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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday June 14h at 1600hrs to Monday June 17th at 0800hrs for your info:

213 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 attempted murder 
• 4 robbery with weapon (3 in Dieppe, 1 Moncton - all with a knife) 
• 1 assault with weapon/causing bodily harm 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 8 assault investigations 
• 0 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 0 assault on police officer 
• 8 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 1 sudden death investigations 
• 1 missing persons 
• 2 criminal harassment investigations 
• 6 break & enter (4 residence, 2 business) 
• 4 possible impaired drivers 
• 4 collisions; 1 with injury, 3 reportable, 0 non reportable 
• 0 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 5 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 9 persons related to mental health 
• 0 vehicles reported stolen 
• 2 theft from vehicle 
• 7 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 1 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 0 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 4 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 1 public mischief investigation 
• 2 false alarms 
• 6 assistance general public 
• 4 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 26 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 7 disturbing the peace 
• 12 municipal by-laws 
• 19 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1260
911 calls - 604
Fire - 55
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1297

Video of teen assault in Moncton creating buzz on social media - investigation ongoing -
A viral video that appears to show a group of teens attacking another teen at a Moncton gas station is creating a lot of buzz on social media. "I was outraged by the fact that there was these kids, first of all somebody was videotaping it, waiting for something to happen," says parent Samantha Melanson. The incident was recorded by at least three bystanders and the video was posted on Friday. Lawyer Meredith Bateman says people shouldn't draw too many conclusions from a few minutes of video. "All we are seeing is a few seconds of what happened," says Bateman. "We don't see what happened before, we don't see what happened after they walked away from the camera and we don't know whether there were threats from one kid to another.".....RCMP are investigating the incident. (CTV and Radio Canada only two media outlets to do stories on the social media discussion on this incident.)

Laws involving toplessness sketchy
Warm weather and sunny skies can only mean one thing to a certain class of Monctonian males: It's time to strip down from the waist up and stroll through the streets with pride - regardless of physical appeal. But as it turns out, little stands in the way of Metro women strutting their stuff right alongside them. Despite references to "public nudity" and "indecency" in the Criminal Code, such terms are technically open to interpretation by municipalities - and Moncton bylaws don't yield the answers........... "In terms of what constitutes public nudity and in terms of what happens (in response to it), that's really subject to the cultural norms and values of a particular place," says Paul Thomson. "What happens in Moncton in comparison to the beaches of Europe or downtown New York City is probably very different and that's kind of the lens that it gets filtered through." Thomson says that it will thus be left up to the general public, as well as the discretion of Codiac Regional RCMP, on how to proceed should a woman decide to parade down Main Street topless. "The RCMP would be the frontline; they would likely be the ones to get called if there was a complaint and it would be at their discretion to determine if it warrants further action, but it would really depend on the situation or the scenario," says Thomson. Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault was unable to provide a comment on the issue since it would require speculation on a hypothetical situation involving "too many variables." ...................

Move to single license plate gains traction with cabinet minister
SUSSEX - This province may be catching up with its neighbours and ditching the front licence plate. Bruce Northrup, natural resources minister and Kings East MLA, said citizens have cast such a sharp spotlight on the issue of added costs to have two plates on a vehicle that the government is paying close attention. The move to eliminate the front plate drew a lot of hype this month with a YouTube video posted by citizens' group FixNB. As of Monday morning, the clip that calls on the province to move to a single-plate system to save taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars a year reached 68,365 views. "We need to keep this on the radar," Northrup said........... Last week New Brunswick RCMP Cpl. Chantal Farrah deferred questions on a single licence plate to the Department of Public Safety. Public Safety spokeswoman Deb Nobes said in a statement that "there is a two-plate rule in New Brunswick and, at this time, government is not contemplating changing that."..............

Police talk crime reduction: Codiac RCMP's public presentation on crime reduction ...
Codiac RCMP invite the public to a presentation about crime reduction today. As part of the Codiac Regional Policing Authority's monthly meetings, Codiac RCMP will continue their series of presentations on various aspects of police work and services provided to the communities of Dieppe, Moncton and Riverview. These presentations help give members of the public a better understanding of the work done by the men and women of Codiac and give those present an opportunity to ask questions. The next presentation will be today at 4:30 p.m., at Dieppe City Hall. Cpl. Michel Dupuis of Codiac's General Investigation Section will speak on crime reduction, specifically crimes against persons. Upcoming presentations will deal with policing large events, crime reduction (crime against property), Victim Services, Forensic Identification Services, Police Dog Services, intimate partner violence and the New Brunswick Motor Vehicle Act.

Fraudsters posing as RCMP: Scam tries to get people to send money online
Police are warning the public to ignore messages on their computers demanding they send the RCMP cash. The New Brunswick RCMP are publicizing a warning from the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, which is jointly managed by the RCMP, Ontario Provincial Police and the Competition Bureau Canada. The centre has received reports from Canadians who say their computers are being frozen or they have been "locked out" of their computers after receiving pop-up messages warning them their computer has been associated with child pornography. These warning messages, which claim to be from the RCMP or the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, tells the recipient to pay $100 via Ukash - an online payment service - so their computer can be unlocked. These types of messages, commonly known as scareware, are designed to create shock and anxiety so victims respond by sending money quickly. "These types of scams have been reported to us in various parts of the province in the last several months, where people have received this message through emails," says RCMP Cpl. Chantal Farrah. "The police would never act in this fashion, communicating through email and sending fines or trying to take money. That's not the way police work at all." Farrah says some people have opened the messages and began replying to them, but she's not aware if anyone in this province actually suffered a financial loss. The anti-fraud centre says anyone who receives one of these messages should be aware it's a scam and they are not coming from the RCMP. 

Heavy traffic raises concerns
The bottleneck traffic at the intersection of Dieppe Boulevard-Harrisville Boulevard and Highway 15 (Veterans' Highway) has long been a source of frustration for motorists from Metro Moncton and beyond. From the aging overpass to the problematic off-ramps, the concerns of public officials and residents alike have been well-documented. But as the region's population and commercial growth continue to soar and the intersection's issues become increasingly apparent, some residents are taking matters into their own hands. "The Dieppe Boulevard-Harrisville Boulevard overpass is falling apart with the amount of traffic going through it every day, either people going to Caledonia, Moncton or Dieppe," says Martin Boudreau of Dieppe, who detailed his growing concerns in a letter to the provincial government last week. "If you go off Highway 15 anytime between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., you'll get a picture of the lineup of cars.".........In the meantime, Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault urges motorists to stay cautious on the road. "No matter why the road is in any condition, we always advise motorists to adjust their driving to road conditions, whether it is weather-related or otherwise."

Man accused of drug offences
Police seized drugs and cash on Tuesday night, and a Moncton man now faces several charges. Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theraiult says members of the Codiac Drug Section made an arrest around 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday in a parking lot behind Robinson Court. "The suspect attempted to flee, but he was caught after a short pursuit," says Theriault, adding they seized cocaine and marijuana during the arrest. "We also executed two search warrants in two separate residences relating to this arrest. During those searches officers seized a quantity of cash and drug trafficking paraphernalia."..............

Drunk driving case adjourned: Defence requests adjournment so lawyer can appear in...
A fatal drunk driving case has been adjourned until later this month so the accused's lawyer can be present in court. Boyd Reginald Atkinson, 42, of Lakeville appeared in Moncton provincial court yesterday and was supposed to elect his mode of trial on eight charges. Instead, Judge Jolene Richard said she had received a letter from his lawyer asking for more time before proceeding to election......The accused was hospitalized with serious injuries after the crash and only made his first court appearance on April 26, when he was charged with operating a 2000 Pontiac Grand Am while impaired, causing the death of 36-year-old Kathy Horsman, of Berry Mills. He returned to court for a bail hearing on April 29, but defence lawyer Wendell Maxwell said he was withdrawing from the case due to a potential conflict of interest. During that court appearance, the RCMP laid seven new charges against the accused, including operating a motor vehicle in a manner dangerous to the public on Berry Mills Road, causing the death of Horsman, impaired driving causing bodily harm to Marc Landry and dangerous driving causing bodily harm to Landry. He's also charged with refusing to provide a blood sample to Const. David St. Laurent for analysis to determine the concentration of alcohol in his blood in relation to a crash that killed another person and refusing to provide a blood sample for analysis in relation to a crash that caused bodily harm to another person. The last two charges are driving with a blood-alcohol level over the legal limit while causing a crash that killed a person and driving over the legal limit while causing bodily harm to a person....................

RCMP probe robberies in Dieppe
DIEPPE - Codiac Regional RCMP are investigating three armed robberies that took place on Saturday morning in Dieppe, according to an RCMP New Brunswick news release. As of early yesterday afternoon, police had nothing new to report on the ongoing investigation, said Sgt. Daniel Landry. According to the release, the suspect - a blond, Caucasian woman, assumed to be about 30 years old - was armed when she robbed three women at around 7 a.m. on Saturday morning. The victims were seated in their cars, at three different locations in Dieppe at the time of the robberies. Only one woman sustained minor injuries.

Police face growing paperwork crunch: Forget the horses - Mounties spend more time...
After bludgeoning an 85-year-old man to death with a crowbar, Michael Feeney stole his victim's truck, crashed it because he was drunk, and then staggered off to the windowless construction trailer he called home. When RCMP officers arrived in the remote hamlet of Likely, B.C., two hours later, frightened residents told them what they had seen. The police went to the trailer and knocked on the door, but no one answered. They then entered the trailer and found Feeney sound asleep, covered in blood. A police officer woke Feeney and arrested him, and life for police officers in Moncton, or anywhere else in Canada, hasn't been the same since.......... According to a 2005 report by the Centre for Criminal Justice Research, the 36 procedural steps in a domestic assault investigation 30 years ago have become 58 steps today. Instead of requiring one hour, such a case - one of the most common calls police answer - now requires 10 to 12 hours. The most dramatic change of all has come in drug trafficking investigations. What was once a simple nine-part flowchart laying out the steps from first identifying a target to handing the file to a crown prosecutor has mutated into a tangled matrix of 65 steps. A DUI, or impaired driver investigation, has gone from requiring about an hour of police time to requiring five hours, according to the study, which is now eight years old. "I think it actually takes more than that now," says Codiac Regional RCMP Inspector David Vautour.......... "Policing is getting more complicated, not easier, and it's exacerbated by our increasing population and the fact we now have the lowest ratio of police to population in Canada," he says. Vautour is acutely aware Statistics Canada's 2012 annual report on police resources in Canada just found Metro Moncton now has the least police officers per 100,000 population of any census metropolitan area in Canada. Codiac Regional RCMP serves the bulk of the Moncton CMA, while a small remainder outside Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview municipal boundaries is policed by other Southeast RCMP detachments. The 2012 StatsCan report, released in March, says, "the largest decreases in the rate were recorded in the New Brunswick CMAs of Moncton (-8 per cent) and Saint John (-6 per cent). With the recent decrease, Moncton became the CMA with the lowest rate of police strength." For Saint John, it's a matter of falling out a penthouse window and landing on the roof because its 189 police officers per 100,000 citizens still places it fourth among the most heavily policed metropolitan areas in Canada. By contrast, there are 105 police officers for every 100,000 citizens in Metropolitan Moncton. Before citizens start barricading their doors, Vautour says it's not all bad news. "Even though we face challenges in policing, Codiac RCMP have had great success as a result of our crime reduction strategy," he says. "We not only target the most prolific offenders, who commit the majority of crime, but we also focus on the vulnerable youth population by intervening and trying to prevent youth from getting involved in the justice system." The successes with young people are particularly dramatic. Codiac showed a 20 per cent reduction in youth-involved occurrences in the past year. "We have a youth at risk section that deals proactively and involves themselves with every youth file," he says. That has brought even more impressive results. So far, their research has shown a full 90 per cent of those youths the section intervenes with do not re-offend. Looking at crime overall, even though Codiac has the lowest ratio of police officers to population in the country, "we continue to have respectable clearance rates," he says...... A general duty police officer sitting in uniform in a marked car can use quiet moments between calls to do paperwork in her cruiser, parked somewhere visible in the community where she can also slow traffic down and be ready to respond to calls at a moment's notice. But the Codiac Drug Section's Corporal Brian O'Donnell says that's something his plainclothes officers, whose jobs require keeping a low profile, just can't do. That means every hour doing paperwork is an hour inside the police station, an hour not spent on surveillance or cultivating the informants and gathering the intelligence that are at the heart of the job. With the drastic jump in the steps necessary to making a drug case, O'Donnell says one of the most valuable skills a drug section police officer can have is a knack for writing up the paperwork. Meanwhile, he's concerned the obstacles to securing drug convictions are especially bad for the community overall because the vast majority of crimes have their roots in illegal drugs.......................

RCMP review unsolved cases: Codiac RCMP looking at unsolved homicides, missing per...

It's become clear over the past few years that just because a case has gone cold, that doesn't mean it can't be solved. The RCMP in southeastern New Brunswick have had a few successes over the last five years when it comes to unsolved cases. They were able to charge Raymond Joseph White with two counts of murder in April 2010, almost 15 years after the murder of Mary Lou Barnes and her son Larry Mills Jr. in November 1995. He later pleaded guilty, was sentenced to life in prison and died last month. In June 2009, David Joseph Ouellette was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to the February 1991 murder of Douglas Edgett and manslaughter in the June 2004 killing of Cheryl Pyne. Just last month a Riverview woman was charged with disposing of the dead body of a child in connection to the four-year-old case of Baby Taylor, the newborn boy whose body was found near Monteagle in April 2009. "The ultimate goal of pursuing all these files is so that families can finally say the matter is done with," says Codiac RCMP Cpl. Mike Dupuis. "It gives them the closure they seek."....

Codiac's Major Crimes Unit seeks clues buried in the past
I struggle with the rapid evolution of technology. I still have a record collection at my mom's house in Newfoundland, yet haven't had access to a record player in 20 years. Even my mom's doesn't work any more. I also still have a stack of cassettes buried in a closet, with no tape deck to play them on. It's hard to toss out all my Rush and Kiss tapes when that music was the soundtrack of my teen years, even if I can't listen to them again................So I can sympathize with Codiac RCMP's Major Crimes investigators. As reported in the news section of this paper, Mounties attached to that unit are undertaking a large project to bring case files from more than 20 unsolved crimes into a modern-day format. It's not a small task, given that many of these old murder files have stacks of boxes of evidence that will need to be scanned, classified and entered into the current police computer system. Cpl. Mike Dupuis spoke about the project at last week's Codiac Regional Policing Authority meeting at Dieppe City Hall and also in an interview with the Times &Transcript. Cpl. Dupuis told me they have some case files solely in paper form, others were entered into computers using programs employed by the Moncton Police Force. Others are in different formats used by the MPF and Codiac RCMP over the years. ....The police have shown that these cold cases can be solved. In the last four years, three separate murder files were resolved with charges laid and eventually guilty pleas entered, in cases that dated back to the early 2000s and 1990s. The fact police continue to review these cases is a sign for the entire community that they have no intention of giving up on a missing person or a murder victim, no matter how long they've been gone. City Views appears Monday through Thursday, written by various members of our Staff. Craig Babstock is a Times &Transcript editor-at-large. His column appears every Monday.

Dangerous driving suspect to be charged
A Dieppe man will appear in court next month to face charges after allegedly leading police on a pursuit. The incident occurred on May 14. After being informed by a resident the day before that there were lots of dirt bikes and ATVs on the street in the Dover Road area, a Codiac RCMP officer observed a dirt bike on the road while he was on his way to another call........... Police released a store surveillance photo of a suspect, which generated tips for police, who were able to identify the man. Const. Damien Theriault says officers have interviewed a 19-year-old Dieppe man and released him on a promise to appear in court on July 29. "He's expected to face charges of dangerous driving and fleeing a police officer," Theriault said.

Four people to face charges in jewelry store robbery
MONCTON, NB-Two adults and two young offenders will appear in court this afternoon to face charges after a robbery at Idacast Jewellers on Edinburgh Drive.Codiac RCMP responded to an alarm at the business at around 11pm last night.When they arrived, police apprehended the suspects and the jewelry was recovered.

Robbery of pizza driver under investigation
MONCTON, NB-The hunt is on for a man who robbed a Greco Pizza driver in the northern part of the city. Codiac RCMP say at around 1am, a pizza driver was held up by a man with a weapon. The suspect took off with an undisclosed amount of money and pizza. He is described as white, around 5 ' 7, and was wearing dark clothing and a coat..

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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



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Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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