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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday Dec 14th at 1600hrs to Monday Dec 17th at 0800hrs for your info:

169 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:

* 0 robbery with weapon
* 2 assault causing bodily harm, 1 with weapon (knife)
* 0 aggravated assault
* 9 assault investigations
* 1 sexual assault investigation
* 0 luring minors over internet
* 0 assault on police officer with weapon
* 2 investigations of uttering threats against a person
* 0 sudden death investigations
* 2 missing persons (all located)
* 0 criminal harassment investigations
* 2 break & enters (1 residence, 1 business)
* 2 possible impaired drivers
* 6 collisions; 0 with injury, 3 property damage reportable, 3 non reportable
* 0 fail to stop/remain at accident scene
* 12 false/abandoned 911 call
* 6 persons related to mental health
* 2 vehicles reported stolen (0 car, 0 motorcycle, 2 truck, 0 other)
* 1 thefts from vehicles
* 5 theft under $5000.00 investigations
* 1 theft over $5000.00 investigations
* 5 theft under (shoplifting)
* 2 fraud investigation under $5000.00 (obtaining transportation)
* 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00
* 5 mischief investigations - damage to property
* 10 false alarms
* 6 assistance general public
* 6 intoxicated persons detention act
* 11 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations
* 3 disturbing the peace
* 10 municipal by-laws
* 20 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight
Admin calls (routine calls) - 1174
911 - 324
Fire - 33
PDRM (police dispatch radio monitoring) - 1490

Crime strategy places focus on repeat offenders

A new provincial crime prevention and reduction strategy will target at-risk youths, chronic repeat offenders and domestic partner violence, Premier David Alward says…The Alward government committed in its 2010 throne speech to establish a roundtable on crime and public safety to develop a crime prevention strategy.

The roundtable..delivered the first steps of the strategy Thursday….The initial report focuses on the three priority areas "in which the greatest impact can be achieved." It identifies at-risk youths - young New Brunswickers with poor family dynamics, low attachment to school or negative access to role models or services - noting New Brunswick has one of the highest youth arrest rates in Canada.

It calls for chronic repeat offenders to be targeted because recent statistics show 15 per cent of active offenders were responsible for roughly 50 per cent of all reported crimes in the province. It also identifies the need to curb domestic partner violence, stating that a recent Office of the Chief Coroner report found 32 domestic homicide cases - 24 adults and eight children - in New Brunswick between 1999 and 2008. The working group will now develop specific approaches to address each priority area…

"You are going to see actual, tangible results, whether it is through programming, integrated services, program delivery and good benchmarking." Figures contained in the RCMP's annual report released in October show that the force responded to 7,000 fewer calls for service in 2011 than 2010. The number of homicides in the province fell from seven in 2010 to five in 2011. There were roughly 70 fewer overall crimes committed against individuals, falling to 9,339.

Tire theft angers car dealer: Thieves jacked up car, stole tires and rims from vehicles.

Kevin Campbell took a financial hit when thieves jacked up a car in his lot recently and stole all four tires and rims. But he's so upset about what happened, he's willing to part with a little more money to resolve the situation. 

"I will put up a $500 reward if it leads to the return of the wheels or the identification of the people responsible for this," says the owner of the Car Store on West Main Street in Moncton and Campbell's Auto Sales on Coverdale Road in Riverview. Campbell's Moncton location was targeted around 2 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 2. He got a call from someone later that day notifying him one of the cars in his lot, a Chrysler 300 C, was on the ground with no wheels........... Codiac RCMP confirms they are investigating the two thefts at neighbouring businesses earlier this month..........

New law protects first responders
It's not uncommon for police officers to face dangerous situations in the line of duty. But the most dangerous place they often find themselves is standing on the side of the highway, talking to a driver they've just pulled over. While papers are checked or tickets written, cars and trucks are flying by at high speed just a few feet away. "It's not a safe place to be, let's put it that way," says Staff Sgt. Stephane Caron, head of Traffic Services for the RCMP in New Brunswick. "We have lots of close calls."…Caron says most drivers slow down when they see police and other emergency responders stopped on the side of the road, but there are always some drivers who aren't careful enough, putting people's lives at risk. That's why he's glad to see the New Brunswick government has brought in a new law mandating that cars slow down and give emergency responders space on roads and highways. "It's a welcome change, but it's sad you have to legislate common sense," he says.

Les conditions routières se détériorent au fur et à mesure que l'hiver avance. Les rues deviennent de plus en plus étroites et la visibilité aux intersections est réduite en raison des amoncellements de neige qui gagnent toujours en hauteur. Il n'en demeure pas moins que cyclistes et automobilistes doivent partager la route en toute sécurité. «Tous les règlements de la Loi sur les véhicules à moteur qui peuvent s'appliquer à un cycliste s'appliquent. Ils doivent donc respecter les mêmes règles que les automobilistes», rappelle le policier Damien Thériault, de la GRC.

Police hit drug dealers hard: New strategy boosts results for Codiac RCMP drug off...

If you peddle drugs in Metro Moncton, the odds of you getting caught just went up. And the Codiac Regional RCMP's drug unit not only wants to get you, but they want your stuff, too, aiming to seize anything drug-related, from the car in your driveway to the cash in your wallet. 

"The message is this," says officer in charge Cpl. Brian O'Dell, "we're coming after not only you, we're also coming after your assets as well." A new strategy implemented earlier this year by the drug unit is having an impact at getting dope pushers off the streets and seizing their assets, O'Dell told yesterday's meeting of the Codiac Regional Policing Authority.

The strategy has been in force since the spring and the number of dealers charged, as well as the number of charges laid, is on an upswing. The plan revolves around gathering intelligence that leads officers to hit the most egregious offenders, for maximum impact on public safety.......... 

O'Dell and Belanger's presentation was part of a series that takes place at each monthly meeting of the authority, which serves as the civilian oversight body of the Codiac Regional Police Force which serves Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview. 

The public is welcome to attend these meetings. The next one is slated for Jan. 9 in Moncton City Hall's first-floor boardroom, where officers will offer insights into their Innovative Traffic Operations, wherein officers use unexpected strategies for cracking down on driving offences. For example, recently an officer dressed as Santa Claus greeted motorists along Coverdale Road, radioing to officers waiting down the road each time Santa spied drivers being naughty, not nice, such as driving without a seat belt, drinking or using a hand-held device. In that operation alone, nine warnings and 134 tickets were dished out, three-quarters of them for distracted driving. Two drug seizures were also made..............

Man struck by car, taken to hospital

RIVERVIEW - Emergency responders were called to Riverview just before lunchtime on Wednesday when a man was struck by a car in a parking lot. The incident occurred in the parking lot of Petro-Canada and Tim Hortons at the corner of Coverdale Road and Trites Road. 
A man was walking in the parking lot when a car came out of the drive-thru and struck him. The man lay on the ground unconscious for a few minutes and Riverview Fire &Rescue, Ambulance New Brunswick and Codiac RCMP responded. The man regained consciousness and was treated at the scene before being taken away by ambulance. "They took him to hospital as a precaution," says Const. Damien Theriault.

Suspended sentence for mischief
A Moncton man was sentenced on Friday for damaging a laundry machine in a local apartment building. Andrew Peter Raven, 24, appeared in Moncton provincial court and was supposed to stand trial on an accusation he broke into the apartment building and stole money from the dryer in the laundry room. The Crown and defence were able to resolve the matter and avoid the trial. 

Raven pleaded guilty to committing mischief by damaging the dryer and he also pleaded guilty to breach of probation. Crown prosecutor Jessica Lavoie withdrew charges of break and enter, theft and another breach. Lavoie told the court Codiac RCMP received a call from a landlord on Aug. 12, 2011, reporting that someone broke into the coin machine on his dryer inside a First Avenue apartment building. Police investigated and found fingerprints on the machine that they later learned belonged to Raven.........................

Telegraph Journal Editorial
Police must manage on council's budget
Saint John's chief of police and the police union have warned that since the force's current agreement includes a no-layoff clause, it will be difficult for council to trim costs much further. We believe councillors should draw a slightly different conclusion. Members of the Saint John Police Force do not work for Saint John council, though city taxes pay their wages. 

The force's employer is the Saint John Police Commission. It is council's job to establish the force's budget, and the commission's job to translate that budget into effective policing. 

The challenge of managing the force falls to the commission, not the city - and if members of the commission feel they will have difficulty providing first-rate policing with the force's proposed budget, it is up to them to make structural changes. Clearly, reducing the size of the force is not an option as long as its contract includes a no-layoff clause, but is this really a long-term impediment? The force's 30-month contract expires at the end of this month. Surely the commission can see the value of removing this clause from the next contract. 

Any such move would be strongly resisted by the Saint John Police Association, which represents unionized officers. But what alternative does the union have? If the services of its members become too pricey, the commission could start investigating alternatives, such as contracting the city's policing to the RCMP. 

In our opinion, even suing the city, as the association has proposed in the past, would not prevent further budget cuts. To win their case, members of the force would need to persuade the court that budget cuts would prevent the force from delivering "adequate" policing. Lawyers for the city could easily counter that it is high wages which prevent the force from fielding more officers. 

Councillors should not be swayed from doing their duty. Set a budget that is comparable to what Moncton pays for policing, and demand comparable service.

The following is a link to the December 13th news release announcing the launch of the provincial crime prevention and reduction strategy and a link to the website for the Crime Prevention Strategy document for your information.

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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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