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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday February 22nd at 1600hrs to Monday February 25th at 0800hrs for your info:

151 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 robbery with weapon 
• 3 assault causing bodily harm (items used: vehicle, wrench, glass) 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 7 assault investigations 
• 0 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 0 assault on police officer 
• 1 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 1 sudden death investigations 
• 4 missing persons (3 located) 
• 2 criminal harassment investigations 
• 3 break & enters (2 residence & 1 business) 
• 3 possible impaired drivers 
• 7 collisions; 1 with injury, 4 property damage reportable, 2 non reportable 
• 0 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 9 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 6 persons related to mental health 
• 1 vehicle reported stolen (car) 
• 0 theft from vehicle 
• 5 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 1 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 3 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 4 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 10 false alarms 
• 7 assistance general public 
• 8 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 16 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 4 disturbing the peace 
• 4 municipal by-laws 
• 16 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1362
911 calls - 597
Fire - 53
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1346
Seniors: Hang up on phone scammers
Jeanne LeBlanc of Moncton said she nearly fell victim to a phone scam that sounded too good to be true, and now she's warning other people to be wary and hang up before they become a victim. "They keep calling and I keep hanging up on them and telling them that I know it's a scam, but they won't stop," LeBlanc said yesterday. "I've reported them to the phone company and the RCMP." … Const. Chantal Farrah of the RCMP said incidents like this are common in New Brunswick and elsewhere. The RCMP urge people who have been defrauded or have been contacted by suspected scam artists to contact them or the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. "If they have been defrauded and lost money, they need to report it immediately and we can investigate to determine who is responsible and bring them to justice," Farrah said. "If they have been targeted, they should contact us and provide us with as much information as they can, and we will forward it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre." 
Pedophiles rationalize deviant acts, expert says
Many people who molest children have "cognitive distortion" that rationalizes their behaviour, says a New Brunswick psychologist who has treated child sex offenders in the past. The individuals think that if they're not hurting the child, or acting violent, the activity is acceptable, said Caroline Brunelle, an expert at the University of New Brunswick Saint John…. While law enforcement officials have described the growing prevalence of Internet child exploitation, Brunelle said that doesn't mean pedophilia is similarly on the rise. "There is more enforcement and (police) are getting much better at catching individuals who engage in this behaviour," she said. Pedophiles are acting on their urges in a different way, and people are reporting such activity around child pornography more, she said. "There is nothing to indicate the actual prevalence of pedophilia will have increased." 
Drivers injured in collision
Two people were injured in a lunchtime collision in Riverview yesterday. Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault says an eastbound vehicle tried to make a left turn on Coverdale Road. The vehicle that was travelling westbound in the outside lane stopped, but when the vehicle turned, a westbound car in the inside lane ran into it. "The injuries did not appear life-threatening, but both drivers were taken to hospital," Theriault said yesterday. 
Gas thief forfeits his car
The next time prolific gasoline thief Mathew Dennis Oliver Power tries to fill up, he's going to need a gas can. Power forfeited his car to New Brunswick's Attorney General yesterday, as part of his sentence for stealing more than $800 worth of fuel from eight Metro Moncton gas stations last year. 
Police chiefs meeting in Fredericton
A potpourri of issues are expected to be on the table for discussion Wednesday as senior law enforcement officials from across the province gather in Fredericton for a meeting of the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police. The three-day gathering is being held at the Delta Fredericton Hotel. Acting Fredericton police Chief Leanne Fitch said the meetings provide law enforcement the opportunity to discuss issues affecting public safety in communities and across the province...........Assistant commissioner Wayne Lang, who commands the RCMP in the province, echoed many of Fitch's concerns. "Presentations around crime reduction/prevention, intimate-partner violence and economics of policing are of particular interest to me," Lang said. The association president, Saint John police Chief Bill Reid, could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

Accusé de contrebande de cigarettes et de possession de stupéfiants
Un homme de Moncton fera face à des accusations en lien avec une saisie de contrebande de cigarettes et de possession de stupéfiants, mercredi, en Cour provinciale à Edmundston. Le 17 février, la GRC, accompagnée de la Force policière d'Edmundston, a intercepté un véhicule sur la Transcanadienne contenant près de 200 000 cigarettes de contrebande et des comprimés que l'on croit être de la méthamphétamine. Deux personnes y prenaient place, soit un homme âgé de 32 ans de Moncton et un autre âgé de 25 ans de Shediac. Les deux individus ont été arrêtés, puis libérés................

Graffiti probe leads to charges: RCMP graffiti specialist anticipates more arrests
As Codiac RCMP Const. Chris Fader drove around town with his daughter last spring, the inquisitive girl asked a question. The 11-year-old saw graffiti on several Moncton buildings and wondered why people would do such a thing. She also wondered what her police officer father was doing about it. "She asked me if I ever arrested anyone for this and I told her I hadn't," said Fader. "Then she said to me, 'Shouldn't you be doing something about it?'?" The constable decided he should be........ On Feb. 13, Fader and other officers executed a search warrant based on the information he had collected. Hundreds of items related to graffiti were seized in the home of a 27-year-old man who was arrested and later released. He will appear in court at a later date to face mischief charges. Fader said six charges are being prepared at the moment, but he conservatively estimates this person could be responsible for up to 25 incidents of vandalism..

Police investigate pair of robberies: Police respond to two robberies and a possib... - SOLVED-
Codiac RCMP are seeking two suspects in relation to two robberies that occurred yesterday. The robberies are also believed to be linked to a third incident. At around 3 a.m., a lone suspect entered the Needs convenience store located at the corner of Mountain Road and Archibald Street in Moncton and demanded money. The woman left the store without anything. She displayed a weapon during the incident, but no one was injured. Shortly before 4 a.m., a man and a woman entered the Ultramar gas station on Champlain in Dieppe and, again, money was demanded. The individuals left the store with an undisclosed amount. The man was armed, but no one was injured. Shortly after 4 a.m., a suspicious woman asked to be let in at the Circle K Irving on Amirault in Dieppe while a man stood nearby. The clerk did not let her in and both left without incident. The man is described as being about five-foot-eight. He was wearing blue jeans, a grey jacket and a black balaclava. The woman is in her 20s. She is described as around five-foot-four and chubby. She had dark hair in a ponytail. She was wearing a black winter jacket and blue jeans. Anyone with information about these incidents is asked to call Codiac Regional RCMP at 857-2400 or contact Crime Stoppers at or phone 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Metro musician reunited with his stolen bass guitar: John Jerome lost thousands of...
After a while, Moncton musician John Jerome gave up looking for the thousands of dollars in music gear that was stolen from his Church Street apartment six years ago.....He reported the theft to police and toured local pawn shops to ask them to keep an eye out, but pretty quickly Jerome realized the chances of having any of his items returned were slim. Six years later, Jerome was standing in The Parlour Pawn Shop on Mountain Road on Monday, holding his long-lost Capri four-string electric bass. When his friend told him about a Capri bass he saw at The Parlour, Jerome thought there was a chance it might be his....... For his part, Jerome is happy to have his bass back and he's hopeful that it may lead to recovery of some of his other items. But he said he's frustrated the RCMP have given him the impression they won't be able to help further. A police officer told him that it's unlikely anything can be done to track down those who might have stolen from him, but Codiac RCMP spokesperson Cst. Damien Theriault said officers will be investigating. "We will be getting in touch with the person who sold the guitar to the pawn shop," Theriault said. However, Theriault admitted it may be difficult to establish who was responsible for the original theft since it took place six years ago. In addition, police are only able to lay charges for summary offences, those deemed less serious by law, within six months of the crime taking place. Theriault suggested that victims of theft should get in touch with local pawn shops immediately to spread word of the stolen items. He said if items are located quickly, it can be much easier to find those responsible and possibly lay charges.............

Daycare pornography case adjourned in court: Moncton man will return to court on F...
A man accused of making child pornography at a Moncton daycare will return to court next week. Jeffery Adam Amos, 32, appeared in Moncton provincial court yesterday and was supposed to enter pleas on two counts of making child pornography, one count of possession of child pornography and two counts of voyeurism. Instead, defence lawyer Scott Fowler asked for an adjournment for more time to speak to the Crown. "We've had some discussions so I'll ask that this be set over until Monday, if possible," said the lawyer. Judge Troy Sweet scheduled the matter to return Feb. 25. Karen Lee Lamrock is the Crown prosecutor on the file, but she didn't appear in court yesterday. The charges relate to incidents alleged to have occurred at a residential daycare at 1038 Frampton Lane in Moncton starting in February 2012. Amos was arrested on Feb. 7 and made his first court appearance on Feb. 8. He had a bail hearing and the judge ordered him detained until his trial. Codiac RCMP say the investigation began after the parent of a child at that facility made a complaint to police in October. Police seized computers and data storage equipment, and analysis of that hardware uncovered images of child pornography. Police say they have identified two alleged victims and are contacting the families of as many as 10 children who spent time at that daycare over the past 12 months. Investigators continue to analyze the computer equipment for more evidence. The daycare - operated by Amos's wife - ceased operations after he was arrested and charged.

Graffitis: un policier veut faire le grand ménage à Moncton
Sur les immeubles, le mobilier urbain et les trains, les graffitis se sont multipliés au cours des dernières années dans le Grand Moncton. La GRC tente maintenant d'enrayer ces actes de vandalisme et a procédé à une première arrestation cette semaine. Le policier Chris Fader patrouille dans les rues du Grand Moncton depuis cinq ans. Onze heures par jour derrière le volant de son autopatrouille, le policier a commencé à remarquer l'effervescence de cet «art urbain» dans les villes de Moncton, Dieppe et Riverview, mais c'est sa fille qu'il l'a poussé à agir. «J'avais remarqué qu'il y avait de plus en plus de graffitis. J'ai une jeune fille qui est très curieuse et chaque fois qu'on voyait un graffiti elle me demandait si je savais qui les faisait et si j'avais déjà arrêté une personne qui en a fait un. Je répondais toujours non. Un jour, elle m'a demandé si je ne devrais pas faire quelque chose à propos de cette situation. Cela m'a motivé à entreprendre des démarches», a confié M. Fader......... Son travail a mené à une première arrestation, un homme de Moncton âgé de 27 ans. Les policiers ont de plus saisi environ 300 bombes aérosol et plusieurs autres objets servant à faire des graffitis appartenant à «l'artiste»..............

La police de Moncton recherche deux voleurs - SOLVED-
Le Service régional de Codiac de la GRC est à la recherche de deux suspects relativement à deux vols qualifiés survenus dans la nuit de lundi à mardi. Les suspects auraient également été impliqués dans un troisième délit. Mardi, vers 3 h, une femme est entrée dans le dépanneur Needs situé à l'angle du chemin Mountain et de la rue Archibald, à Moncton, et aurait ordonné qu'on lui donne de l'argent. La femme aurait été armée, mais personne n'a été blessé et rien n'a été volé. Un peu moins d'une heure plus tard, un homme et une femme sont entrés dans la station-service Ultramar de la rue Champlain, à Dieppe. Ils auraient ordonné qu'on leur remette le contenu du tiroir-caisse, puis auraient pris la fuite avec une somme d'argent. L'homme aurait été armé, mais personne n'a été blessé. Peu après 4 h, une femme «d'allure suspecte», selon la GRC, aurait demandé qu'on la laisse entrer dans le Circle K Irving de la rue Amirault, à Dieppe, pendant qu'un homme l'attendait tout près. L'employé ne l'a pas laissé entrer, puis les deux suspects sont partis. L'homme mesurerait environ 1,73 mètre (5 pi 8 po). Il portait un jean bleu, un manteau gris et un passe-montagne noir. La femme, dans la vingtaine, mesure environ 1,63 mètre (5 pi 4 po) et est grassouillette. Elle a les cheveux foncés et les portait en queue de cheval. Elle avait un manteau noir et un jean bleu. Quiconque a des renseignements à cet égard est prié de communiquer avec le Service régional de Codiac de la GRC au 857-2400 ou avec Échec au crime via Internet ( ou au 1 800 222-8477.

Vol à main armée à Moncton - SOLVED-
La GRC enquête sur un vol à main armée survenu dans un dépanneur de Moncton. Dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, des membres du Service régional de Codiac se sont rendus au dépanneur Needs, sur la promenade Elmwood à Moncton, après avoir été informés qu'un vol y était survenu. Aux environs de 3 h 40, le suspect serait entré dans le commerce, il se serait approché de l'employé et lui aurait ordonné de lui donner l'argent de la caisse. Il aurait ensuite pris la fuite avec une somme indéterminée. Le suspect aurait été armé de ce qui semblait être une arme de poing. L'employé et un client, qui se trouvait dans le dépanneur, n'ont pas été blessés. Le suspect mesure environ 1,83 mètre (6 pieds). Il semblait avoir une carrure moyenne. Il portait un manteau et des pantalons de camouflage. Il portait également un chapeau foncé. Il avait le bas du visage caché par un foulard foncé. Le Service régional de Codiac de la GRC aimerait parler à quiconque ayant des renseignements sur ce vol. Pour ce faire, composez le 857-2400 ou communiquez avec Échec au crime sur Internet ( ou au 1 800 222-8477.
Vols à main armée - SOLVED-
La GRC a déposé des accusations contre une femme et a arrêté un homme relativement à deux vols à main armée qui se sont produits dans le Grand Moncton. Janelle Bourque, âgée de 18 ans de Lakeville, a été arrêtée jeudi et a été accusée le lendemain de vol à main armée, de tentative de vol à main armée, de port d'un masque dans un dessein criminel, de port d'arme dans un dessein dangereux et de défaut de se conformer à une ordonnance. Les policiers ont également arrêté un homme âgé de 25 ans de Shediac, vendredi. La police a pu mettre le grappin sur le suspect après une courte poursuite. Il devrait comparaître en Cour provinciale, samedi, par téléphone. 
Two pedestrians struck by car
Codiac Regional RCMP are investigating after two teenagers were struck by a car on Friday evening. Police were called to Belleview Avenue, near Mountain Road, shortly after 11 p.m. after the two young women were reportedly hit by a car. They were both taken to hospital by ambulance and held overnight. Their injuries were not believed to be life-threatening.
Moncton man facing child pornography charges returns to court
A 32-year-old Moncton man who is facing charges of child pornography will return to court this morning. Jeffery Adam Amos is charged with two counts of making child porn, one count of possessing child pornography and two counts of voyeurism.
As a note, an adult male also appeared in court this morning on more than 10 charges of theft and fraud related to 9 different files in which Street Crime members have been working hard. 
On Feb 20th, due to the observational skills of Cst Amy Michaud, a fire that potentially could have devastated a local business was prevented.

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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



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Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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