompting further investigation. Three youths, ages 14, 15 and 17, were interviewed and released under conditions. They are to appear in court Aug. 16. Codiac RCMP's youth-at-risk unit is involved in the case, which is still being investigated.

RCMP wants partners to fight illegal smokes trade
Contraband tobacco remains a major issue in Canada and a growing one in the Atlantic provinces, according to a report by the National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco. The report points to a steady stream of organized crime, illegal cigarette production and billion-dollar losses in tax revenue. The coalition said the illegal cigarette trade continues to evolve five years after the RCMP introduced a new enforcement strategy against contraband tobacco. The group outlined the state of illegal cigarettes in the country in the report released last month. The RCMP estimates five to six per cent of the overall trade is caught. "It's hard to say we're putting a dent in it," said Sgt. Alain Lang, who runs the RCMP office in St. Leonard as well as the border integrity office. "We're putting enforcement wherever we can, when we can and as much as we can to stop the growth of sales of contraband tobacco." ............. "We need partners. We need people to work together to raise awareness of the consequences of purchasing and possessing contraband tobacco," Lang said.................

Police confirm arson at Old Cosmo: Two downtown fires deemed suspicious
Three fires in about eight hours kept Moncton firefighters hopping overnight and police say one was arson. At about 5 a.m. yesterday, the fire department was dispatched to a blaze at the Old Cosmo Complex on Westmorland Street. "It basically put itself out," with the help of the building's sprinkler system, Platoon Chief Rob Brine said. Codiac RCMP later confirmed it was a case of arson. "The investigation so far has revealed that the fire has been set deliberately," a police news release states. "Evidence has been seized. The investigation is continuing." 

Nothing but the truth
This is going to get ugly. And by the time it's over, there might be some among us who will be hard-pressed to resurrect any respect they might have had for the RCMP. The number of complaints by female members of the RCMP keeps growing, and a class action lawsuit now has nearly 300 women in Canada. They allege they are victims of unprofessional, and even criminal behaviour by fellow members of the iconic law enforcement agency. Cases of systematic harassment, bullying, discrimination, abuse of power, hazing, intimidation, sexual innuendo and even sexual assaults - lots of them - are at the root of the lawsuit. In Thursday's Daily Gleaner, the Thunder Bay lawyer leading the case declined to confirm what another media outlet reported - that the four cases from New Brunswick all stem from alleged mistreatment at RCMP J Division in Fredericton. "Even if I confirm for you that there's four, that could be food for thought for the old boys network within the RCMP," said Sandy Zaitzeff, a law expert with Watkins Law Professional Corp. "They're relentless the way they go after these women." Mr. Zaitzeff is appalled at the heights and depths to which some male RCMP officers have gone to make life miserable for female colleagues. "They're very, very, very sad people," Zaitzeff said of the complainants. "Most of them have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). What they want is change within the system. None of them are here to try and get cash." We wonder, and fear, what will come next. We sense the iconic force we have respected is going to have a hard time of it. Some of it might be centred right here in Fredericton, because, as Mr. Zaitzeff says, New Brunswick is no exception to this national scourge.....................

Police find missing teen girl
Codiac RCMP have located a teenager who has been missing for the last 10 days and say she is safe and unharmed. On Wednesday, police released a photo of the 14-year-old Moncton girl and asked for the public's help to locate her after she ran away from her residence on June 11. Sgt. Andre Pepin said yesterday the girl was located overnight due to public feedback.

Robbery suspect arrested
A Dieppe woman will have a bail hearing tomorrow in connection to three armed robberies that took place last weekend. Rachel Elsie Winsor, 32, appeared before Moncton provincial court Judge Jolene Richard and was formally charged with five offences. Winsor is accused of robbing three different women on Saturday in Dieppe, while armed with a knife, assaulting one of those women with a knife and possession of a gold bracelet, knowing it was stolen. Crown prosecutor Sylvie Godin-Blanchard objected to her release and the bail hearing was set for tomorrow. The judge explained to the accused that the Crown was objecting on the likelihood of reoffending and also on the seriousness of the offences. On Tuesday, Codiac RCMP arrested the woman without incident at her residence. On Saturday, shortly after 7 a.m., a woman approached three other women in their vehicles at different locations in Dieppe. She was armed with a knife and demanded money. Personal property was taken from each victim and one victim suffered minor injuries.

CTV Alberta PrimeTime interview on Supervised Drug Consumption Sites:
Chief Mark Mander, Chair of the CACP Drug Abuse Committee recently participated in a discussion on the issue of Supervised Drug Consumption sites on Alberta PrimeTime, a CTV daily current affairs program. The panel included a PhD candidate in Addiction and Mental Health from the University of Alberta and a Team Leader in Prevention and Engagement from AIDS Calgary. The link to the video is: 

RCMP ask motorists to drive safely
RCMP are reminding motorists and those preparing to celebrate their graduation from high school over the next few days to drive safe and that police will be out enforcing the rules of the road. RCMP in northeastern New Brunswick will be focusing on the factors that lead to collisions where the occupants of a vehicle suffer serious and fatal injuries, such as aggressive driving, impaired driving, failure to wear seat-belts and distracted driving. "Motorists must realize that their decisions and actions behind the steering wheel are important," says Cpl. Pat Gauthier. "The decision to drive while impaired, not wear a seatbelt, speed, tailgate or pass another vehicle in an unsafe manner are forms of aggressive driving and are driving decisions that could result in a collision, as are texting or talking on cellphone."

Four arrested after robbery at Moncton jewelry store
RCMP have arrested four young people in connection with a robbery at a jewelry store in Moncton. Police were called to Itacast Jewelry on Edinburgh Drive shortly after 11 p.m. Sunday. They say suspects had broken into the store, stole some jewelry and fled the scene......

New campaign targets distracted driving: Witnesses to distracted driving encourage...
The RCMP are looking for the public's help in stemming the epidemic of distracted driving on the area's streets and roads. As the distracted driving epidemic grows in New Brunswick streets, the Times &Transcript is hoping to lend a hand by encouraging residents to report such behaviour to their local law enforcers. A new daily feature on Page A2 of the Times &Transcript entitled "Report a distracted driver" will include the numbers of every law enforcement office within our readership area, providing New Brunswickers with the information needed to help put an end to distracted driving in and around Metro Moncton once and for all. "Anything that helps raise awareness on road safety issues is welcome by the RCMP," said Const. Damien Thériault, adding that those who witness such an incident should be sure to pull over before placing a call to their local law enforcement office...................

RCMP investigate robberies, break-in: Edinburgh Drive jewelry store broken into, s... - SOLVED -
Codiac Regional RCMP is investigating a spate of robberies and a break-in from the weekend. Four people were charged yesterday on break, enter and theft charges relating to an incident at Itacast Jewelry on Edinburgh Drive late Sunday night. Suspects broke into the store, stole jewelry and left the premises, according to Codiac RCMP. An earlier incident had been reported at the same address where a suspicious vehicle was seen leaving the area. The vehicle was intercepted shortly after the second incident. Evidence of the theft was recovered and the four occupants were arrested. Meanwhile, police are still investigating four robberies, three of which are believed to be related. Yesterday afternoon, the four suspects - two men and two teenage girls - arrested in the jewelry store break-in were held for court and made their first appearance before Moncton provincial court Judge Irwin Lampert................

Un livreur de pizzas victime d'un vol à main armée à Moncton
Le Service régional de Codiac enquête sur un vol à main armée survenu dimanche sur le croissant Coventry à Moncton. Peu avant minuit dimanche, un livreur de pizzas a rapporté avoir été victime d'un vol à main armée alors qu'il faisait une livraison sur le croissant Coventry. Un homme armé d'un couteau l'aurait approché et aurait exigé qu'il lui remette son argent et la pizza. Le suspect a ensuite quitté les lieux à pied. Personne n'a été blessé au cours du vol. Le suspect est un homme de race blanche mesurant environ 170 cm. Il portait des vêtements foncés. Quiconque a des renseignements concernant ce vol est prié de communiquer avec la GRC de Codiac au 857-2400 ou avec Échec au crime par Internet ( ou au 1 800 222-8477).

Police investigating theft of boxing money: Promoter Daniel Doiron promises that a...
Daniel Doiron is promising that everyone who competed on Saturday night's professional boxing card at the Moncton Lions Club will be paid. The veteran promoter was visibly shaken yesterday as he discussed a robbery that's under police investigation. Doiron said at least $9,000 was stolen on Saturday night, and this left him unable to pay most of the boxers after the seven-bout card ended. "I left the room where I was counting the money for about three minutes, and when I returned the money was gone," he said. "It was my understanding that it was a secure room. There were 600 people in the building, but the thief had to be someone that knew the building well. The RCMP was involved immediately. 

Tip of the Iceberg We say: Clean up Oak Park, but also downtown Moncton
The Downtown Life Committee's ambition to clean up Main Street's dreary Oak Lane would be a small but good idea if the committee, Downtown Moncton Centreville Inc. and Moncton City Council first dealt with a very large, very bad idea that in our view is the reason Oak Park so quickly degenerated into a nasty hang-out the last time it was cleaned up just a few short years ago........... It's high time the municipal government cleaned up not only Oak Park but the western end of Main Street and many of the city blocks bordered by Vaughan Harvey Boulevard and King Streets all the way to St. George Street. Codiac RCMP needs to round up the prostitutes, drug dealers and other such types and deliver a strong message through the courts. If only minor charges such as loitering are achievable in some cases, penalties from the courts, at least for non-resident and repeat offenders, can and should include a probation order stipulating the offender leave the area outright. And downtown Moncton's population of halfway houses and the like has reached its saturation point; no more permits for these should be issued. Some may decry such measures as harsh. We say anything less is unfair to hard working citizens whose taxes get spent, and possibly wasted under in the current situation, on projects like Oak Park.

Canadian Safe Boating Council 
As part of a three year project, the Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) is embarking on an initiative called Operation Dry Water. Its goal is to discourage the practice of drinking and boating on Canadian waterways that account for approximately 40% of boating-related fatalities. For the first two years of this campaign, Operation Dry Water will be a media focused event in which messaging will be delivered to Canadian boaters and all Canadians primarily through media outreach. In 2015-16, once some brand awareness has been developed and media partners established, the CSBC will incorporate a more visible and interactive outreach campaign. Similar to the automotive Spot Check Blitzes close to the holiday season, Operation Dry Water will be a concentrated ‘stop drinking and boating’ campaign on Canada’s waterways to both raise media awareness of the program and curtail this irresponsible practice. In this media strategy, CSBC and the Conseil Québécois du Nautisme (CQN) will create a media opportunity which will occur during the August 3rd weekend.
Break-in interrupted
Codiac Regional RCMP arrested a man yesterday morning while a break and enter was in progress. Shortly after 1 a.m., Codiac RCMP was dispatched to Co-Op Fuels on Mapleton Road in Moncton for a possible break and enter in progress. When police arrived, they found one man inside the premises. An 18-year-old man from Cornwall, P.E.I., was arrested. He was scheduled to appear in Moncton provincial court yesterday to face charges of break and enter, and breach of probation.

Downtown Moncton's reputation rebounds
The growth of Downtown Moncton is slowly but surely bringing more people out to live, work, eat, shop and play. With task forces from both the city and Downtown Moncton Centreville Inc. focusing on what's next for the esthetic and economic development of the core, new businesses turning up every few months and RCMP units on the ground tackling things that go bump in the night - and occasionally during the day - the quarter that extends from Main Street to Mountain Road is poised for success. The merchants, new and long-standing, who do business in the core love where they are and know the potential that Main Street and the St. George Urban Quarter holds. Although there are still perceived notions that the downtown is a threatening place to be in the evening, especially for families, increased RCMP presence and a joint venture of Codiac and DMCI - on top of the city's plans to add more street furniture, greenery and additional lighting - will allow everyone to enjoy the unique shops, cafés and restaurants the quarter offers. Just last month, DMCI rolled out a campaign to curb panhandling in the area, and it was met with a decrease in downtown workers and residents being hassled for change. For the past few years, the RCMP's crime reduction unit has been curbing instances of public intoxication, mischief, theft and assault as well as helping some of the city's most vulnerable people, prostitutes, by beefing up operations to arrest those who solicit them. Now Const. Reid Smith of the Codiac RCMP said the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design program is being used to help improve safety in the downtown, can reduce crime and can even boost business for local retailers and restaurateurs. "A lot of it is common sense," he said. "We need to work together. It's as easy as adding gates, improve sight lines, provide better lighting and add more staff." If a neighbourhood or downtown area looks like a hotspot for crime, with unkempt properties and graffiti lining concrete walls, chances are more crime will occur........................

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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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