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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday July 26th at 1600hrs to Monday July 29th at 0800hrs for your info:

279 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
0 attempted murder
0 robbery
1 assault with weapon (bat)
0 aggravated assault
8 assault investigations
1 sexual assault investigation
0 luring minors over internet
0 assault on police officer
8 investigations of uttering threats against a person
0 sudden death investigations
1 missing persons (under investigation)
2 criminal harassment investigations
8 break & enter (1 business, 1 other, 6 residences)
7 possible impaired drivers
7 collisions; 1 with injury, 4 reportable, 2 non reportable
0 fail to stop/remain at accident scene
22 false/abandoned 911 call
5 persons related to mental health
1 vehicles reported stolen (1 car)
3 theft from vehicle
12 theft under $5000.00 investigations
0 theft over $5000.00 investigations
10 theft under (shoplifting)
0 fraud investigation under $5000.00
0 fraud investigation over $5000.00
12 mischief investigations - damage to property
0 public mischief investigation
5 false alarms
8 assistance general public
7 intoxicated persons detention act
26 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations
12 disturbing the peace
16 municipal by-laws
20 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1205
911 calls - 571
Fire - 42
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1732

58 clients came to the front door and used the telephone in lobby to contact the OCC over the evenings/weekend.

L'arrestation de 11 prostituées sur la rue St. George, à Moncton, fait polémique auprès de certains groupes d'intérêts…Selon le gendarme Damien Thériault, de telles opérations sont mises sur pied afin de rassurer les citoyens. Comme c'est le cas avec tous les crimes dont la GRC s'occupe, M. Thériault indique que leur solution préférée est d'abord et avant tout la prévention. A la suite des arrestations de ces 11 femmes, plusieurs groupes d'intérêts, tel le Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick, ont fait part de leur insatisfaction quant aux mesures prises par les policiers. «C'est inquiétant de voir que ces femmes sont criminalisées, car elles peuvent devenir réticentes à solliciter l'aide des policiers si elles sont exposées à la violence ou si elles sont en danger», indique la présidente du Regroupement féministe, Sylvie Morin.

Man accused of luring A 60-year-old Moncton man has been charged with luring a child over the Internet. The man was charged as part of an investigation by the New Brunswick RCMP's Internet Child Exploitation Unit and the RCMP/Halifax Regional Police Internet Child Exploitation Unit. The RCMP executed a search warrant on Thursday at a residence in Moncton. A man was arrested and a number of computer items were seized. Eugene Marshall appeared in Moncton provincial court and was charged with breaching probation by accessing the Internet for something other than work-related purposes as well as breaching a prohibition order by communicating online with someone under the age of 16 and luring a child under the age of 16 over the Internet. 

Saisie de drogue à Moncton La GRC de Codiac a procédé à deux arrestations dans le secteur du parc Victoria à Moncton, jeudi et à une perquisition dans une résidence de la rue High. Une importante quantité de comprimés d'hydromorphone a été saisie. Tammy Lynn LeBlanc, 41 ans, de Moncton et Robert Sean Beatteay, 44 ans, de l'Alberta ont comparu vendredi pour répondre à des accusations de trafic. Mme LeBlanc a plaidé coupable et a reçu une sentence de trois ans à purger dans un pénitencier fédéral. Beatteay demeurera incarcéré jusqu'à son enquête sur le cautionnement, lundi.

Codiac RCMP locate missing teen Codiac RCMP says a 14-year-old girl who was reported missing on Thursday was located yesterday afternoon and is safe…She was last seen at her residence in Moncton on Thursday. The RCMP thanks the public for their assistance.

Blood donations needed Emergency services teams in Moncton are looking for local heroes to donate blood in support of their work and to help save the lives of victims of tragic accidents. For the first annual Sirens for Life campaign, Canadian Blood Services has partnered with members of Codiac RCMP, Moncton-area fire departments and Ambulance New Brunswick to spread the message that blood donations are needed because the summer months often prove a difficult time for getting as many units as needed. These men and women see firsthand what a victim of a car accident goes through, and what it takes to make sure they survive. "There is a need," Cpl. Mike Gaudet said at the campaign kick-off yesterday morning at the Mapleton Road blood clinic. "There are more people on the road, more collisions we attend, to ... in the summer months. "This doesn't take very long, and you're going to save a life," he added. Cpl. Gaudet was leading by example as he rolled up his sleeves to give blood for his tenth time. In addition to the tragedies he sees on the road and throughout communities, Gaudet also has a personal reason for regularly donating blood. "We all have family and friends with illnesses, and ... both my kids have Crohn's disease, so I know firsthand the blood aspect of things," he said.

The tangled web of Canada's prostitution laws With the arrest and charging of 11 women in Moncton for prostitution, the world's oldest controversy has arisen again, along with both criticism and defence of the Codiac RCMP's actions…It's a complicated issue with many different opinions and related issues, logical opposing arguments on various aspects and all coloured by deep moral and cultural beliefs, standards and taboos. Toss in health concerns, human behaviours, innate biology, our social and legal systems and the disparities between "in theory" or "ideally" and messy realities. It's enough to give the most careful thinkers headaches…The RCMP are doing their job. I agree with those have who think the strictly legal, enforcement approach is unproductive, even counter-productive. Yet the police exist to uphold the law and also cannot reasonably ignore the problems prostitution creates for citizens deprived of enjoyment of their neighbourhoods. Safety declines as sketchy men cruise about propositioning all women. The trade attracts pimps, drug addicts and dealers, and there's the dangers of publicly discarded needles and condoms. One option is to charge the prostitutes. Another is to nab the customers, which the RCMP have also done. It's a balanced approach. It's not their fault the law itself is so ineffective it's barely better than nothing.

Prostitution arrests spark controversy A Codiac RCMP sex trade bust last week has sparked major shock and disappointment among those in the social services sector and many residents in general, claiming the 11 women arrested shouldn't have been the target in efforts to curb the activity…Tina Thibodeau, the executive director of Crossroads for Women, said the RCMP should know better than anyone else that to break the circle of prostitution, they should be looking at those who solicit and hire the women. "What about the criminals who hire them and where are those arrests?" she said. "These women are simply feeding themselves ... how are they going to expect them to go to the police for help now?...In a press release issued by Codiac last week, Const. Damien Theriault said the arrests are meant to keep everyone in areas where prostitution activities arise safe and secure. "Unfortunately, prostitution is often linked to other criminal behaviour, which creates a sense of
insecurity in the community," he said. "Our operations are aimed at ensuring everyone feels, and are indeed, safe in their neighbourhood."…The last few prostitution-related busts occurred last year, with three women arrested in August, and then 10 men charged in September, each with one count of communicating for the purpose of prostitution.

Codiac RCMP maintain reasonable balance in 'street sweeps' I have some sympathy for the views expressed in various news media this week that the Codiac Regional RCMP's arrest of 11 women on prostitution charges somehow increases their victimization, but I'm not completely swayed by two of the criticisms - that the women are "simply feeding themselves" and that police don't charge "the criminals who hire them." On the first, I'd say that same logic could be applied to street level drug dealers, who typically are feeding addictions or have come from childhoods where drug dealing seems like a viable career option, just as prostitution feels like the only option for some women. I don't want to live in a city where the police don't arrest street drug dealers, and I like living in a city where police typically arrest Johns but occasionally arrest prostitutes too…I looked back three years in the Times &Transcript archives to test the argument women selling sex have been singled out while their customers have been ignored. That's not what I found. The recent round-up of women that has people upset is the third sweep in three years. Three women were also arrested last August, and five were arrested in May 2010. Sweeps to arrest Johns were in the news seven times in the same period, with 46 men being arrested. Would legalizing all matters related to prostitution help the women and girls affected by the sex trade? Maybe. Would there be a downside to saying in effect it's perfectly leagl and therefore socially acceptable to consider a woman's body a saleable commodity? Maybe. Prostitution is a complex issue and the responses to it are equally complex. Maybe the Codiac Regional RCMP's actions this week were wrong, and maybe they were right. Either way, I think the police service has nothing to apologize for in its latest effort to clean up our streets.

Information about shooting sought Members from the Fredericton Police Force's major crime unit have asked for the public's help with an investigation into a recent fatal shooting incident in the Moncton area that involved officers from the Codiac Regional RCMP. Staff Sgt. Martin Gaudet,..said a number of local officers have been assigned to interview officers from the RCMP and any witnesses or people with knowledge about the July 13 incident, when a lone subject was fatally shot in the Whitney Avenue-Jordan Street area of Moncton…"It's no different than any other major crime investigation. It's just that in this case, it's police and a suspect and the logistics of it not being in our jurisdiction."…"You're also learning the lay of the land. You don't know the people. So there's some different challenges. But, as far as the investigational steps, it's the same thing they do every day," he said. Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the Fredericton Police Force at 460-2300, or CrimeStoppers, at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Teen pleads guilty to several crimes A teenager arrested at gunpoint in downtown Moncton on Monday will be sentenced later after
pleading guilty to several charges. The 16-year-old boy, who can't be named because he's under 18, appeared in Moncton youth court yesterday and pleaded guilty to several offences. He was remanded until Monday…The teen pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer by backing his vehicle into the police car, two counts of mischief for damaging the police car and the stolen vehicle, evading police, possession of a stolen vehicle, breach of probation and breach of an undertaking.
Moncton bus driver found not guilty in pedestrian death A Codiac Transpo bus driver charged in connection with a fatal crash in Moncton last year has been found not guilty. Gary Pellerin, 59, was turning left at an intersection on Jan. 20, 2012 when his bus hit a pedestrian. Aurore LeBlanc, a 46-year-old mother of two from Memramcook, died from her injuries. Pellerin was charged under the Motor Vehicle Act with driving without due care and attention. However, an engineer testified at the trial that the sun had been shining in Pellerin’s eyes and the judge agreed with the defence that the intersection of King and Main streets is a dangerous one. The court also concluded Pellerin had a green light, wasn’t speeding and there was no indication he had acted carelessly.

City, Codiac respond to bus fatal verdict A judge's support for the idea of changing an intersection that was the site of a fatal collision between a pedestrian and a bus is something the City of Moncton will look at, but a spokeswoman for the city says the intersection, like all others in the city, meets accepted design standards. Judge Jolene Richard found a Codiac Transpo bus driver not guilty Wednesday of driving without due care and attention under the Motor Vehicle Act in an incident last year…Asked if the judge's ruling would affect the Codiac Regional RCMP's decisions about how to interpret the Motor Vehicle Act in its collision investigations, spokesman Constable Damien Thériault said, "we will continue to investigate as we have and bring the evidence we collect to the court for a decision as we have in this case. The judge ruled in this case and we respect her decision. However, each case is different and must be investigated on its own merit."

All pedestrians now in danger? The City of Moncton and Codiac RCMP ought to be alarmed at findings in a Moncton provincial court case this week which appear to require sweeping changes with crosswalk design throughout Moncton. In fact, this case could be precedent-setting and affect all Canadian municipalities…Codiac Transpo bus driver Gary E. Pellerin was acquitted on a charge of driving without due care and attention as the result of his striking and killing pedestrian Aurore LeBlanc with his bus as she negotiated a downtown crosswalk with the 'walk' light on. The prosecution presented evidence that Mr. Pellerin was not looking at the crosswalk when he turned into it and fatally struck Ms. LeBlanc. However, the court ruled this week that distraction was not the deciding factor and also remarked on defence arguments that the crosswalk design is unsafe and that the City of Moncton should consider making it safer, perhaps by reverting to the old 'scramble' style crosswalk design of the 1960s in which intersections display red lights all around so that all vehicles going in all directions stop while pedestrians cross, no matter which crosswalk they are in…In this case, the court preferred the evidence of expert witnesses which ultimately can be interpreted in future, similar cases to conclude most intersections as currently designed in the City of Moncton (and many other municipalities) are death traps and no pedestrian is safe, even with the 'walk' light on, no matter whether the motorist involved is an ordinary driver or a professional one, such as was the case here.

Moncton man handed jail time for molesting daughters
A 61-year-old Moncton man will spend time behind bars for molesting his daughters over 20 years ago. Charles Robert Donnahee was sentenced yesterday to 21 months in jail, with credit for time spent in remand. He pleaded guilty earlier this month to committing the sex offences. A criminal investigation was launched in 2010, after the incidents were finally reported to police. 

Hausse marquée du taux de criminalité à Moncton Le taux de criminalité et l'indice de gravité des crimes connaissent une hausse au Nouveau-Brunswick… L'augmentation est plus prononcée à Moncton, où le taux de criminalité a bondi de 17 % (7039 par 100 000 habitants) et l'indice de gravité de la criminalité a grimpé de 15 % (79,3). «On a certainement noté une augmentation dans les cas de fraude, a affirmé le gendarme Damien Thériault de la GRC de Codiac. Dans la période de l'étude, on a eu tous nos cas de fraude avec les machines de débit. Ça n'explique certainement pas l'ensemble de l'augmentation, mais cela a eu une influence.» La GRC du Grand Moncton étudiera le rapport de Statistique Canada afin de mieux cibler ses efforts dans les secteurs où il y a plus de crimes, a fait savoir M. Thériault…«N'importe quelle augmentation est décevante, mais les résultats d'une année n'indiquent pas nécessairement une tendance», a dit pour sa part le porte-parole du Service régional de Codiac de la GRC.

Aucune accusation contre l'officier de la GRC du N.-B. qui a blessé son collègue Aucune accusation ne sera retenue en lien avec la blessure par balle d'un officier de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC) du Nouveau-Brunswick en avril 2012. Bien que le projectile ait été tiré de l'arme à feu d'un collègue, la caporale Chantal Farrah a affirmé qu'une enquête de la Sûreté du Québec (SQ) avait mené à la conclusion de ne pas déposer d'accusation…L'enquête est complétée mais la GRC, le Bureau des procureurs de la Couronne du Nouveau-Brunswick et la SQ ne préciseront pas davantage comment l'officier a été blessé. La caporale Farrah a dit que ni l'un ni l'autre des officiers n'avait été suspendu. Elle a ajouté qu'un examen administratif était présentement réalisé et qu'une audience formelle était en cours en vertu de la Loi sur la GRC.

Two sent to hospital after car crash Two people were taken to hospital yesterday morning after a car crash in Moncton. "A vehicle left the road around 4:15 a.m. on Elmwood Drive, near Royal Oaks," said Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault. The vehicle was heading south at the time and no other cars were involved. "There were three people on board and two suffered serious injuries," said the constable. "It appears the driver fell asleep at the wheel. It's still under investigation at this time."

Woman who defrauded employer pleads guilty Sentencing will take place this fall for a Moncton woman who admitted to defrauding her former employer out of thousands of dollars. At a court appearance this morning, Nicole C. Lavoie pleaded guilty to a pair of charges including fraud. A charge of theft was withdrawn by the Crown. Between November 2012 and February 2013 Lavoie admitted to defrauding the Circle K Irving on St. George Boulevard of more than five thousand dollars. Sentencing will take place September 12.

Man jailed for threatening Mounties A Moncton man who made detailed threats against the RCMP and their children was sentenced to 10 months in jail yesterday. Wesley Robert Geneau, 32, was given that sentence on top of the two months he's already spent in custody and when he's released he will be on probation for two years. The RCMP are trying to place him on a two-year recognizance on strict conditions as a result of the threats, but a hearing will be held on that at a later date. Geneau pleaded guilty to two counts of uttering threats, a charge of marijuana possession and marijuana production, along with several breaches of court orders.

RCMP recover stolen vehicle in dramatic arrest Members of the Codiac Regional RCMP street crimes unit made a dramatic arrest on St. George Street just east of Botsford Street at 3 p.m. yesterday, pinning in a vehicle reported stolen earlier in the day and taking its two teenage occupants into custody. A 16-year-old-boy was arrested, and police will be laying charges. His teenage female passenger was questioned but charges against her are not anticipated. In what appeared to be a bizarre coincidence, the boy's distraught mother and another woman happened onto the scene just as plainclothes police officers took him from the vehicle at gunpoint. No one was injured in the arrest. An unmarked police vehicle and the stolen vehicle had very minor damage in the incident because the stolen vehicle was pinned by police.

Beware of wildlife on N.B. roads Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of motorists quite like the sight of a moose, bear or other massive member of the animal kingdom looming on the side of the highway - never mind the actual act of striking one. But what can you do to prevent such increasingly common encounters from turning into tragedies? The region's traffic and wildlife officials say there are a number of precautions drivers can take to avoid or minimize the impact of wildlife collisions on the highway…Staff Sgt. James Bates, traffic services co-ordinator for J-Division RCMP, agrees that preventing wildlife collisions has no one-size-fits-all approach. "Every situation is different, but the biggest thing is to avoid collisions, whether it's with an animal, other vehicle or pedestrians. There's (not) a rule of thumb, but obviously moving away from an obstacle that's in front of you without moving into the path of another obstacle is the goal," says Bates. Bates says distractions like music and cellphones as well as excessive speed can all contribute to the likelihood of a wildlife collision. "Allow yourself as much reaction time as possible to the threat of an animal being on or near the road...especially at night when you're less likely to see the animal until the last second."

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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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