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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday April 19th at 1600hrs to Monday April 22nd at 0800hrs for your info:

209 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:

* 0 robbery with weapon
* 1 assault causing bodily harm
* 0 aggravated assault
* 11 assault investigations
* 0 sexual assault investigation
* 0 luring minors over internet
* 0 assault on police officer
* 6 investigations of uttering threats against a person
* 2 sudden death investigations
* 4 missing persons (3 located)
* 0 criminal harassment investigations
* 2 break & enters (business)
* 5 possible impaired drivers
* 8 collisions; 2 with injury, 4 property damage reportable, 2 non reportable
* 1 fail to stop/remain at accident scene
* 19 false/abandoned 911 call
* 4 persons related to mental health
* 1 vehicle reported stolen (1 car)
* 3 theft from vehicle
* 9 theft under $5000.00 investigations
* 0 theft over $5000.00 investigations
* 2 theft under (shoplifting)
* 0 fraud investigation under $5000.00
* 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00
* 9 mischief investigations - damage to property
* 0 public mischief investigation
* 6 false alarms
* 4 assistance general public
* 5 intoxicated persons detention act
* 22 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations
* 6 disturbing the peace
* 6 municipal by-laws
* 17 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1558
911 calls - 626
Fire - 60
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1472

Metro 911 centre holds open house
To mark National Public Safety Telecommunicatons Week, Codiac Regional RCMP is offering public tours of the Operational Communications Centre in Dieppe. This centre, managed by Codiac Regional RCMP, is responsible for answering all 911 calls from Southeastern New Brunswick. The operators answer emergency calls, dispatch police and fire responders, and transfer emergency calls to other emergency services such as ambulance or poison control. The guided tours will give visitors an inside look at the facility where 911 operators work and an explanation of the service they provide 24 hours a day, seven days a week. More than 180,000 calls are answered each year by the operators. Not all the calls are emergencies as they also answer non-emergency and administrative calls. Twenty-eight telecommunication operators work at the Dieppe Centre taking calls, dispatching police and fire, and monitoring the activities of the responders. It is one of six provincial public safety answering points in New Brunswick. The open house will be held today from 9 to 11 a.m. at 500 Gauvin Rd. in Dieppe. The operational communications centre is located in the same building as the Dieppe Fire Department.

911 centre keeps Metro safe: Emergency dispatch operators have demanding, difficul...
In what can be a difficult career, Treska Schella tries to focus on the rewarding side of her job. "You're helping people; on a daily basis, you're making a difference," she said. "What you do as a 911 operator, you're the first touch for somebody who's in a crisis. 911 is very seldom not an emergency." Schella, who became an emergency services dispatcher with Codiac Regional RCMP's operational communications centre in Dieppe five years ago, said one never knows what will happen on the job in the average day. "All it takes is one emergency, and the lines light up like a Christmas tree, especially if it's something like a big fire or an accident on the highway," she said. "Everybody has a cellphone, everybody's calling in a 911. The first thing we have to determine is where we need to send help. Sometimes that can be our biggest challenge."........... This centre, managed by the RCMP, is responsible for answering all 911 calls from across southeastern New Brunswick. The operators answer emergency calls, dispatch police and fire responders and transfer emergency calls to other emergency services such as ambulance or poison control. Across New Brunswick, more than 180,000 911 calls are made each year. At the Dieppe centre, roughly 51,000 calls come in. Approximately 30 per cent of those aren't emergencies and 400 calls a month are "pocket dials," when an individual accidently dialed 911 when their cellphones were in their pockets, said Sgt. André Pépin, who manages the centre.............

Fraudsters claim to be with CNIB: Police investigating reports of scammers going d...
Criminals are taking advantage of the charitable nature of Monctonians. "People in Moncton are known for giving back to the community and for people to take advantage of that is heartbreaking," says Amanda Bent, manager of fund development with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. The CNIB warned residents yesterday that fraudulent canvassers are going door-to-door in this community, pretending to collect money for that organization. Bent says they received calls from between five and 10 people last week who were concerned the person who came to their door may not have actually been from CNIB......... CNIB has already been in touch with Codiac RCMP and the matter is under investigation. Const. Damien Theriault says they have no suspects at this time. He says people should be careful when it comes to door-to-door canvassing and they should check credentials before making a donation............

Robbery accused sent for assessment
A Moncton man accused of robbing a store earlier this month was sent for a 30-day psychiatric assessment yesterday. MacKenzie Stephen Brigham, 21, appeared in Moncton provincial court with defence lawyer Scott Fowler. He's charged with armed robbery with a knife, masking his face during the commission of an offence and uttering death threats. Codiac RCMP arrested Brigham in relation to an armed robbery that occurred April 10. Shortly after 4 a.m., a male employee of the Irving Circle K at 1936 Mountain Rd. was robbed at knifepoint...............
Vehicle collision kills Berry Mills woman: Charges are anticipated in death of Kat...
As authorities continue to investigate what happened in a horrific motor vehicle collision on Killam Drive that took the life of a 36-year-old woman on Wednesday night, work continues to try to prevent devastating losses of life that come as a result of drunk driving. A Berry Mills woman died following a two-vehicle, head-on collision on Killam Drive in Moncton on Wednesday night. The RCMP believe alcohol was a contributing factor in the accident. The victim's identity hasn't been officially released by the RCMP, but she was Kathy Horsman, a teacher who has taught at Magnetic Hill School........Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Thériault said the road was closed until almost 3 a.m. yesterday to allow for cleanup and for the reconstructionist to determine the circumstances surrounding the crash. Police dogs were also brought in to check to ensure that no one had been ejected from one of the vehicles upon impact. Thériault said the investigation is ongoing and it's too early to tell what speed either car was travelling. While charges have not yet been laid, Theriault said it's always disheartening to have a crash where alcohol is considered a factor. "When something like this happens we take the opportunity as police officers to remind people that they should use every other means than taking the wheel after they have consumed alcohol," he said. "We continue our efforts to educate people, unfortunately it still happens. We will continue our work to try to make people more aware that it's a very dangerous thing to do. "One person losing their life is one too many."...............

Lottery scam making the rounds
Atlantic Lottery is warning the public to be on alert for tricksters. The corporation said some people have been receiving emails or phone calls telling them they've won the lottery. They often look and sound legitimate, but if you haven't bought a ticket, this could be a scam, Atlantic Lottery said. "Recently, a few concerned citizens made us aware that they've received calls and emails from persons fraudulently claiming to be Atlantic Lottery representatives," Colin Smith, director of security and compliance with Atlantic Lottery, said in a news release. "These players were asked to pay a fee in order to get their prize.".............Cpl. Chantal Farrah, a spokeswoman for the RCMP in New Brunswick, said this scam is just one of the latest going around. "Once upon a time, for people to fall for a scam, the scam artist (or) the fraudster had to physically come see you," Farrah said. "You had somebody who would present themselves at your doorstep
or come talk to you on the street and then try to sales pitch their scam. Nowadays, they are doing it via the Internet, by a telephone - remotely, which is much harder to identify where the frauds are originating from, who's responsible for them and even catching the person responsible." Confidence tricksters are now able to reach out to hundreds and hundreds of people at the click of a button, Farrah said. "It seems that every few months we see a different type of scam come out, originating from different sources." Catching those responsible is challenging because investigators have to establish where the scam is originating from, and often there is an international link, she said. But all police agencies in Canada feed that information into the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, and resources are put together in an effort to get to the bottom of them, Farrah said. "Anybody should be wary of any unsolicited phone calls or emails," Farrah said. "If you spontaneously get an email saying you won something, automatically bells should go off that (it) most likely is a scam." ..........

Montreal men face more fraud charges: Men charged in connection with alleged incid...
A pair of Montreal men now face a slew of fraud charges relating to incidents at Metro Moncton businesses in late March. Bruno Camara, 21, and Mena Bekhit, 29, were arrested March 26 after reports of frauds at local stores. At their first court appearance, Camara was charged with three counts of fraudulently using or possessing credit cards, with each count involving a different credit card. He was also charged with two counts of possession of property obtained by crime, one involving three Sears gift cards, the other involving two Apple USB cables from Walmart. Bekhit was charged with the same two counts of possession of property obtained by crime, but nothing relating to stolen credit cards. While Bekhit was released on a $10,000 cash bail, the Crown objected to Camara's release and he remains in custody. More charges were laid in Moncton provincial court yesterday, and Camara now faces 20 charges, while Bekhit faces 11 charges. "We have had nine businesses come forward so far, and there could be more that were targeted," says Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault. "We expect more charges.".........

New computer virus tells users they are being investigated for child porn
Police in Fredericton are warning residents about an online virus that tricks computer users into thinking they are under investigation for accessing child pornography. Some computer users are receiving the message in a pop-up window online, and are then told to pay a $100 fine or risk legal action. Oromocto RCMP Cpl. James Christensen tells CTV News his detachment has received numerous calls from local residents about the message in the past few months.Police say the message isn't coming from them, and anybody who gets the message should contact them immediately.

Police investigate discovered human remains
RIVERVIEW - Yellow police tape secures a section of a trail in a wooded area off of the east side of Gunningsville Boulevard where Codiac RCMP say human remains were found Saturday afternoon. Cpl. Jacques Cloutier said they received a call around 1:25 p.m. from a few hikers who say they discovered what they thought were human remains while walking the trail which is about one kilometre from Coverdale Road. At least five cruisers and the coroner's van were called in after it was confirmed that the hikers' discovery was indeed a body. RCMP protected the scene overnight using the tape and a tarp to safeguard potential evidence that may lead as to how and when the person died. A forensics unit and an anthropologist were on the scene yesterday scouring the cordoned off, wooded area which is equal distance between the two trails, approximately 100 feet apart. Members of the Tri-County Ground Search and Rescue were also at the scene yesterday conducting a sweeping search of the wooded area. Cst. Damien Thériault says while there's still no positive identification on the remains, and it does not appear to match with any recent missing persons cases in the Metro Moncton area, he says the investigators have one new piece of information. "The investigators at the scene established that the death was not recent however we do not have an exact time frame as of yet." It is believed that by late yesterday afternoon, the coroner had yet to take the remains to the morgue. Thériault said they will keep the scene protected for as long as needed. The RCMP will also expand the radius of missing persons cases to Moncton's outlying areas in case any seem to match the remains in Riverview.............

Fraudsters claim to be with CNIB: Police investigating reports of scammers going d...
Criminals are taking advantage of the charitable nature of Monctonians. "People in Moncton are known for giving back to the community and for people to take advantage of that is heartbreaking," says Amanda Bent, manager of fund development with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. The CNIB warned residents yesterday that fraudulent canvassers are going door-to-door in this community, pretending to collect money for that organization. Bent says they received calls from between five and 10 people last week who were concerned the person who came to their door may not have actually been from CNIB......... CNIB has already been in touch with Codiac RCMP and the matter is under investigation. Const. Damien Theriault says they have no suspects at this time. He says people should be careful when it comes to door-to-door canvassing and they should check credentials before making a donation............

Robbery accused sent for assessment
A Moncton man accused of robbing a store earlier this month was sent for a 30-day psychiatric assessment yesterday. MacKenzie Stephen Brigham, 21, appeared in Moncton provincial court with defence lawyer Scott Fowler. He's charged with armed robbery with a knife, masking his face during the commission of an offence and uttering death threats. Codiac RCMP arrested Brigham in relation to an armed robbery that occurred April 10. Shortly after 4 a.m., a male employee of the Irving Circle K at 1936 Mountain Rd. was robbed at knifepoint....

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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



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Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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