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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday February 15th at 1600hrs to Monday February 18th at 0800hrs for your info:

168 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 1 robbery with weapon (firearm) 
• 1 assault causing bodily harm 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 5 assault investigations 
• 0 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 1 assault on police officer 
• 4 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 0 sudden death investigations 
• 0 missing persons 
• 2 criminal harassment investigations 
• 4 break & enters (2 residence & 2 other) 
• 8 possible impaired drivers 
• 7 collisions; 1 with injury, 5 property damage reportable, 1 non reportable 
• 0 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 10 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 5 persons related to mental health 
• 1 vehicle reported stolen (1 car) 
• 0 theft from vehicle 
• 2 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 3 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 1 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 0 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 6 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 2 false alarms 
• 13 assistance general public 
• 8 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 11 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 6 disturbing the peace 
• 4 municipal by-laws 
• 19 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1429
911 calls - 541
Fire - 54
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1604

Police seize meth pills A 38-year-old Moncton man has been charged in relation to methamphetamine trafficking activities Matthew Alexander Buck was arrested by RCMP Drug Unit members on Tuesday. A quantity of pills, believed to be methamphetamine, cash and drug trafficking paraphernalia were seized. Buck appeared in Moncton provincial court on Wednesday and was charged with possession of methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking and trafficking methamphetamine. He was remanded in custody until a bail hearing. A 25-year-old Moncton man was arrested at the same time. He was released and is scheduled to appear in court at a later date.
Spread of child pornography a global issue
It's been a sobering few weeks for parents who leave their children in the care of others. Twice in less than four weeks, daycares in this area were in the news because someone affiliated with them was charged with child pornography-related offences. These aren't the first child pornography cases to come before Moncton's courts and while there may be a common factor in these particular cases, you can never predict who will be charged with such a crime. They are often first-time offenders, some of them are employed in good jobs, others are reclusive, some are young, others are older...During a presentation given by a member of Codiac RCMP's Internet Child Exploitation Unit last week, it was explained that the RCMP had more than 700 "make available" detections in the Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview area in 2012, meaning Internet users in this community made child pornography available from their computers. Since the beginning of 2012, police have laid 32 child pornography and luring charges in this area. Also, six child victims have been identified and located in this community over the last few years...As Williams said during her presentation, the key is to talk to your kids, be open with them and don't overreact if they tell you something you don't like. If your kid thinks you will be judgmental and disapproving, they won't confide in you. 
L'avenir du poste de police de la GRC de Moncton fait l'objet d'une autre étude
La ville a embauché un consultant, au coût de 160 000 dollars, qui devra déterminer si le quartier général, vieux de 30 ans, devra être rénové ou si une nouvelle construction sera nécessaire. « L'édifice est très vieux. Il a 33 ans et il est pas mal rempli partout. On n'a même pas le 9-11 dans la même bâtisse. Il est à Dieppe. » affirme, Nick Leblanc, président de la commission publique qui gère les opérations de la GRC à Moncton En 2007, la ville de Moncton avait investi 100 000 dollars pour un rapport similaire qui concluait qu'on pouvait mettre l'édifice à jour en dépensant 400 000 dollars. Ce rapport a toutefois été tabletté depuis six ans. « On veut la meilleure décision pour la ville et les contribuables, idéalement on aurait pu prendre la décision en 2007. » - Paul Thomson, directeur des communications à la ville de Moncton. La commission publique qui gère les opérations de la GRC à Moncton pense qu'il est temps de rénover ou de construire à neuf.
Child porn case to resume Monday
A Moncton man is to return to court on Monday to enter pleas on child pornography and voyeurism charges. Jeffery Adam Amos, 32, was in Moncton provincial court Friday with his defence lawyer, Scott Fowler. The matter had been set for election and plea, but the Crown prosecutor provided Fowler with the case disclosure, and he asked for a few days to review the file before entering a plea. At the defence's request, Judge William McCarroll adjourned the matter for election and plea and remanded Amos until that time. At the request of the Crown, McCarroll also placed a publication ban on any information that would identify the complainants in this case.........

Drug dealer gets eight-year sentence: Moncton man was main target of major police ...
A Moncton man who was a major player in a local drug trafficking operation was sentenced to eight years in prison yesterday. Marc-André Couturier, 27, appeared in Moncton provincial court with defence lawyer Hazen Brien to be sentenced by Judge Camille Vautour. The judge followed the eight-year joint recommendation made by Brien and federal prosecutor Nicole Angers. Couturier was arrested on June 13 and his parole was revoked. Brien had argued he should get credit for time spent in remand, but the judge agreed with Angers that time spent in prison since his arrest was due to parole revocation. Couturier was the main target of the RCMP's Operation J Token, which broke up a major drug operation in New Brunswick with connections to the Hells Angels. He was one of 10 people arrested. 
To The Editor: 
On Jan. 23, 2013, the Commissioner of the RCMP was in Moncton and presented Commendations for Bravery to Cst. Solange Cormier, Cst. Keith Head, Cst. Phillipe Pauzé, and Cst. Glenn Pinto of the Codiac RCMP. These officers were the first responders at the scene of a fire, and while one homeowner had made it out safely, they learned the man's wife was still inside. The members made several attempts to enter the home to locate the woman, but were repeatedly forced back by the thick smoke and heat from the fire. Without protective fire gear or masks, they did not give up and continued to enter the home until they found the woman in her bedroom and could carry her outside to safety. Unfortunately the woman suffered serious burns to much of her body and succumbed to her injuries a few weeks later. The selfless and brave actions of these members in rescuing her on the day of the fire went beyond the call of duty. On Feb. 8, 2013 these four Members were in Ottawa for the presentation of the Governor General's Commendation for Bravery. The Citizens of Moncton-Dieppe-Riverview should be aware, as we of the Codiac Regional Policing Authority (CRPA) are, that we have members of this calibre in the Codiac Regional detachment, and who show their commitment to our safety. Nick LeBlanc, CRPA Chair (see picture attached)
Two Moncton men face drug charges
Members of the Codiac RCMP Drug Unit have charged two Moncton men in connection with trafficking methamphetamine. Police say 38-year-old Matthew Alexander Buck was arrested Tuesday afternoon in a parking lot on Mountain Road near Universite Avenue. Officers seized a quantity of pills, believed to be methamphetamine, cash, and drug trafficking paraphernalia. He is being held in custody until a bail hearing tomorrow. A 25-year-old Moncton man was also arrested in the same incident but later released to appear in court at a later date on related charges.
Who are Metro's at-risk youth?
Last week, we learned that humans remains found at the side of Wheeler Boulevard at the edge of downtown Moncton were those of a man just 19 years old, a life cut short right in our midst without anyone seeming to notice…When it became publicly known a couple of days later that the young man had been facing criminal charges at the time of his death, the public response didn't waver much. Most of us seemed to believe a 19-year-old lost soul is a soul that still could have been saved. This week, in another troubling case of troubled youth, the Codiac Regional RCMP announced they had located the last of a number of young people who had gone missing in recent weeks, most of them runaways. At one point, there were four teenaged boys and one teenaged girl missing in various cases Codiac was investigating. All are off the streets for now, but they are part of a youthful population in crisis…Last year, 975 youths came through Moncton Youth Residences. 
Du glamour et du rouge pour les maladies du cœur
Les maladies du coeur ne sont pas juste une affaire d'homme... La campagne Le coeur tel qu'elles et son gala annuel de robes rouges visent à sensibiliser la population au fait que les cardiopathies et l'AVC constituent le tueur numéro un chez les Canadiennes. Quinze personnalités publiques porteront les créations originales de 13 stylistes au 5e Gala de mode Le coeur tel qu'elles 2013; une soirée qui se déroulera le 27 avril au Casino Nouveau-Brunswick à Moncton en compagnie de la chanteuse Chantal Kreviazuk…Parmi les 15 mannequins choisis, figurent, entre surintendante du Service régional Codiac de la GRC, Marlene Snowman…

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​Website maintained by the Riverview Neighbourhood Watch Committee



Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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