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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday Aug 16th at 1600hrs to Monday Aug 19th at 0800hrs for your info:

214 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 attempted murder 
• 0 robbery (with knife) 
• 1 assault with weapon (pipe) 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 6 assault investigations 
• 1 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 0 assault on police officer 
• 2 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 1 sudden death investigations 
• 4 missing persons (1 still under investigation) 
• 1 criminal harassment investigations 
• 8 break & enter (1 business, 7 residences (5 of these unfounded) 
• 2 possible impaired drivers 
• 6 collisions; 4 reportable, 2 non reportable, 0 injury 
• 2 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 7 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 5 persons related to mental health 
• 3 vehicles reported stolen (2 cars, 1 bicycle) 
• 3 theft from vehicle 
• 6 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 3 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 0 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 4 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 14 false alarms 
• 11 assistance general public 
• 5 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 24 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 10 disturbing the peace 
• 13 municipal by-laws 
• 18 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Monday morning:
Admin calls - 1554
911 calls - 673
Fire - 66
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1782

Crown won't appeal Codiac Transpo verdict
The crown prosecutor in the trial of a Codiac Transpo bus driver accused of driving without due care and attention says he won't appeal the not guilty verdict in the case. "We need to have a legal argument to make," Maurice Blanchard said. "It's not enough to appeal just because we disagree with the decision."…Earlier, Codiac Regional RCMP spokesman Const. Damien Thériault was asked if the judge's ruling would impact how police officers respond to similar incidents in the future. He said, "we will continue to investigate as we have and bring the evidence we collect to the court for a decision as we have in this case. The judge ruled in this case and we respect her decision. However, each case is different and must be investigated on its own merit." 

Police shooting revives calls for oversight
With investigators saying virtually nothing about the police shooting in Moncton one month ago, a criminology professor is calling for the creation of a civilian oversight body in New Brunswick similar to what they have in other provinces, saying it will clear up distrust of authorities and possibly shed a better light on police work. Michael Boudreau of St. Thomas University isn't passing judgment on the case of Moncton's Daniel Levesque, 30, who was gunned down by the Codiac RCMP on a beautiful Saturday morning, July 13. But he says a civilian investigation would dispel public perception of the police looking out for their own when their conduct is called into question. "If the police have nothing to hide, they shouldn't be opposed to a civilian oversight body looking at police shootings," he said. "Being exonerated by civilian investigations would make the police look even better. It would reinforce their findings, as opposed to just another policy agency signing off on it."..... Following normal protocol, an outside police force - the city police in Fredericton - was asked to investigate. Const. Danielle Carmichael, a spokeswoman for the Fredericton Police Force, said that no further details would be released until the investigation is completed. "We've released everything that can be released," she said. "In the police briefings Monday morning the question was asked how long this investigation would take, but it's still undetermined."................Dave MacLean, a spokesman for the provincial Department of Public Safety, asked for more time to examine the issue before commenting. Civilian oversight is a growing phenomenon in Canada, with Ontario leading the way, creating the Special Investigations Unit in 1990. That unit is investigating the high-profile case of the fatal shooting in Toronto on July 26 of Sammy Yatim, an 18-year-old Syrian immigrant. Recorded by several eyewitnesses and viewed on social media sites the world over untold times, the Toronto Police Service has been under intense pressure to explain its actions after it appeared Yatim, armed with a knife, was fired upon nine times, even though he was alone on a streetcar and seemingly far enough away from the officers not to be a threat.

Police authority meeting postponed
The Codiac Regional Policing Authority monthly meeting scheduled for today in Riverview has been postponed to Aug. 21 at 4:30 p.m., and moved to Dieppe city hall. At that time, Codiac RCMP will continue their series of presentations on various aspects of police work and services provided to the communities of Dieppe, Moncton and Riverview. The next presentation is Crime Reduction: Crimes Against Property. Future subjects will include victim services, forensic identification services, police dog services, New Brunswick Motor Vehicle Act.

Biker club president pleads guilty to drug trafficking
The president of the Saint John Bacchus Motorcycle Club, along with five others, has been arrested on drug trafficking charges following a six-month investigation by members of the Fundy Integrated Intelligence Unit. The investigation, codenamed Operation J Turmoil, concluded on Wednesday with three search warrants being executed on Nature's Way in Saint John, Shampers Bluff Road in Kingston and Route 102 in Public Landing. It was a months-long collaboration by the Saint John Police Force, RCMP, Rothesay Regional Police Force and Canada Border Services Agency. In the raids, police seized methamphetamine, marijuana, prescription pills, two firearms, ammunition, brass knuckles and over $4,000 in cash. The drugs have a street value of more than $20,000. The president of the Saint John Bacchus Motorcycle Club, along with five others, has been arrested on drug trafficking charges following a six-month investigation by members of the Fundy Integrated Intelligence Unit. Telegraph-Journal, C1

Man pleads guilty to stabbing 
A two-day attempted murder trial was avoided yesterday, when the accused pleaded guilty to lesser charges. Denis Joseph Allain, 41, appeared before Moncton provincial court Judge Pierre Arseneault for the start of his trial, but he instead pleaded guilty to assaulting a man with a weapon, scissors, and committing assault causing bodily harm on a woman. 

Civilians must oversee police 
A fatal shooting in Moncton has touched off a debate over whether New Brunswick should create a civilian panel to investigate complaints against police. This idea has won the support of the president of the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police. We believe legislators should act on it, as it would bring greater transparency and accountability to policing. Many provinces already have civilian investigators who look into serious allegations against police and release their findings to the public. The complaints turned over to such panels may include police shootings, taserings (such as the death of a man in Moncton several years ago) and physical violence during arrests (such as a take-down that injured a suspect in Fredericton, or a use-of-force incident in Saint John that is soon to go back before the courts.) They may also include allegations of corruption or intimidation. Putting such complaints in the hands of civilian investigators underlines that police agencies are ultimately accountable to the public their members are sworn to protect. It also directly addresses the perception that a conflict of interest is created whenever police are asked to investigate police. 

Armed robbery suspect arrested
Police have arrested a man and charged him in connection to an armed robbery committed on Aug. 5. Marshall Andrew Vuozzo, 22, of Prince Edward Island, appeared in Moncton provincial court Tuesday afternoon and was held for a bail hearing. He's charged with armed robbery. 

Break-ins investigated
Codiac RCMP are seeking the man responsible for three break and enters in Moncton yesterday morning. The incidents occurred at residences on Argyle Street, Cole Avenue and Whitney Avenue some time before noon. Const. Damien Theriault says a homeowner spotted a possible suspect and police made an arrest shortly after, but it turned out that person was not involved. Police are looking for a black man approximately 20 years old, five-foot-eight with a slim build.
Civilian oversight supported
Bill Reid is confident police chiefs will support the idea of a civilian agency that would investigate cops when they seriously hurt or kill someone, such as the RCMP shooting in Moncton last month that left a suspect dead. As the president of the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police, Reid said Wednesday he had asked his organization's members what they thought of such a proposal, and the general response had been favourable. "Civilian oversight is hugely important," said Reid, who is also the chief of the Saint John Police Force. "Not everyone is putting up their hand and saying, 'Yes, this is exactly what we want,' but I'm fairly confident that our association would support such a direction and would not shy away from it, bearing in mind that transparency, accountability and public trust are the cornerstone of what we do. We would certainly be open to that."…the RCMP turned over the investigation to an outside agency, in this case the Fredericton Police Force. Initially, Fredericton police said little about the investigation but on Wednesday it released a statement..It stated that the investigators were getting help from municipal police forces in Saint John, Miramichi and Edmundston, and consulting independent oversight organizations, such as Nova Scotia's Serious Incident Response Team and Ontario's Special Investigations Unit, for objective guidance…[Reid] said it will be up for discussion at the next meeting of the province's nine municipal police chiefs, plus New Brunswick's RCMP representative, in September. The Tory government hasn't said if it would be willing to create a civilian oversight agency. Public Safety Minister Robert Trevors wasn't available for an interview this week and spokesman Dave Maclean said Wednesday his department would not comment on the matter. 

Investigation continues into police shooting
The investigation into the police-related shooting death of a Moncton man continues, according to Fredericton police. When contacted yesterday afternoon, Fredericton Police Force Const. Danielle Carmichael said there is no update on the investigation and no information will be released to the media until the matter is concluded. 

Woman pleads guilty in armed robberies
A Dieppe woman has admitted to robbing three people at knifepoint in the Champlain Mall parking lot. 32-year-old Rachel Elsie Winsor pleaded guilty to three counts of robbery in court Wednesday. Police say Winsor approached three women in their vehicles early in the morning on June 15th. She was armed with a knife and demanded money. Personal property was taken from each victim and one victim suffered minor injuries. 
Time for disclosure
We do not see a need for a 'civilian oversight body' to investigate the behaviour of police officers in controversial situations such as the July 13 incident in Moncton, in which a civilian was apparently shot to death by police. This, simply because nothing in the history of policing in this province suggests such a need. Police officers are human beings just like the rest of us, capable of making a mistake or of being caught up in a situation that requires a police investigation, on rare occasions a trial and on even rarer occasions a conviction for a criminal offence. It is already routine in New Brunswick that officers from an 'outside police force' are brought in to investigate any case involving a police officer. It is already well established that this is done in order to protect the integrity of an investigation in the eyes of the public…we think it is also high time that the investigative body in this case, Fredericton Police Force (FPF), disclosed those details of the July 13 incident involving one or more members of Codiac RCMP that would not compromise the investigation. It is inadequate in our view for the FPF to simply state they have nothing to say until the investigation is complete, and that they have no idea when the investigation will be completed.
Anti-bully law draws N.B.'s attention
New Brunswick's justice minister plans to study Nova Scotia's new cyberbullying law to see whether it could help those who face online tormenting here. "We will as a province look at what's being done and if it could be beneficial to us. From what I have seen there are certainly some beneficial aspects and it is important to look at," Marie-Claude Blais said. The new provincial law that came into effect last week in Nova Scotia allows people to sue if they or their children are being cyberbullied. Victims can also seek a court order that could place restrictions on their cyberbully or help identify the culprit. Nova Scotia Justice Minister Ross Landry introduced the act in April after 17-year-old Rehtaeh Parsons hanged herself at her home in Halifax. Parsons died after being taken off life-support. 

Trial likely in courthouse brawl case
A man accused of taking part in a courthouse brawl intends to go to trial. Matthew Adam Murphy appeared in Moncton provincial court yesterday, charged with causing a disturbance on May 3 by fighting inside the Moncton Law Courts and breaching a court undertaking to keep the peace and be of good behaviour. He has a Legal Aid lawyer and told the court he wants to plead not guilty and get a trial date. The judge didn't accept the pleas, choosing to adjourn the matter so his lawyer can be present. Murphy returns to court Aug. 30.
Two men facing drug charges
RCMP Federal Operations East has arrested two men and seized a large quantity of drugs as the result of a 10-month investigation into drug trafficking in Southeastern New Brunswick. On Thursday, investigators from Moncton, with assistance from RCMP Traffic Services, Southeast District RCMP in Shediac, and the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) intercepted a recreational vehicle on Route 15 near Shediac. A search of the RV enabled police to seize approximately 19,000 methamphetamine pills, 11 kilograms of cannabis resin and three kilograms of cocaine. As part of the investigation, investigators also executed search warrants at 40 Inglis Street in Shediac and at the Old Cosmo Bar Complex on Westmorland Street in Moncton. These additional searches resulted in the seizure of drug trafficking paraphernalia. A 41-year-old man from Dieppe, Luc LeBlanc, and a 25-year-old man from Moncton, Jeffrey Bujold, appeared in Moncton provincial court yesterday and the federal prosecutor objected to their release. The two men have been charged jointly with three counts of trafficking controlled substances and three counts of possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking. At the time of his arrest, Bujold was on parole which has since been revoked by Correctional Services Canada as a result of this police investigation. 
Victims should not be re-victimized
Robert Goguen is sympathetic toward a Moncton woman who is fearful after her abusive spouse was released from prison on day parole. The offender is living in a halfway house in Moncton and his ex-spouse is worried he may be a threat to her safety and that of her children. "It's absolutely horrific," says Goguen, the Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe MP. "All I can do is scratch my head and wonder how this can be." The Times &Transcript can't identify the woman or her children because a court-ordered publication ban prevents their names from being reported. Her ex-partner was imprisoned for four years for sexually assaulting her and abusing her children, and is now a registered sex offender. He was recently given day parole by the Parole Board of Canada and is on a number of conditions, including an order to stay away from the woman and her family. He was released even though the woman expressed fear to the parole board that he will reoffend against her and her kids, the RCMP said it strongly opposes his release and he was classified a high risk to reoffend. The woman says she feels the system has failed her, and the offender's rights are being given more weight than hers. She also thinks it's wrong the offender is living in this community when he has no ties to Moncton. Sylvie Blanchet, the Parole Board of Canada's regional manager of community relations and training, told the Times &Transcript recently that the parole board has to make decisions based on all the information provided. 

Police warn of phone scam
Codiac RCMP are warning the public not to fall for a phone scam that requires you to spend $1,000 to claim a free trip. Police have heard a couple of complaints from people in this area who have received these calls, and have heard of other people receiving the calls but not reporting them to police. The caller claims to be affiliated with Shoppers Drug Mart and other companies and tells the person they have won a trip down south worth $3,500 and they must cover $1,000 of that cost. The person on the phone then asks for credit card information. 

Cyclist killed on highway (Saturday)
A cyclist was killed yesterday morning during a collision on Highway 2, the Trans-Canada Highway. The incident occurred around 7:30 a.m. in the eastbound lane near the truck scales in Salisbury and involved a truck belonging to MRDC, the company that maintains the highway. Southeast RCMP Cpl. Phil Cyr says an MRDC truck was driving in the inside lane when a cube truck began to overtake it. "The two vehicles crashed into each other when they were side-by-side, propulsing the MRDC truck into a cyclist," says Cyr...The 64-year-old cyclist was taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Cyr says the man is from Moncton, but his name is not being released because his family is still being notified. "Apparently, he's a regular cyclist; he does it often," says Cyr. 

Vol à main armée à Moncton (Saturday)
Un homme de 22 ans de l'Ile-du-Prince-Édouard a été arrêté en lien avec un vol à main armée survenu dans un dépanneur de Moncton. Le 6 août, environ 25 minutes après minuit, les membres de la GRC de Codiac se sont rendus au dépanneur Needs situé au 1036 chemin Mountain, à Moncton, relativement à un vol à main armée…Marshall Vuozzo a été arrêté par la police de Saint-Jean lundi. Il a été ramené à Moncton où il a comparu en cour mardi et mercredi.Il demeurera détenu jusqu'au 16 septembre pour fixer une date pour son enquête sur le cautionnement.

Cellphones blamed as fatal collisions by 'distracted drivers' up 17%
fatal collisions caused by distracted drivers have risen by 17 per cent in Canada over the past, most recent five-year period, from 302 deaths to 352, according to data from Transport Canada's National Collision Database for the years 2006 to 2010…Studies estimate that distracted driving accounts for 30 to 80 per cent of collisions — and cellphone use is widely accepted as an important contributor…In Nova Scotia, the RCMP recently revealed that distracted driving this summer, the busiest time for accidents, surpassed impaired driving as the No. 1 cause of deaths. Earlier this year, Saskatchewan's public insurance bureau noted the same…For years now, distracted driving has surpassed drinking and driving as one of the top causes of collisions in Ontario, where it is consistently blamed for 30 per cent of highway accidents…"Reaching over for something, putting on makeup, shaving, reading the newspaper, trying to reach for things for a child: these are all forms of distraction." It's hard to know how many people die because of drivers on their cellphones.

Club will continue to focus on making money – expert
During the course of a six-month investigation that led to the arrest of the Saint John Bacchus Motorcycle Club president, police say they gleaned valuable new information about the biker gang.This is the second arrest of a Bacchus president in the last year and though questions remain about the club's future, experts say the Port City remains an attractive location for its members…The investigation, codenamed Operation J Turmoil, was a collaboration between the Saint John Police Force, RCMP, Rothesay Regional Police Force and Canada Border Services Agency. "Unfortunately, because it's still in the process, I can't get into any details of the investigation, other than to say we learned a lot about the club that we may not have known prior to the investigation," said Const. Tammy Stence, a member of the intelligence unit and provincial co-ordinator for a national organization investigating outlaw motorcycle gangs. "The Bacchus Motorcycle Club is a one-per-cent club and I think that certainly strengthens the police views on outlaw motorcycle gangs in that they often use intimidation and violence to assist in carrying out their criminal activities." 
Man faces charges
Codiac RCMP plan to charge a man with drunk driving after a vehicle flipped onto its roof in Riverview Thursday night. Shortly after 8 p.m., police received a call reporting a car was upside down behind the McDonald's restaurant on Coverdale Road. The driver was the lone occupant of the vehicle and was not seriously injured. Responding officers detected signs of impairment and investigated further. The man was given a notice to appear in court at a later date, when he will be charged. 

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​Website maintained by the Riverview Neighbourhood Watch Committee



Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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