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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday April 26th at 1600hrs to Monday April 29nd at 0800hrs for your info:


197 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 robbery with weapon 
• 3 assault with weapon/causing bodily harm (weapon - bear spray, shopping basket and striking the ground) 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 11 assault investigations 
• 1 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 0 assault on police officer 
• 2 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 1 sudden death investigations 
• 4 missing persons (3 located) 
• 0 criminal harassment investigations 
• 4 break & enters (2 business & 2 residence) 
• 7 possible impaired drivers 
• 4 collisions; 3 property damage reportable, 1 non reportable 
• 6 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 14 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 4 persons related to mental health 
• 3 vehicle reported stolen (3 car) 
• 1 theft from vehicle 
• 3 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 2 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 0 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 5 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 6 false alarms 
• 10 assistance general public 
• 7 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 16 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 6 disturbing the peace 
• 10 municipal by-laws 
• 17 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1375
911 calls - 508
Fire - 522
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1886

Last week the Minister of Public Safety, the Honourable Robert Trevors announced that the province will maintain existing levels of service for two very important programs Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods unit (SCAN) and five specialized police
intelligence units (IIU) that are dedicated to fighting organized crime in NB. These units had previously been funded through a generous 5 year federal investment that ended March 31, 2013. As you recall, the CRPA had submitted support in particular of SCAN in recent months, we heard clearly from policing and community stakeholders that the work being done by SCAN was very important.

Amos guilty of daycare offences
A Moncton man will be sentenced in June after pleading guilty to offences he committed at his wife's daycare. Jeffery Adam Amos, 32, appeared in Moncton provincial court with defence lawyer Scott Fowler yesterday and pleaded guilty to five counts of voyeurism and one count of possessing child pornography. Crown prosecutor Karen Lee Lamrock told the court she intends to withdraw the remaining five counts of making child pornography after the court hears the facts of the case and accepts the guilty pleas. The charges of making child pornography were laid as alternative counts to the voyeurism charges, meaning he wouldn't have been convicted of the two different offences because they represent the same crimes.........Codiac RCMP say the investigation began after the parent of a child at that daycare made a complaint to police in October. Police seized computers and data storage equipment, and analysis of that hardware uncovered images of child pornography..........

Dental records identify remains
MONCTON - Skeletal remains found in Riverview last weekend have been identified as a young Halifax man who went missing six years ago. Codiac Regional RCMP has confirmed that human remains found on April 20 in a wooded area in Riverview, were that of 18-year-old Emmett Price, who was reported missing in August 2007. "There were personal items at the scene where the remains were located," says Const. Damien Theriault. Through the investigation and discussions with the Halifax Regional Police, some of those items were linked to Price. Police then checked dental records, which confirmed the identity. An autopsy was done earlier this week, but the cause of death has not yet been determined and is still under investigation. Theriault says the evidence so far does not point to foul play. Investigators are attempting to determine how long the remains were in the woods. "They've been there for years, but we don't have an exact timeline," the constable said.

Bail hearing tomorrow for robbery accused
A Moncton man has been charged in connection with an assault and robbery that took place in Memramcook last week. Rejean Gautreau, 33, appeared in Moncton provincial court on April 17 and was sent for a five-day psychiatric assessment. On April 11, Memramcook RCMP responded to a call that a man had been beaten and robbed in his home on la Vallée Road in Memramcook. The victim was treated for non-life-threatening injuries and released from hospital. The victim and Gautreau know each other. A bail hearing is scheduled for tomorrow.

Man accused of credit offences
Codiac RCMP have charged a man in connection with several credit card offences that were committed in November. Patrick Frederick Calam, 26, was brought to Moncton provincial court by police yesterday to face five charges. He had been contacted by investigators, turned himself in on Tuesday and was taken into custody. Calam was charged with four counts of using a stolen American Express credit card on Nov. 30, knowing it was obtained by crime. He was also charged with possession of a stolen credit card. Crown prosecutor Malika Levesque said she was prepared to agree to Calam's release if he signs an undertaking, which he did. Judge Irwin Lampert ordered him to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, abstain from drugs and alcohol and obey a curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. He will return to court June 3 to enter pleas.

Man admits to 2010 bank robbery: Accused pleads guilty to robbing National Bank wi...
A prolific bank robber has admitted to robbing a Dieppe bank almost three years ago. Richard Racicot, 44, of Montreal, appeared in Moncton's Court of Queen's Bench yesterday to stand trial on four charges. He was accused of committing robbery at the National Bank on Champlain Street in Dieppe on Sept. 14, 2010 while armed with a revolver, masking his face during the commission of an offence, possession of a revolver for a dangerous purpose and breaching a court-ordered firearms prohibition. The trial was scheduled to begin yesterday and last five days, but Crown prosecutor Marc Savoie and defence lawyer Michel DesNeiges reached an agreement to resolve the matter. Racicot pleaded guilty to robbing the bank with an imitation revolver and masking his face while Savoie withdrew the possession of a weapon charge and the breach of the firearms prohibition.............. While this was Racicot's only bank robbery in this area at that time, he was quite busy before and after the Dieppe robbery. It was later learned that he robbed two National Bank branches in Montreal, one on Sept. 9, 2010, one on Sept. 23, 2010. He was caught after the Sept. 23 robbery and arrested by the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal. Codiac RCMP investigators worked the Dieppe case and were able to find evidence pointing to Racicot.................

Mountie hurt during incident
A member of the Codiac Regional RCMP was injured Monday evening when he responded to a disturbance on Snow Avenue in Moncton. The first to arrive at the residence where the disturbance had been reported, the police officer got into an altercation with the subject of the complaint and suffered minor injuries. He was taken to hospital, treated and released, said Codiac RCMP spokesman Const. Damien Thériault. Charges against a youth have been laid in connection with the incident.

Man dies after being hit by train
A man died after being struck by a train in downtown Moncton early yesterday morning. The collision happened shortly before 6 a.m. near the intersection of Queen and Lutz streets, according to the RCMP. The man was taken to hospital and pronounced dead shortly afterward. The investigation is continuing. No foul play is suspected, and police say the name of the victim will not be released.

Vol à main armée dans un dépanneur de Moncton
La GRC enquête sur un vol à main armée survenu jeudi soir dans un dépanneur de Moncton. Peu avant 19 h 30, un homme et une femme sont entrés au JM's Convenience, situé au 61 chemin Mill, à Moncton. L'homme a approché l'employé et exigé qu'on lui remette de l'argent. Le suspect était armé d'un couteau, mais personne n'a été blessé. Les suspects ont pris la fuite à pied avec une somme indéterminée. L'homme recherché est de race blanche. Il mesure environ 1,82 m et parlait anglais sans accent. Il portait un chandail à capuchon noir, un gilet noir et des pantalons noirs. Il avait le visage couvert. La femme portait un chandail à capuchon blanc, un foulard noir et des pantalons de pyjama roses. Elle avait également le visage couvert. Elle n'a pas parlé au cours du méfait. La GRC demande à quiconque ayant des renseignements au sujet de cette affaire de communiquer avec le Service régional de Codiac de la GRC au 857-2400. On peut aussi communiquer avec Échec au crime par Internet ( ou au 1 800 222-8477.

As well this morning I received this message from Moncton Fire Department, Fire Chief Eric Arsenault: 'Early this morning Constable J.A.R. (Jonathan) Cormier used the fire extinguisher from his patrol vehicle to contain a fire at the Kegler’s Pub on Mountain Road. By doing so, he reduced the spread and damage caused by the fire. On behalf of the Moncton Fire Department, I would like to thank him for his quick action.'

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​Website maintained by the Riverview Neighbourhood Watch Committee



Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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