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A brief overview of what has occurred with Codiac Regional RCMP over the weekend from the period of Friday April 12th at 1600hrs to Monday April 15th at 0800hrs for your info:

150 files created as a result of calls for service, of those:
• 0 robbery with weapon 
• 0 assault causing bodily harm 
• 0 aggravated assault 
• 7 assault investigations 
• 1 sexual assault investigation 
• 0 luring minors over internet 
• 1 assault on police officer 
• 0 investigations of uttering threats against a person 
• 0 sudden death investigations 
• 1 missing person (located) 
• 2 criminal harassment investigations 
• 1 break & enter (business) 
• 0 possible impaired drivers 
• 1 collisions; 0 with injury, 1 property damage reportable, 0 non reportable 
• 0 fail to stop/remain at accident scene 
• 7 false/abandoned 911 call 
• 3 persons related to mental health 
• 4 vehicle reported stolen (1 truck, 2 cars - 1 recovered after located and foot chase, 1 dirt bike) 
• 1 theft from vehicle (hubcaps) 
• 6 theft under $5000.00 investigations 
• 1 theft over $5000.00 investigations 
• 4 theft under (shoplifting) 
• 0 fraud investigation under $5000.00 
• 0 fraud investigation over $5000.00 
• 7 mischief investigations - damage to property 
• 0 public mischief investigation 
• 15 false alarms 
• 9 assistance general public 
• 4 intoxicated persons detention act 
• 13 suspicious person/vehicle/property investigations 
• 4 disturbing the peace 
• 6 municipal by-laws 
• 20 persons detained in cells
OCC stats from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight:
Admin calls - 1411
911 calls - 498
Fire - 46
PDRM (police radio monitor) - 1341

Police investigate another robbery
Codiac RCMP are investigating a third robbery in as many days. Const. Damien Theriault says the incident occurred at the Irving gas station and convenience store at 1936 Mountain Rd. in Moncton shortly after 4 a.m. yesterday…The robber was armed with a knife but no one was injured. He fled in a vehicle with an undisclosed amount of money. The man is described as Caucasian and in his mid 20s. He is approximately five-foot-10, has medium-length dark hair and was clean-shaven. He was wearing a black jacket and a dark hat. He used a black and grey scarf to cover his face. The suspect's vehicle is described as a small silver hatchback with notable front end damage.
Crime stoppers turned country show stoppers
What happens if you contact Crime Stoppers? Although they pass on to local police authorities any tip or information phoned or emailed them Crime Stoppers Anonymous is not a part of any police force - federal, provincial or local…It is a charitable organization funded and managed by volunteers…Since they established their New Brunswick office in Fredericton in 1985, Crime Stoppers has given New Brunswickers an opportunity to provide information critical to the solving of crimes, safely and anonymously through their secure toll-free hotline. But Crime Stoppers receives no financial assistance from law enforcement agencies, media or elected authorities with whom they work…That's why concerts like the annual Sussex Crime Stoppers Country Show, this Saturday, 7 p.m., at the Sussex Regional High School Theatre, are so very important to their being financially able to continue the invaluable service they provide helping to curb crime in the province. ..While many will never have information to share about a crime, you can still help N.B. Crime Stoppers financially, by attending the fundraiser concert…

Woman dies after car-bus collision
The passenger of a vehicle involved in a collision with a Codiac Transpo bus has died as a result of her injuries. At about 2:20 p.m. on April 2, Codiac RCMP members were called to the scene of a collision involving a Codiac Transpo bus and a car at the intersection of Morton Avenue and McLaughlin Drive in Moncton. At the time of the incident, the injuries sustained by the three occupants of the car were believed to be non-life threatening. However, an 86-year-old Moncton woman died on April 5 as a result of her injuries. The driver of the bus is believed to have suffered a medical issue that led to the collision. There were no passengers on the bus, only Codiac Transpo employees, because it was not in service at the time. Codiac RCMP Const. Damien Theriault said the investigation continues and more statements will be taken, but police don't believe any charges will be laid.

Taxi driver robbed
Codiac RCMP are investigating the early morning robbery of a taxi driver in Moncton. Shortly after 4 a.m. yesterday, a taxi driver picked up a man on University Avenue. The individual requested to be taken to Cornell Street. Once at that location, the suspect threatened the driver with a knife and demanded money. He then told the driver to get out of the cab and drove away in the vehicle, taking an undisclosed amount of money. The driver was not injured and the taxi was recovered shortly after, a short distance away. The suspect is described as a Caucasian man, about 30 years old. He is about six feet tall with a slender build and weighs around 160 pounds. He has short hair and was clean shaven. He has a fairly long nose and light skin. He was wearing a grey jacket, a dark stocking cap (toque). He spoke English with a slight accent. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Codiac RCMP at 857-2400 or Crime Stoppers at or 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Biker gang turf war on the horizon, warn police
Police say the infamous Hells Angels are making a play to regain control of Nova Scotia, causing tension with the existing Bacchus outlaw motorcycle gang and setting the stage for what could be a turf war in Atlantic Canada. A new motorcycle club set up shop along Highway 7 in Musquodoboit Harbour this winter. The Gate Keepers wear a red and white patch, colours that carry a lot of weight in the outlaw world. They are aligned with the Hells Angels chapter in London, Ont. The Angels left Nova Scotia in 2003 after a series of police raids put most of its members in prison. RCMP Insp. Joanne Crampton said the new Gate Keepers patch has angered members of the black and gold wearing Bacchus. "There's approximately 80 Bacchus here and they feel that they have Atlantic Canada as their territory. The concern now is that the Hells Angels have made it clear that they want Atlantic Canada to be their territory and they are now doing it through the Gate Keepers," she said. There are several Bacchus chapters in Atlantic Canada - one in Nova Scotia, three in New Brunswick, one in Prince Edward Island and two in Newfoundland.................

RCMP investigate third armed robbery in as many nights
MONCTON, NB-Another overnight armed robbery in the Greater Moncton Area has R-C-M-P investigating. For the third time in three nights a suspect has escaped arrest in the Metro region following a robbery. This time, the robbery took place just after 4 a-m at a gas station on Mountain Road near Evergreen Drive. So far the investigation has revealed a lone man entered the store, demanded money and then fled in a vehicle after receiving the cash........

Robbery investigated
Codiac RCMP are investigating an armed robbery that occurred overnight at a Dieppe gas station. At around 1 a.m. yesterday, a man entered the Ultramar gas station at 157 Champlain St. He approached the male employee and threatened him, demanding money. No weapon was shown and no one was injured. The suspect fled with an undisclosed amount of money. The Codiac police dog services followed a track, but were unable to locate the individual. The suspect is a Caucasian man. He is approximately five-foot-six with a slim build. He has dark hair and his beard had a few days of growth. He was wearing a dark jacket, blue jeans and a white toque. Anyone with info about this incident is asked to contact Codiac RCMP at 857-2400.

Commander of RCMP Academy named top Mountie in province: Policing | Roger Brown inhe...
The Mounties in New Brunswick have a new chief. The RCMP announced Friday that Assistant Commissioner Roger Brown will soon take over as the commanding officer of the force in New Brunswick from Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang, who's retiring. Brown has served as the commanding officer at the RCMP Academy (Depot division) in Regina, Sask., since 2008. He's no stranger to Atlantic Canada because he's a native Newfoundlander and was posted in Newfoundland and Labrador for part of his career. He's also served in roles with the RCMP in Quebec and Ottawa. "The New Brunswick RCMP has an excellent reputation across the country as an innovative and well-run division," Brown said in a news release. "I am very much looking forward to continuing the work done by Assistant Commissioner Lang, building on the successes and ensuring we continue to contribute to the goal of making New Brunswick Canada's safest province." .. Reached for an interview Friday, Brown told The Daily Gleaner said the intent of the reduction in the number of detachment is to redirect resources into hands-on policing and to put more police officers on the road......There's only a limited about of money for policing in New Brunswick, he said, and his job will be ensure those funds are spent where they're needed. "It's a challenge, but it's also an opportunity," Brown said by telephone from Regina on Friday. The goal isn't to cut back but to improve policing in the province, he said. Smaller detachment buildings require overhead and maintenance, the incoming commander said, and freeing up those funds can lead to better policing. Technology and infrastructure such as highways have improved, Brown said, and such improvements can make for better policing as well. "That's just evolution," he said. Brown said he took the New Brunswick job because he's always wanted to be the commanding officer of an operational division. "When approached by the commission, I jumped at it," he said. "I look forward to getting down there." Brown is expected to assume his new role later in the spring.......

Drivers reminded to leave room on roadside for cops
Roads and highways can be dangerous places for emergency responders helping those in distress. Too often, police, fire and ambulance workers find motorists are driving too close for comfort while they're parked on the side of the road responding to accident scenes and other matters. That's why the District 2 RCMP and the New Brunswick Department of Public Safety are reminding motorists of the Move Over Law, which was put into effect in the province in January. "When an emergency vehicle is stopped on the highway, there are some rules you have to follow. Slow down and move over to the left, and if there is another lane available, you have to get over into that other lane when you are going by that emergency vehicle. Failure to do so means a fine of $292.50 and the loss of three (driver's) points," said Const. Derek Black. The fine and loss of points is meant to encourage drivers to pay attention, obey the law and keep first responders safe while they're working on the side of the highway, he said. When there's an vehicle accident, he explained, it's human nature to look at what's happening. As a result, he said, many people drive too close.........

New scam making rounds, alleging links to child porn and demanding money
Dozens of Fredericton-area computer users are getting a disturbing computer notification alleging their computers have been linked to child pornography use and distribution. It's an international scam designed to scare people who receive the notice into paying a $100 fine through an electronic money transfer. The scam tells those who receive it that once they pay the money they will be free to use their computers again. Bob DeLong was using his computer earlier this week when he received the bogus notice. "I was just surfing the web looking at different things, and this thing popped up and it blocked the computer altogether. It looked like an RCMP document. It said the user had been illegally distributing pornography and viewing and using child pornography," he said..... District 2 RCMP has received several complaints from others who also said their computers were frozen after they received pop-up messages warning them that their computer has been associated with child pornography. These warning messages, which claim to be from the RCMP or the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), tell the recipient to pay the fine and then their computer will be unlocked within a few days, said Const. Derek Black. These types of messages, commonly known as "scareware," are designed to create such shock and anxiety that victims respond by sending money quickly, he said. "We call it scareware because people see that it says child pornography, and the bells and whistles go off and people say, 'Oh my God, I don't want to be accused of child pornography,'?" he said. Over the past several months, Black said, the scam has been gaining momentum in the Fredericton area and across the province with increasing numbers of computers being affected by the virus, Black said. "According to our tech crime department, it's an international virus. It's not known specifically where it's coming from, but in the regions that it affects, it will pick up the local police departments. So if you get it here, you will get an RCMP warning as well as maybe a CSIS warning," Black said........

Assessment ordered
A Moncton man accused of robbing a gas station at knifepoint was sent for a psychiatric assessment yesterday. MacKenzie Stephen Brigham, 21, appeared in Moncton provincial court, charged with armed robbery with a knife, masking his face during the commission of an offence and uttering death threats. The defence asked for a five-day psychiatric assessment to determine fitness to stand trial, which the judge ordered. The Crown has objected to his release and he will return to court for a bail hearing on April 19. Codiac RCMP arrested Brigham in relation to an armed robbery that occurred Wednesday morning. Shortly after 4 a.m., a male employee of the Irving Circle K at 1936 Mountain Rd. was robbed at knifepoint. At around 8 p.m. the same day, the Codiac General Investigation Section, assisted by general duty members, arrested the suspect at his residence without incident.

Dieppe senior found guilty of resisting arrest: Judge places man on probation, cal...
An elderly Dieppe man has been convicted of resisting a police officer and causing a disturbance. Eldon Lumsden, 80, appeared before Moncton provincial court Judge Pierre Arseneault yesterday to hear the judge's verdict after his Feb. 26 trial on the two charges. "Overall, this is a very unfortunate, regrettable incident that took place," said the judge. Arseneault reviewed the testimony given by several witnesses during the trial and the evidence placed before the court and he determined Lumsden's version of what happened during a traffic stop on Champlain Street on Sept. 14, 2011 was not credible......Const. Philippe Pauzé testified during the trial that he was driving down Champlain Street on the day in question, when a car changed lanes in front of him, causing him to hit the brakes. He didn't pull the car over, but when he passed the vehicle, he could see Lumsden yelling and gesturing at him, and at that point he stopped him. The officer said Lumsden got out of his car and came straight towards him, yelling and using obscene language. He was aggressive to the point the constable thought he was about to get physical, and wouldn't get back in his car, so Pauzé pushed him and he fell over the curb onto the sidewalk. The Mountie testified Lumsden refused to be handcuffed and eventually he had to give him "three moderate strikes" to the head and face, leaving him bloodied. At that point he finally handcuffed him. Two other Crown witnesses testified they didn't see the start of the incident, but they did see Lumsden being aggressive, yelling at the officer and resisting arrest.......

Robbery suspect arrested
A Moncton man accused of robbing a gas station at knifepoint will return to court today for a bail hearing. MacKenzie Stephen Brigham, 21, appeared in Moncton provincial court yesterday afternoon and was charged with armed robbery with a knife, masking his face during the commission of an offence and uttering death threats. 

Pawn shop business practices questioned
Local pawn shops are regulated by a City of Moncton bylaw, but those regulations aren't currently much help to Art Moore, whose guitar worth around $4,000 was stolen from his house in a break-in and then subsequently bought and sold at a pawn shop before he had a chance to retrieve it…He did in fact find and recover his iPod that was in the store with the help of the RCMP and was told that the pawn shop had also purchased his guitar for $75, but had subsequently sold it for $100 almost immediately afterwards…Moore said he feels the pawn shop knew they were purchasing stolen equipment and that's why they moved it so quickly…"The RCMP can go and inspect the books and logs of pawn shops and pawn brokers. If they find any discrepancies or issues they alert the city clerk's office and the licence can be revoked or fines can be issued," said Paul Thomson with the City of Moncton… In the case of Moore's stolen merchandise, Const. Damien Thériault with the Codiac RCMP said that no arrests have yet been made and it's an ongoing investigation. Generally speaking, he said they have a "very good working relationship" with local pawn shops. "When we require their assistance they are usually forthcoming," he said. 

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Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista

Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall



Chair: Deputy Mayor Cecile Cassista
Webmaster/Community Manager: Amanda Crandall

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