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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the long weekend from the period of Friday Aug 2nd at 1600hrs to Tuesday Aug 6th at 0800hrs for your info:

335 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 attempted murder 
• 1 robbery (with knife) 
• 0 assault with weapon 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 13 assault investigations 
• 2 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 0 assault on police officer 
• 4 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 1 sudden death investigations 
• 6 missing persons (2 still under investigation) 
• 3 criminal harassment investigations 
• 6 break & enter (0 business, 1 other, 5 residences) 
• 9 possible impaired drivers 
• 7 collisions; 1 with injury, 4 reportable, 2 non reportable 
• 1 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 17 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 5 persons related to mental health 
• 4 vehicles reported stolen (1 car, 1 truck, 1 minivan, 1 motorcycle) 
• 4 theft from vehicle 
• 4 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 5 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 4 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 7 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 10 false alarms 
• 16 assistance general public 
• 23 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 36 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 9 disturbing the peace 
• 16 municipal by-laws 
• 41 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Tuesday morning:
Admin calls - 2093
911 calls - 763
Fire - 59
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 2490

RCMP will step up patrols this weekend
Don't let a hefty fine or jail time ruin your New Brunswick Day weekend. RCMP are advising motorists they will be conducting traffic operations starting Friday and throughout the long weekend - targeting a variety of unsafe driving practices, including impaired driving and failure to wear a seatbelt. There will be a heightened police presence, RCMP said in a news release. So far in 2013, 20 people have died in collisions on New Brunswick roads, in RCMP jurisdiction. Alcohol or drugs were a factor in about 10 per cent of those deaths, down from about 25 per cent during the same period in 2012. However, the percentage of fatal crashes where the victims weren't wearing a seatbelt has increased, from 23 per cent last year to 40 per cent so far in 2013. "We hope these numbers mean that people are getting the message that drinking and driving kills," said Sgt. Claude Tremblay of the RCMP's traffic services unit. "It's alarming that 40 per cent of the victims of fatal crashes so far this year were not wearing a seatbelt. Something as quick and simple as buckling up can greatly increase your chances of surviving a crash and returning home to your family." RCMP officers will also be on alert for people who are driving aggressively and using hand-held devices while driving, as well as reminding motorists about the province's "move over" law. Daily Gleaner, A6

Stories generated by J Division News Releases
Police seek info on ATM thieves 
Codiac RCMP is seeking the public's help in its investigation of two incidents of break, enter and theft. Two convenience stores were broken into at night, and substantial amounts of money were stolen from automatic teller machines in two separate, but possibly related, incidents in Moncton last week. 

Forte présence de la GRC sur les routes
La GRC redoublera ses efforts de surveillance sur les routes de la province au cours de la longue fin de semaine de la Fête du Nouveau-Brunswick. Au cours du week-end, la GRC mènera des opérations policières pour cibler les comportements dangereux sur les routes, y compris la conduite avec facultés affaiblies et le non-port de la ceinture de sécurité. Jusqu'à maintenant en 2013, 20 personnes sont décédées sur les routes du territoire de la province qui relève de la compétence de la GRC. L'alcool ou la drogue étaient en cause dans environ 10 % de ces décès, comparativement à 25 % pour la même période en 2012. Cependant, le nombre de décès où la victime ne portait pas la ceinture de sécurité est passé de 23 % à 40 % pour la même période. «Nous espérons que ces statistiques signifient que les gens ont compris le message en ce qui a trait à l'alcool au volant, mais il est inquiétant de constater que 40 % des victimes ne portaient pas la ceinture de sécurité, alors qu'elle aurait augmenté leurs chances de survie. Ce geste simple et rapide aurait pu leur permettre de retourner chez eux et de revoir leur famille», a déclaré le sergent Claude Tremblay de la Section de la sécurité routière de la GRC. Acadie Nouvelle, 
Arrests of Moncton sex workers turns spotlight on issue
An opinion piece states, “Two weeks ago, 11 women in Moncton were arrested for prostitution-related charges. The arrests were explained by an RCMP press release which stated: "The operation is part of an ongoing effort to curb sex trade activities in our community. The Codiac RCMP's primary objective is to ensure safe homes and safe communities for all citizens." The arrests elicited a strong response from various women's advocates in the community, including myself…I'd like to take this moment of shared community attention on the issue of sex work to speak to why these arrests are disturbing…According to accounts of the bust that were shared with us by a service provider, the women arrested in this bust were solicited by undercover RCMP members. They weren't necessarily working at the time; they were in public, and they were known sex workers. At least one of the women arrested was reportedly only known to the RCMP as a sex worker because she disclosed her status as one when reporting a crime committed against her… It also makes it clear that the RCMP are not a resource for them - even when they aren't working, even when they're the victims of crime - and does little to support sex workers in exiting the trade or engaging in prostitution in a more legally-compliant (and, ideally, safer) manner. In other words, busts do little but sweep workers off the streets for a short period of time, while further marginalizing them in the process.” Times & Transcript

RCMP looking for grow-op sites
Crime Stoppers and the RCMP co-ordinated marijuana enforcement team are asking the public to be vigilant and report suspicious activity relating to outdoor marijuana grow operations. In a news release, RCMP said growers not only plant marijuana on their own property, but often use Crown land to avoid prosecution. "Marijuana plants are usually grown in clumps in large areas, and are sometimes surrounded by chicken wire to prevent damage from animals," RCMP said in a news release. "Other vegetation is often used to camouflage the marijuana plants, and a water supply is usually nearby." Daily Gleaner, A6
Look beyond crime stats The problem with cold statistics is that they can provide a rather skewed version of reality, and we must often look beyond the numbers to see the story. This week, Statistics Canada released its Crime Severity Index, which showed that the country's police services are reporting fewer crimes, a trend that has seen the national crime rate hit its lowest level since 1972. But here in Metro Moncton, we see that the number of police reported crimes increased from 8,337 in 2011 to 9,865 in 2012, which puts our city above the national average. At first glance, this might seem to be a cause for concern. But we agree with the assessment by Codiac Regional RCMP that there is no need to panic. As stated in our report of July 30, there has been no significant trend in violent crimes in Metro Moncton and there could be many reasons behind the increase in reported crimes. (…) We certainly do not trivialize the effects suffered by the victims of crime, but support the RCMP's belief that a small percentage of the population are responsible for a large number of crimes. We would also watch the numbers and incidents for changing trends and demand action if and when the situation changes toward patterns of more violent crimes.
Puppy trains to help autistic child
Moncton woman has started training a standard poodle puppy to be a service dog
It is not uncommon for people to move to Moncton for a job or job training, but Moncton now has a furry four-legged worker who is here to be trained for a special purpose. Jude is a golden-coloured 10-week-old standard poodle puppy that you may increasingly see around Moncton, as he accompanies his handler and 'puppy raiser' Paula Sears*. Jude is being trained and socialized in order to learn how to be a service dog for a child with autism. 'Before, service dogs were only qualified to work with people who were visually impaired or wheelchair-bound,' says Paula Sears. 'But now it's becoming more prevalent that you see them with people that have mental health issues.' Jude is a native New Brunswicker, born at Sportsman See SERVICE, A9 
*Ms Paula Sears is a dispatcher at the Codiac Operational Communications Centre (OCC) in Dieppe.

No need to panic over crime, police say
A spokesman for Codiac RCMP says a recent report that shows the crime rate and crime severity increased in Moncton in 2012 is "disappointing" but it shouldn't be a huge cause for public concern. "There are many factors that could have influenced numbers, and the numbers for one year do not constitute a trend and people should not panic," said Const. Damien Thériault. "We are doing a great job here in Moncton, co-operating with the population and various groups, and we will continue working very hard to reduce crime in our beautiful city."…There has been no significant trend in Moncton in recent years. Between 2008 and 2009 the crime numbers remained relatively steady; then there was a small decrease between 2009 and 2010 and a small increase from 2010 to 2011 before this year's larger increase for 2012. "Of course, any increase that is noted is disappointing," Thériault said, noting they will "continue to use the strategies that we have been using in the past that are evidence-based and intelligence-led to continue our crime-reduction strategies." Among those strategies are concentrating on "prolific offenders," who are the small percentage of the population responsible for a large number of crimes…"We also ask the public to be proactive in helping us try to prevent crimes of opportunity, such as thefts from vehicles, which unfortunately is too common in our area. The simple act of locking your doors and taking away the items from your vehicle can help reduce crimes. We certainly would request that everyone plays their part in this case."…A StatsCan spokeswoman noted that the optics of Moncton's reported crime increase may look bad, but there are some positives, such as the fact that some serious crimes saw decreases in 2012…Sgt. Noël Cyr is the provincial police co-ordinator for Crime Stoppers New Brunswick, and he said he was taken aback with the StatsCan data…”..I recall just two years ago New Brunswick was one of the safest provinces in Canada, and now when you read the news they are saying our crime rate has gone up compared to all the other provinces," he said, noting increased crime can have an impact even deeper than simply the victims that are involved. "We're all trying to make our communities safer, and one way of doing it is for everyone to participate in the crime fighting and crime prevention in our province. We all know that if crime goes up, it's usually not good for anyone. It's not good for the province. People will be afraid of moving here. It has a lot of negative impacts on our way of living, so we have to make sure the crime rate is at the lowest possible."

Atlantic Canada sees human trafficking
Walking from Bedford, N.S., to Moncton in just four days, Lia Renaud drew her inspiration from a friend who was once part of the human trafficking trade in Canada. Renaud has also worked with Crime Stoppers and the RCMP in the past. And like Renaud, the RCMP Human Trafficking Department works with both law enforcement officers and the public to raise awareness to the issue. Const. Sebastien Decaens of federal operations with the RCMP says that his team puts an emphasis on fixing the problem from the ground up. "We're being really proactive about it," he says. "We have to let the people that are enforcing the law know the reality of the issue." Human trafficking has been a crime under the Canadian Criminal Code since the mid-2000s, Decaens says. He says the RCMP have a strong focus on working from the ground up and ensuring police are aware how to deal with both victims and traffickers. Times & Transcript, A6 (2013-08-03)

Accusé de leurre d'enfant sur Internet 
Un homme de 60 ans a plaidé coupable à deux accusations découlant d'une enquête menée par les groupes de lutte contre l'exploitation d'enfants sur Internet de la GRC du Nouveau-Brunswick et du service de police régional de Halifax. Eugene Marshall a comparu en Cour provinciale à Moncton et a plaidé coupable à une accusation de manquement aux conditions de sa probation après avoir utilisé Internet pour des raisons autres que professionnelles et à une accusation de manquement aux conditions d'une ordonnance d'interdiction pour avoir communiqué par Internet avec une personne de moins de 16 ans. Il demeurera incarcéré jusqu'au prononcé de sa sentence le 5 septembre.
Please note that I've included last week crime map as our Criminal Analyst is prepared same upon her return from leave.

Designated driver message takes hold 
We are pleased with the recent poll results that indicate the message of "Don't Drink and Drive" is getting through to our younger generation, but clearly we need more initiatives to encourage safe driving for all ages in this province. According to an Ipsos Reid study done earlier this month, 78 per cent of the respondents aged 18 to 35 said they had served as a designated driver at one time or another in the past three years. 

Car crash downs traffic light 
A single-vehicle crash at the intersection of Berry Mills and Horsman Roads yesterday morning has caused significant damage to two traffic light poles, although serious injury was avoided. "As far as I know, the electricity is still down in that area and the (traffic) lights are still out," said Const. Damien Thériault of Codiac RCMP yesterday morning. "There was one person in the vehicle only, and the injuries did not appear life-threatening. The person was walking around when first responders arrived." 

Behind increasing crime rates could lie better enforcement
(…)I've always got my eye out for possible topics, but last week it seemed to be a feast of choices. So I'm just getting around to a story on crime statistics that first appeared two weeks ago. But I got a little lucky, for last Tuesday this newspaper took a detailed look at the situation for Metro Moncton: "No need to panic over crime, police say." That's good! Mind you I hadn't been anyway. Despite some of the crime numbers being up (but not violent ones), we southeastern New Brunswickers live in an incredibly safe place. (…) An RCMP spokesman correctly noted that sometimes a rise in the crime rate merely reflects better policing. Crimes that go unreported aren't in the crime rate because they can't be tallied if there's no complaint filed.

Runaway teens put themselves at risk 
In recent months, there have been many teens in New Brunswick who have run away from home. Luckily, to the best of my knowledge, they have all been found safe and returned home. The question I have to ask is: will they always be that lucky? (…) A child who runs away puts themselves at great risk, terrifies their family and friends and also wastes the RCMP resources. Police and search and rescue teams can spend countless hours searching for these kids, when often they're just hiding out in a friend's basement. 


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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



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Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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