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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday July 17th at 1600hrs to Monday July 22nd at 0800hrs for your info:

215 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 attempted murder 
• 0 robbery with weapon 
• 0 assault with weapon/causing bodily harm (investigation revealed unfounded) 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 9 assault investigations 
• 1 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 1 assault on police officer 
• 1 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 0 sudden death investigations 
• 3 missing persons (all located) 
• 2 criminal harassment investigations 
• 4 break & enter (1 residence, 2 business, 1 other) 
• 5 possible impaired drivers 
• 11 collisions; 2 with injury, 8 reportable, 1 non reportable 
• 1 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 7 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 3 persons related to mental health 
• 3 vehicles reported stolen (2 unfounded, 1 under investigation) 
• 1 theft from vehicle 
• 4 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 2 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 0 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 8 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 6 false alarms 
• 12 assistance general public 
• 2 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 17 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 8 disturbing the peace 
• 13 municipal by-laws 
• 9 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1337
911 calls - 682
Fire - 68
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1217

40 clients came to front door lobby and used telephone to OCC evenings/weekend

Moncton resident identified as man killed in 'police-related shooting'
The Fredericton Police Force has identified the man killed in a "police-related shooting incident" on Saturday. Daniel Levesque, 30, of Moncton, was gravely injured Saturday morning and died later in hospital. Fredericton Police have been brought in to investigate because the man was killed in an incident involving Codiac RCMP members. As a result, members of the Fredericton Police Force's Major Crime Team have taken control of all aspects of the file and are continuing with their investigation. The Fredericton Police Force is requesting anyone with information pertaining to the above incident to contact the Fredericton Police Force at 460-2300 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). Const. Danielle Carmichael said Monday that she could not release any more details about the case or the investigation. "I really doubt we'll be releasing much information until the investigation is finished, because it's such a sensitive situation," said the constable. Shortly before 6 a.m. on Saturday, Codiac RCMP responded to a complaint of an armed individual attempting to break into a vehicle in an area near the Moncton Coliseum. The complainant was in the vehicle at the time of the incident and also stated the individual was causing damage to his vehicle. Police officers were sent to the scene, including police dog services, in an attempt to locate the individual because he had left the area of the Coliseum. As police were actively attempting to locate the armed man, shots were fired sometime around 7 a.m. in the Whitney Avenue-Jordan Avenue area of Moncton. Residents in the area reported hearing yelling, followed by shots fired. One bullet went through the front window of an occupied house on Jordan Avenue, but no one was hurt. One witness told Brunswick News they saw police officers and paramedics tending to the man on the ground before he was taken away by ambulance. On Saturday, Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault told reporters outside agencies are called in to investigate any time a police force is involved in a shooting. Any officers who were involved in this shooting were removed from active duty until the matter is resolved.

Daniel Levesque est la victime de la fusillade à Moncton 
L'identité de la victime d'une intervention policière survenue samedi matin à Moncton est maintenant connue. Daniel Levesque, 30 ans, a trouvé la mort dans une chasse à l'homme impliquant la GRC de Codiac dans le secteur des rues Whitney et Jordan, à l'arrière du Colisée de Moncton. Les policiers impliqués dans cette affaire ont été relevés de leurs fonctions jusqu'à nouvel ordre, mais la GRC n'a pas confirmé si la victime était décédée sous les balles des policiers. L'enquête a été confiée au service de police de Fredericton. Les policiers ont répondu à une plainte indiquant qu'un homme armé tentait d'entrer dans un véhicule dans ce secteur, vers 6 h, samedi. A l'arrivée des policiers, le suspect avait quitté les lieux de l'incident. Aidés d'une équipe canine, les agents ont retracé l'individu et auraient fait feu sur lui. Les policiers n'ont pas précisé davantage les circonstances de cette affaire.

Codiac RCMP release suspect photo
Codiac RCMP have released a surveillance camera photo of one of the suspects in a robbery and an attempted theft that occurred in Moncton on July 6 and 7. On July 6, shortly before 11 p.m., a man entered Cedars Pizza on St. George Street and unsuccessfully attempted to steal money from the register. Another individual was waiting for him outside. On July 7, approximately 30 minutes past midnight, the same individuals robbed a woman of her purse in the parking lot of Keglers on Mountain Road. The image of one of the suspects was obtained from a surveillance camera at that location. No weapons were used and no one was injured in either incidents. The individual in the photo is described as being approximately five-foot-eight and 140 pounds. He had blonde scruffy, curly hair with a light brown beard. The second suspect was also approximately five-foot-eight and 140 pounds. He was wearing a dark hoodie, had dark hair and a scruffy look. Anyone with information about these incidents is asked to contact Codiac RCMP at 857-2400 or Crime Stoppers at or 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

RCMP seize meth pills
MONCTON - RCMP in Moncton have seized several hundred methamphetamine pills, a quantity of marijuana and drug trafficking paraphernalia in a search of a Moncton home. Codiac RCMP's drug unit executed a search warrant at a residence on Broadway Street in Moncton on Monday. Two Moncton men, a 19-year-old and a 22-year-old, were later arrested and released on promises to appear in court at a later date. 

Group replaces child's stolen bike
A local bicycle club has made a young Moncton girl's summer a whole lot brighter. Last weekend, nine-year-old Bianca Cormier's bicycle was stolen from her mother's home on Coriander Street. "Her bike was parked right there," her mother Melissa said yesterday afternoon, pointing to a spot next to their front step. "The next day, it was gone." Friends and acquaintances on social media shared a picture of Bianca and her bicycle, an Easter gift, hoping someone would know who stole it or where the bike wound up. It still hasn't turned up........... Const. Damien Thériault of Codiac RCMP said there is no notable variation on the number of bicycle thefts reported to police this year, despite the appearance that more are being reported on social media. "We recommend everyone use proper locking devices to secure their bicycles at all times," he said. "When they are home, people should secure their bicycles out of sight whenever possible - in shed, garage, porch, etc. "Never leave a bicycle, or other property for that matter, unsecured in plain view." He also suggested bike owners write down the serial number, make and model of their bicycles. If it is stolen, report it. The police officer said many found bicycles go unclaimed and are eventually given to municipalities who use them for charitable auctions or give them to low-income families.

Man threatened Mounties and their children
Wesley Robert Geneau was in tears yesterday as he admitted he made terrible threats against the RCMP and their families back in May. "They were pretty shocking," said the 32-year-old man as he stood handcuffed in the prisoners dock in Moncton provincial court, his voice breaking. "Those things sounded as horrible to me as they did to any of you. I would never wish that on anyone or their families." Geneau was in court for sentencing after earlier pleading guilty to two counts of uttering threats, a charge of marijuana possession and marijuana production, along with several breaches of court orders. His troubles began early in the morning on May 5, when there was a fire in the McLaughlin Road apartment he shared with his girlfriend and their son. An explosion occurred in the freezer in the apartment, as a result of pressure building in a batch of hash oil............. Geneau, who suffers from depression, was thrown out of the apartment while his girlfriend and son were given other accommodations. In the weeks that followed, he drank heavily - the court heard he consumed a 40-ounce bottle of alcohol and two 26-ounce bottles during one binge - and began to blame the police for his problems..... "He was talking about blowing up Maple Grove Village and RCMP officers," said Crown prosecutor Marc Savoie. "He also talked about killing RCMP kids so they don't grow up to be RCMP officers." Savoie said Geneau explained several scenarios to his girlfriend that would allow him to kill Mounties. He planned to come up with a reason for police to chase him into the woods, where he would have a rifle hidden, so he could shoot several officers, then shoot himself. He also talked about wiring his apartment with explosives and then calling the Mounties to draw them there. "'I'll kill their families and blow up their kids,'" said Geneau, according to Savoie. "He said he wanted to go out in a big way because he had nothing to lose." Several RCMP officers sat in the courtroom listening as Geneau's threats to kill Mounties and their children were laid out....

Moncton man admits to armed robbery
A Moncton man will be sentenced in October after pleading guilty to armed robbery. MacKenzie Stephen Brigham, 21, appeared in Moncton provincial court with defence lawyer Scott Fowler and pleaded guilty to armed robbery with a knife and masking his face during the commission of an offence. Crown prosecutor Stephen Holt withdrew a charge of uttering death threats. A pre-sentence report and victim impact statement were ordered and sentencing will take place Oct. 3. Codiac RCMP arrested Brigham in relation to an armed robbery that occurred on April 10. Shortly after 4 a.m., a male employee of the Irving Circle K at 1936 Mountain Rd. was robbed at knife-point. At around 8 p.m. the same day, the Codiac General Investigation Section arrested the suspect at his residence without incident.

Car assault case delayed
The case of a woman accused of intentionally hitting people with her car will return to court in a month. Nadia Nina Mallaley, 19, of Moncton, returned to Moncton provincial court yesterday after a 30-day psychiatric assessment to determine if she's fit to stand trial or if she suffers from any mental illness that would result in her not being criminally responsible for her actions. The results of the assessment were not disclosed in court, however there was no mention of her being found not criminally responsible. ............. The accused is charged with two counts of dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm, two counts of aggravated assault and one count of failure to stop at the scene of an accident. At around 11 p.m. on Feb. 22, Codiac RCMP members were dispatched to King Street following a report of a hit and run. The investigation revealed that two teenage girls were hit by a vehicle. They were taken to hospital and later released.

Police warn of thefts
Codiac RCMP are warning Moncton residents to keep their vehicles locked after several recent thefts. Police say there have been seven incidents in the Evergreen-Hildegarde area in recent days in which things were taken from parked vehicles. RCMP are asking that the public help reduce crime by locking vehicles and removing any items that could be perceived as being valuable. Anyone who sees suspicious activity that could involve theft from vehicles can contact Codiac RCMP at 857-2400 or Crime Stoppers at or 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
are asking that anyone with information or who may have seen a suspicious person or vehicle along contact 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). 

Cruauté envers les animaux: des lois plus sévères réclamées
Un groupe revendique des améliorations à la Loi sur la cruauté envers les animaux du Nouveau-Brunswick. Le groupe de Moncton, People for Stronger Animal Protection (Personnes pour une meilleure protection des animaux), demande au gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick d'améliorer ses lois contre la cruauté et la négligence envers les animaux........... Selon la porte-parole de la GRC, Chantal Farrah, la police intervient parfois dans des cas où des propriétaires causent des souffrances inutiles à leurs animaux. Ils font aussi des enquêtes conjointes avec la SPA dans des cas de négligence.........

Practise safe surfing
From studying Shakespeare in the classroom to studying Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in the palms of their hands, the region's teens are officially enjoying their hard-earned summer vacations - many from behind one screen or another…RCMP Cpl. Chantal Farrah says a social media user should "watch what you post," as what you choose to share online may come back to haunt you. "(Social media) is a public forum and once things are online, they're always online, and you can never completely pull that away," Farrah says. "Something that might seem to be taken lightly today might have serious ramifications for you later on, whether it's looking for a job or things of that nature." Farrah says social media users can make the mistake of sharing things of an illicit or otherwise inappropriate nature online without considering the potential consequences. "If you're posting photos of yourself committing a criminal offence - say if you're in possession of drugs or smoking drugs - you're actually posting evidence of yourself committing that crime," she says. "In the context of an investigation, that could be information that the police would gather."… Anatoliy Gruzd, director of the social media lab at Dalhousie University in Halifax, says over-sharing should be a serious concern to social media users young and old…Gruzd cautions that authorities nationwide are becoming "more and more social-media savvy," as evidenced during incidents like the Vancouver riots in 2011, when law enforcement used social media to identify vandals. "Authorities can see these types of (illegal or inappropriate) activities being self-reported on social media and they can, and often do, take action," says Gruzd. Such a case was demonstrated in the region earlier this summer, when three Moncton teens were charged in relation to an assault that was caught on video and posted online, and went viral on social media sites such as Facebook. The video garnered overwhelming response from the social media community, and the teens involved were served with documents to appear in court Aug. 16. 
Moncton's regional policing model
In 2010, more than 10 years after Moncton regionalized its police force, the city reassessed its policing system - and stuck with the RCMP. The process was long and arduous. It involved numerous reports, presentations to council and public consultations. The debate went on for a year and a half. "It was a long exercise and a tough one for our council, but I think that it helped a lot," said Don MacLellan, the city's general manager of community safety services…MacLellan said it took a long time to find an agreement satisfying each municipality. The new cost-sharing model takes into consideration the population, needs of the area, and the volume of calls for service…"If the Greater Saint John area is going in that direction, getting that right is going to be important because I know here in Moncton long before we started this analysis in 2009, that was a key frustration. If you've got partners who are frustrated with each other and continuing to gripe about the amounts they're paying, it's tough on the partnership, so it's an awfully crucial piece of the puzzle that any communities need to get right."…Still, he said one of the realizations during the process was the high and rising costs of policing, and the value of partnering with neighbouring communities. "I think it's effective," he said of Moncton's regional RCMP model. "That's what the analysis told us: as a region we can afford more services. I think that's one of the things we learned."
Women accused of prostitution
Eleven women, ranging in age from 21 to 61 years old, have been arrested on prostitution-related offences in Moncton. The arrests were made on Thursday…part of an ongoing effort by Codiac Regional RCMP to curb sex trade activities in our community. "Unfortunately, prostitution is often linked to other criminal behaviour, which creates a sense of insecurity in the community," said Const. Damien Thériault. "Our operations are aimed at ensuring everyone feels, and are indeed, safe in their neighbourhood." 
Police seize meth
Codiac RCMP's drug unit executed a search warrant at a residence on Broadway Street in Moncton on Monday, seizing illegal drugs. Shortly after 5 p.m., the police gained entry to the residence. The search warrant was in connection with an investigation by the drug unit. Several hundred methamphetamine pills, a quantity of marijuana and drug trafficking paraphernalia were seized during the search. Two Moncton men, a 19-year-old and a 22-year-old, were later arrested and released on promises to appear in court at a later date.
Closing arguments in fatal bus crash case to be heard today arguments will be made today in the case involving a fatal bus accident in Moncton. A trial was held over three days last month. Gary E. Pellerin is facing a Motor Vehicle Act charge of driving without due care and attention. In January of last year, a Codiac transpo bus struck and killed a pedestrian at King and Main Streets, and Pellerin was behind the wheel at the time. 
Riverview man facing attempted murder charge appears for bail hearing
A Riverview man charged with the attempted murder of his wife, will find out today if he will be granted bail. Forty-eight-year-old Ronald Bruce Wasser returns to a Moncton courtroom today. He is facing several charges including attempted murder, assault with a weapon, and aggravated assault. Wasser was arrested at a home on Kerry Court in Riverview on May 29. RCMP had responded to reports of a shooting at the residence.

Column by Times & Transcript reporter Craig Babstock.
Wheels of justice grind slowly
Speedy justice is important, but sometimes it's not a bad idea to slow things down. Sometimes, it's a good idea for judges to take a breather and make sure they get it right, rather than be hasty and regret making a tough decision too quickly. This point was illustrated by several sensitive cases in Moncton provincial court last week. In each instance, the judge was faced with a tough decision and adjourned the matter for a few days to consider their decision…. A man pleaded guilty to growing marijuana in his apartment, breaching court orders and making threats. The Crown asked for 16 months, while the defence asked for 90 days…the issue was the nature of the threats he made…targeting not only the RCMP, but their families as well. He said he would lure Mounties into the woods and shoot them and wire his apartment to explode and then lure them to blow them up. He also said he would kill their children, on the misguided notion it would prevent them from growing up to be cops. Whether or not he ever intended to carry out those threats, the offender showed genuine remorse in court…The judge in this case has to weigh a troubled man's remorse against the fact he threatened the lives of those who uphold the law, and their loved ones. Not an easy decision to make, so she adjourned the case for a few days…Judges make tough decisions every day, that's what they get paid to do. But they are still human beings and you can be sure the decisions they make in cases like these don't come easily. Like the rest of us, I'm sure they lay awake at night, wondering if they've made the right decision. Hopefully if they take the time to consider things, they'll be able to sleep a bit better at night. 


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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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