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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday February 8th at 1600hrs to Monday February 11th at 0800hrs for your info:

134 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 robbery with weapon 
• 0 assault causing bodily harm 
• 0 aggravated assault (suspect identified) 
• 5 assault investigations 
• 1 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 0 assault on police officer 
• 1 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 1 sudden death investigations 
• 2 missing persons (all located) 
• 0 criminal harassment investigations 
• 3 break & enters (1 residence & 1 business) 
• 1 Possession cocaine 
• 1 possible impaired drivers 
• 3 collisions; 0 with injury, 3 property damage reportable, 0 non reportable 
• 1 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 5 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 3 persons related to mental health 
• 0 vehicle reported stolen (3 cars, 2 trucks) 
• 1 theft from vehicle 
• 0 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 1 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 4 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 0 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 1 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 4 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 7 false alarms 
• 3 assistance general public 
• 6 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 16 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 3 disturbing the peace 
• 4 municipal by-laws 
• 17 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1537
911 calls - 542
Fire - 58
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1410

Codiac Drugs Section arrested an adult male 2013-02-07 on Salisbury Rd during a street buy/bust for trafficking marihuana. Seized included marihuana/cocaine/methamphetamine/MDMA/oxys and just under $5000 cash, scales and a working police scanner on him. 

On 2013-02-08 charges were laid against a Moncton adult male for voyeurism, making child pornography and possession of child Pornography as a result of an investigation by Codiac ICE, as noted in the message below.

Additionally, you may recall that last weekend we had a number of thefts from vehicles. I am pleased to say that much work went into the follow up and as a result an arrest was made late last week of an adult male who had been involved in the rash of thefts from vehicles over a period of time.

Bomb threats closes Moncton airport
MONCTON - A bomb threat called into the Greater Moncton International Airport Sunday afternoon caused the terminal to be shut down and flights grounded for an hour. Codiac RCMP Sgt. Daniel Landry said the police received a call of a bomb threat directed toward a specific aircraft at the airport at 3:35 p.m. Sunday. Both officers and members of the Dieppe Fire Department responded to the call. As a precaution the entire terminal was evacuated for one hour while it was thoroughly searched and cleared by police and firefighters, Sgt. Landry said. Nobody was injured, and no real threat was found. The plane was also searched, and continued to its destination. Sgt. Landry could not say what company owned the aircraft or where it was going. Sgt. Landry could also not say where the threat came from or how it was delivered. 

Man faces daycare child-porn charges
MONCTON - The RCMP have charged a man with producing child pornography at a Moncton daycare. The RCMP's integrated child exploitation unit has arrested and charged 32-year-old Jeffery Adam Amos. He appeared in Moncton provincial court Friday and was charged with two counts of making child pornography, one count of possession of child pornography and two counts of voyeurism. The charges are in connection with incidents alleged to have occurred at a residential daycare on Frampton Lane in Moncton starting in February 2012. Police haven't identified the daycare, but say Amos was the daycare owner's spouse. "We will not be releasing the address at this time because the business and the owner have not been charged with anything," said Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault, adding families who have children at that daycare are already being contacted directly by RCMP. The integrated child exploitation unit started the investigation in October as the result of a complaint from the parent of a child at the daycare. As part of the investigation, police seized computers and data storage equipment. Amos has been remanded and is scheduled to return to court Monday morning. Theriault said the investigation was a joint operation involving the integrated child exploitation unit in Fredericton and Codiac RCMP exploitation investigators. "We got a complaint in October and as a result, computer equipment and storage devices were seized at that time and are being analyzed by our technical people," said Theriault. "During that analysis, they uncovered images of child pornography and following that, Jeffery Adam Amos was charged accordingly in provincial court." Theriault said the incidents that resulted in charges are all alleged to have occurred at the daycare, which is still operating. Police believe there are 10 children who attend that daycare and are in the process of contacting all the families of those children - and any children who attended in the past 12 months - to inform them of what's taken place. "We've identified two (complainants) and there may be more," said the constable. "Further analysis of the electronic equipment could allow us to identify more (complainants)."...........................
Police locate missing woman
Codiac Regional RCMP have located a Moncton woman who was reported missing and say she's safe and sound. Rita MacLaren had been last seen on Jan. 30 and her family reported her missing to police a few days later. She left her residence in the Salisbury Road area and did not take her vehicle. Police said her family didn't know where she was and were concerned for her well-being.
Vol à main armée : la GRC publie les photos d'un suspect
Le Service régional de Codiac de la GRC a publié mardi des images tirées d'une vidéo de surveillance où on voit l'homme qui serait responsable d'un vol dans un poste d'essence du chemin Mountain, à Moncton, en janvier. Le 18 janvier, vers 23 h, un homme est entré au poste d'essence Canadian Tire du 650 chemin Mountain. Il a montré au commis une arme ressemblant à une arme de poing, qui était rentrée sous la ceinture de son jean, et il a exigé que le commis lui remette de l'argent. L'homme mesurerait environ de 5 pi 10 po à 6 pi et serait mince. Il n'était pas rasé. Il parlait anglais et portait des lunettes au moment du vol. Son visage était caché par un foulard, et le capuchon de son chandail était relevé. 
No charge in voyeurism case
No charges will result from an alleged case of voyeurism at a Moncton store in October. Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault says investigators brought the file to the Moncton Crown for review but the Crown determined the probability of conviction was too low to justify laying a charge, so the matter is closed. On Oct. 22, police were informed that a man had possibly used a disguised camera to take pictures of a client under a dressing room door at a women's clothing store located on Trinity Drive. Police released a surveillance image and a sketch of the suspect in an attempt to identify the man. 
Charges withdrawn against deceased
The Crown prosecutor has withdrawn charges against a Moncton man after it was discovered he's deceased. Moncton provincial court Judge Camille Vautour called the case of 19-year-old Sunny Blue Best-Buckle on Thursday morning. Best-Buckle had been charged with two counts of trafficking cocaine in early May 2012 and one count of operating a motor vehicle while disqualified in late April 2012…On Tuesday, Codiac RCMP identified Best-Buckle as the person whose skeletal remains were discovered on Dec. 22 in a wooded area next to Wheeler Boulevard near the Church Street overpass.
Police boards should play more active role in policing, lawyer says
Toronto - Police boards should be more involved in policing operations, said a lawyer who was a lead counsel in an inquiry into the 2010 Toronto G20 Summit. Ryan Teschner told the Waterloo Regional Police board Wednesday that the traditional belief that board members have no say in how police operate and are "rubber stampers" is outdated. "Not only is it outdated, but it compromises the role of the board as civilian oversight of policing," the Toronto lawyer said. Following the G20 summit, retired Justice John W. Morden was commissioned by the Toronto police board to conduct an independent civilian review into the conduct of police at what Teschner called the "largest security event in Canada's history." […] While Morden's 38 recommendations are a response to the G20, his interpretation of the role of police boards and chiefs under the Police Services Act pertain to all police boards in Ontario, Teschner said. Traditionally, boards saw their roles as setting policy and budgets and left the running of the police service to the chief, he said. But Morden's interpretation of the Police Services Act is that boards have a responsibility to ask operational questions to ensure their policies are being followed and police chiefs must share that information with boards, he said. "This flies in the face of the conventional role of police service boards," Teschner said. "Operational information is a key ingredient to the work you do." However, he said boards cannot direct police chiefs on specific operations. For instance, prior to the G20, board members could have asked the Toronto police chief about his plans if there were protests at the summit. And if the chief mentioned kettling - a police tactic used for controlling large crowds during protests which became controversial at the summit - board members could have questioned it. That would have fulfilled their duty as a civilian oversight body, but it would be the chief's decision on whether or not to use that tactic, he said. […] Frances Barrick (Waterloo region Record B1)
RCMP feasibility study underway in Moncton
A feasibility study to look at Moncton’s future RCMP detachment needs has been commissioned by city council. The $175,000 review will include a complete analysis of the existing police station from a functional and engineering perspective. The study will also explore, understand and price all of the available options including keeping the existing building. Consulting firm MHPM will undertake the review.

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​Website maintained by the Riverview Neighbourhood Watch Committee



Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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